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New Website Name??


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We might have to change the website name due to legal issues with Auburn University so we need your help. We are trying to come up with a nice and catchy name. If you could respond to this with catchy names that might attract members!!


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Who was it Shakepeare that said " Kill all the lawyers" ?

How about " True Orange and Blue".com

The Tigers Corner, Eye of the Tiger, The eagles nest, The Tigers den,

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Well first of all, please DON'T take this the wrong way everyone, but neither of those sites are professional site with credentials through Auburn University so they don't have anything to worry about......plus you can use different names that are copyrighted by Auburn University but it can be taken at anytime......the fact that we had War Eagle and Auburn all in one name they really didn't agree with it......Auburn is very strict on the word: WAR EAGLE!! they try to keep it locked down if possible......plus i plan to build this site up and plan to have alot of members one day. If I do that and keep the same name, War Eagle Auburn, the university has the right to buy the site for what I paid for it and shut it down because they own both names. If the site doesn't make any money then you can use basically whatever you want, but Auburn won't let us sell anything to raise money for the site if it is named War Eagle Auburn.....so it is best for us to change the site name where we won't have any legal issues with Auburn University.

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Guest auburn warrior

how bout tigers on the prowl.com oh by the way eagleye.com might get us in trouble with the guys that made the movie eagle eye so thats not a good idea

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Our staff would like to thank each and every one of you for the great ideas and input!!  :thumbsup: The new website name is Auburn Eagle. We are working on making the transition right now, so please bare with us. The URL will be AuburnEagle.com Again, we would like to thank each and every one of you for being part of this great community!! WAR DAMN EAGLE!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Obviously there are some really dirty people working at Auburn.  I know of a guy (AU alum) who started a website allauburnallorange.com before Auburn started the "All Auburn All Orange" thing.  They wanted the site from him and he said that he would sell it (not sure for how much).  They basically forced him to go to arbitration and their lawyers made him out to look like a scumbag that was trying to take them for all they were worth.  It just makes me sick some of the things our university does even though I love Auburn.

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