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President Obama calls Coach Chizik after the win


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I wish we could hear what Obama was saying, but this is a neat video. War Eagle! :thumbsup:

Chizik: "Alright let me get his cell phone number in my phone so I can call him whenever I want to..." with a little smirk. :roflol:

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I can tell he mentioned something about Robert Gibbs, the soon to be former press secretary, who is from Auburn and a big fan. I wonder if he ever got to roll TP on anything at the White House? :lol: You could also tell he was praising some of the players.

Anytime you get a phone call from the President that has to be nerve-wracking, he handled himself well. :thumbsup:

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The White House wasn't rolled after all, probably out of respect for the recent shootings in Arizona. Might look silly after that tragedy to roll the White House because of football.

But yep, I thought Coach Chiz handled the call well. Democrat/republican/independent/whatever, I think it'd be pretty cool to get a call from the President!

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Yeah, not to bring politics into this board, but I'm a Dem. That said, you better believe I was early when Bush came to Auburn. Anytime the Leader of the Free World speaks in small towns or calls to congratulate you... it's a huge deal. Chizik handled it well.

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