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New names to be interviewed

AU PiZzA mAn

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NEW YORK - Georgia assistant head coach Rodney Garner and Miami offensive coordinator Patrick Nix, both former Auburn standouts, will be interviewed in the search for a head football coach.

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I think I read that the Ball State guy Hoke or whatever denied all links to the Auburn position. I also read that the Buffalo win was basically a fluke and the scoreboard doesnt really tell the whole story. rare mistakes and turnovers beat Ball State...I still think that Turner Gill is the man for the job though. I just dont think it would be as hard a transition as some say from the MAC to the SEC. I really think he will do a phenomenal job if here if they hire him...

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It's really not the fact that they won the game, its more of the fact that Gill got them there. Only Duke was worse than Buffalo when Gill got there. Only three years and he won the championship! That's got a WOW factor of 10!

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