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Ronald McDonald

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Here's a few things to ponder over:

1.) If we don't trade anyone, we'll have the following pitcher to fill up our rotation with: Hudson, Hanson, Lowe, JJ, Beachy, Minor, Medlen, and Teheran. Also, at some point in the year, pitchers like Hoover and Delgado should be ready and waiting for their opportunity. This is like a wet dream for Wren, and it will be interesting to see what he does with his wealth of pitching. I know everyone says you can't have too much starting pitching, but we have 8 great pitchers who deserve to be starting in the majors, and two or more that will be ready to go most likely at some point in the season. What would you do with this?

2.) At the end of the season, our payroll opens up quite a bit. If Chipper retires (which he probably will) that's 13 mil. right there. I saw somewhere that we end up with around 30 mil to work with. While we have lots of players to resign and to deal with arbitration, we've got some dough.

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Here's a few things to ponder over:

1.) If we don't trade anyone, we'll have the following pitcher to fill up our rotation with: Hudson, Hanson, Lowe, JJ, Beachy, Minor, Medlen, and Teheran. Also, at some point in the year, pitchers like Hoover and Delgado should be ready and waiting for their opportunity. This is like a wet dream for Wren, and it will be interesting to see what he does with his wealth of pitching. I know everyone says you can't have too much starting pitching, but we have 8 great pitchers who deserve to be starting in the majors, and two or more that will be ready to go most likely at some point in the season. What would you do with this?

It depends on what our situation looks like at the trade deadline..

Buyer Scenario: I'd trade 1 young arm and throw in a good prospect from AA for a big bat to help the load. Maybe look for a big bat CenterFielder or if someone happens to go down to injury then fill that position. I don't believe Schafer/McLouth cut it in CF.

Seller Scenario: Trade away Lowe :dunno: Maybe hold your hand if that's not possible. If we get into a selling scenario I'd probably hold the hand til the offseason unless someone comes at me with major talent wanting someone.

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Minor or Teheran seem to be the best trade bait. I would just hate to lose a lefty starter since we don't have many, and Teheran is a star in the making. Who knows what's going on in Frank Wren's mind. I know that we need a big bat

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a 2nd baseman that can hit would be nice. I'm liking Schafer in CF

Me too. I think we should keep him there when Nate gets back if he keeps it up. There's no way Nate gets that ball for the last out on Wed. Plus I love Prado hitting 2nd. And I still have faith in Uggie coming around

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Good game last night. Freddie is coming along really well. Batting av. 278 and hitting lefties pretty good. Good pitching match up tonight with JJ and Gee

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Not the way to keep your eye on the ball.  I hope he isn't out too long.  He has been a bright spot in CF. 

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Not the way to keep your eye on the ball.  I hope he isn't out too long.  He has been a bright spot in CF. 

I had forgotten how fast he was.. Dude has some jets out there.

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According to my mlb at bat app, If we win today then we will be in second place of the NL east.  The marlins have lost the last 5 so the bravos need to come out strong.  Maybe Uggla can get it going at his old ball park.  Here's to hoping...

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Uggla needs to be sent down. He is only hurting us

blows my mind how this happens all the time to the Braves. I mean what is his deal, at what point do you stop calling it a slump and say he's just gotten worse? I hope he can pull out of it cause we need all the hitting we can get

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