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UAT kills UAB on-campus stadium proposal


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Today, the UA Board of Trustees released a statement regarding the UAB On-Campus Stadium Project:

“A majority of the Board believes that an on-campus football stadium is not in the best interest of UAB, the University System or the State. It is the Board’s duty to be responsible stewards of the limited resources available for higher education. In these difficult economic times of rising tuition and decreasing state funds, we cannot justify the expenditure of $75 million in borrowed money for an athletic stadium which would only be used a few days each year. The UAB football program has not generated sufficient student, fan or financial support to assure the viability of this project.

Wise management of our University System means setting priorities and making choices. Most Trustees feel that this is the wrong project at the wrong time. The Board remains committed to the important mission and success of the university, the medical school and the hospital for the benefit of UAB students and the State of Alabama.”

UAB President Carol Z. Garrison stated:

“I forwarded for consideration by the Board of Trustees the information on our proposed on-campus stadium. My responsibility is to make the best recommendations I can, based on the information that I have available to me. The responsibility of the Board includes reviewing the information and making their best individual and collective judgments. In this case the judgment was not to entertain this item. Together we need to refocus with the Board on all the important and exciting opportunities before this great university.”

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I don't see how UAB could ever make the $75,000,000 in football profit to justify the expense.

Its really a double edged sword. If they don't have an on campus stadium then its hard to get fans to come to games because nobody wants to go to Legion Field. They'll never be able to really build any consistent fan support without some kind of campus experience. The hypocrisy that oozes out of the UA board is unbelievable.

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I still think the answer is for UAB to be able to leverage a new multi-purpose facility downtown similar to how Georgia State uses the Georgia Dome.

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Alabama and auburn football have such a grip on this state uab will never get the fan support to justify the cost. Troy has already passed them in my book and uab should just focus the money on basketball where they already have the premier program in the state.

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The good part is that t will further UAB's dislkie of UAT. UAH don't care for them either.

In fact no one likes the Updykes except themselves.

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If I recall correctly, a few years ago the uat board of trustees nixed UAB's plan to hire Pat Sullivan as their FB coach, saddling them with the guy they have now. Seems like uat is doing what they can to see to it that UAB doesn't gather any local fan support.

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If I recall correctly, a few years ago the uat board of trustees nixed UAB's plan to hire Pat Sullivan as their FB coach, saddling them with the guy they have now. Seems like uat is doing what they can to see to it that UAB doesn't gather any local fan support.

no it was Jimbo Fisher.

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If I recall correctly, a few years ago the uat board of trustees nixed UAB's plan to hire Pat Sullivan as their FB coach, saddling them with the guy they have now. Seems like uat is doing what they can to see to it that UAB doesn't gather any local fan support.

no it was Jimbo Fisher.

Exactly.. I think he wanted 400,000 and they wouldn't give it to him.. They hired that jewel instead. I think they can have some success if they have a up and coming coach but with hiring Calloway, they knew UAB had no chance of success

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I hope nobody here is surprised by this. It's standard operating procedure for uat and their corrupt administration. They will do anything and everything to hold down other universities in the state, even their own sister universities. I guess they are just that insecure. They really hate a level playing field and will do anything and everything to tilt that playing field in their favor. It's what they do.

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This UAT vs UAB thing even extends to the medical school. The medical school students spend the first two years at UAB and the last 2 at UAT working in the hospital down there.. UAT grants each new doctor a diploma and UAB does the same........they both claim the new doctors as graduates......

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I hope nobody here is surprised by this. It's standard operating procedure for uat and their corrupt administration. They will do anything and everything to hold down other universities in the state, even their own sister universities. I guess they are just that insecure. They really hate a level playing field and will do anything and everything to tilt that playing field in their favor. It's what they do.

100% nailed 'em.

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I hope nobody here is surprised by this. It's standard operating procedure for uat and their corrupt administration. They will do anything and everything to hold down other universities in the state, even their own sister universities. I guess they are just that insecure. They really hate a level playing field and will do anything and everything to tilt that playing field in their favor. It's what they do.

Back in the 1950s, when moves were being made to establish UAB sepertely from uat there was strong opposition to that from the old guard at tuscaloosa. The fear was that it would weaken uat to have the medical school moved to B;ham and take away a lot of B;ham's support for uat.

That fear of UAB seems to still be in place and as strong as ever.

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Do they also use Legion Field for the state playoffs? Then their is also the bowl game. That would bring in some more money besides just UAB games. I've only been to Legion a couple of times and the area didn't look great. But I remember reading that Papa Johns wouldn't even deliver to the area around Legion Field. That can't be a good sign.

I think the main campus just likes to keep UAB down and take credit for things that aids them.

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Do they also use Legion Field for the state playoffs? Then their is also the bowl game. That would bring in some more money besides just UAB games. I've only been to Legion a couple of times and the area didn't look great. But I remember reading that Papa Johns wouldn't even deliver to the area around Legion Field. That can't be a good sign.

I think the main campus just likes to keep UAB down and take credit for things that aids them.

In the past yes but currently the state finals are on a rotation between Jordan-Hare and Jordan-Hare West.

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Do they also use Legion Field for the state playoffs? Then their is also the bowl game. That would bring in some more money besides just UAB games. I've only been to Legion a couple of times and the area didn't look great. But I remember reading that Papa Johns wouldn't even deliver to the area around Legion Field. That can't be a good sign.

I think the main campus just likes to keep UAB down and take credit for things that aids them.

I think Ala St plays some games there. I believe they and Ala A&M played there last Sat. If there's a 20-30k stadium in the city where hs teams play I'd think that would be sufficient for UAB.

Years ago I filmed a good number of games at Legion Field and eventhen I REALLY would not have wanted to be the guy who turned the lights out there.

Off and on B'ham has tried for years to get the state to fund a municipal stadium in a better parto f the metro area. I think the biggest drawback was that, especially after AL no longer played there, there simply weren't any events that called for a huge stadium that people thought they wanted. But I would think the city would be well served by a decent 35k or so stadium in a good part of town.

Legion Field had its heyday, but like old Tulane Stadium in New Orleans, its time has long since passed.

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I live in B'ham now and I am all for UAB having a football stadium downtown, Legion Field is a dump in a ghetto. UAB football will forever be hamstrung by the UAT cronies and UAB will continue to be denied a decent football coach because Bama is worried that they might lose some of the B'ham talent. When the stadium isssue first came up the school told the city of B'ham that they didn't want them involved at all with it which is fine by me. I guess UAB can't build a stadium but Bama can have statues made of every football coach that has ever coached the mighty tahd.

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What about possibly using the new baseball stadium that will eventually be built on the southside? Is that something that could possibly work for UAB?

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You guys are hilarious. Blaming this on Alabama.

You REALLY think UAB deserves some big football facility? Please. They need to put that program out to pasture. They're getting, what, a few thousand per game?

Face it, anybody living in Birmingham who cares about football is either a Bama or Auburn fan.

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You guys are hilarious. Blaming this on Alabama.

You REALLY think UAB deserves some big football facility? Please. They need to put that program out to pasture. They're getting, what, a few thousand per game?

Face it, anybody living in Birmingham who cares about football is either a Bama or Auburn fan.

Bama blocks UAB from hiring any decent football coach and they are blocking a sub 30,000 seat stadium in downtown B'ham which could host other events as well. Your arrogance blinds you from what the UAT board and REC does on a daily basis. Legion Field needs to be put out to pasture along with Bama's boy Callaway at UAB.

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I am not going to argue about UAT holding back UAB but I will say the economy has a lot to do with it right now. I own a business and can really feel the pinch now. My financial guy told me late this year and early next year is when the state of Alabama will really start to feel it. Not trying to be a pessimist but if the economy doesn't get better, none of this will really matter. :no:

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Everybody forgets that when SPUAT said 400,000 was too much for UAB to pay Jimbo Fisher, within a few days, like 2 maybe, they said $4,000,000 was not too much to pay the midget from Miami who kept saying how many times do I have to say, "I am not gonna be the Coach at Alabama." And you know the only thing wrong with Legion Field is that "DA BAER" is not leaning up against the goal posts there anymore.

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