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Swift boat author not looking so swift anymore


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Seems that Jerome Corsi, one of the co-authors of Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, made quite a number of bigoted statements on the internet regarding Catholics, Muslims, Jews, and anybody else he wanted to rant about. Of course, now he says it was all just a joke.

Decide for yourself.

On Catholics and the Pope

CORSI: Maybe while he's there he can tell the UN what he's going to do about the sexual crimes committed by "priests" in his "Church" during his tenure. Or, maybe that's the connection -- boy buggering in both Islam and Catholicism is okay with the Pope as long as it isn't reported by the liberal press. (03/03/2003)

CORSI: So this is what the last days of the Catholic Church are going to look like. Buggering boys undermines the moral base and the laywers rip the gold off the Vatican altars. We may get one more Pope, when this senile one dies, but that's probably about it. (12/16/2002)

On Islam and Arabs

CORSI: Let's see exactly why it isn't the case that Islam is a worthless, dangerous Satanic religion? Where's the proof to the contrary? (04/24/2004)

CORSI: Islam is like a virus -- it affects the mind -- maybe even better as an analogy -- it is a cancer that destroys the body it infects... No doctor would hesitate to eliminate cancer cells from the body. (11/26/02)

CORSI: Islam is a peaceful religion as long as the women are beaten, the boys buggered, and the infidels killed. (11/22/2002)

CORSI: Isn't the Democratic Party the official SODOMIZER PROTECTION ASSOCIATION of AMERICA -- oh, I forgot, it was just an accident that Clintoon's first act in office was to promote "gays in the military." RAGHEADS are Boy-Bumpers as clearly as they are Women-Haters -- it all goes together. (11/18/2001)

On Senator John Kerry

CORSI: After he married TerRAHsa, didn't John Kerry begin practicing Judiasm? He also has paternal gradparents that were Jewish. What religion is John Kerry? (03/04/2004)

On Senator Hillary Clinton

CORSI: Hellary should resign and go away. What ever happened to the people she ran over with her car at Westchester Airport? Can't anybody sue this b@$%*? (11/17/2002)

CORSI: Anybody ask why HELLary couldn't keep BJ Bill satisfied? Not lesbo or anything, is she? (06/08/2003)

On Chelsea Clinton

CORSI: According to Talk Magazine, Chubby Chelsea had a very great adventure on 9/11 in NYC and Hell-ary had the details wrong -- oh, it was terrible. (12/07/2001)

On the Media

CORSI: Time to FREEP Chris Matthews of MSNBC. MSNBC is beginning to stand for "More S#%$, Nothing But Communism." (05/16/2002)


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I would say those words are quite disturbing. But how do we know that it was not taken out of context? You trying to tell me that you have never been sarcastic about something in a joking manner? In these days when there is such much PC and the media is quick to come to their own conclusion, it would not surprise me a bit. I think it was bad judgement on his part, but who are the liberals to judge on something like this? The guy did not lie about anything, but did show poor taste. Just like when Ms. Heinz-Kerry called a group of Bush supporters a bunch of goons. As far as the term "raghead" goes, I guess you better slam 90% of our soldiers that use that same term. I never like the fact that it was considered an offensive word no more then me being called "cracker", but I do try to be "sensitive" and not use the term in public.

Bottomline is this, he said some offensive things, but he did not lie about anything, so what does that have to do with what he says about John Kerry? Some may say it hurts his credibility? Why? I guess everbody else is perfect and never shot off at the mouth before huh? We all know that Kerry has never talked out of the side of his mouth.


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Well the catholic church opens itself up for remarks like that when they repeatedly protect child molesters. I hope they have changed their stance on this. And the pope is senile isn't he?

Alot of that was over the top, but like ranger said, it could be at least somewhat out of context. If it's not he is a bit of a hata for sure.

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GWBush wanted to name the other author, O'Neil, to the federal bench, but he couldn't pass the background check:


John O’Neill, Unfit to Serve?

Filed under:  General — Glenn @ 6:24 pm

John E. O’Neill, co-author of the Kerry-bashing book, “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry,” has faced questions about his own fitness to serve.

Near the end of former President George H.W. Bush’s term, O’Neill was mentioned as a successor to one of two open seats on the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (Houston Chronicle, March 9, 1991). He was passed over.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted a background check of O’Neill (Texas Lawyer, July 8, 1991). The American Bar Association judicial screening committee would have also looked at O’Neill. Houston lawyers tell me O’Neill was found unqualified, connecting some of his difficulties to a contempt citation against O’Neill from U.S. District Judge David Hittner in 1990. (Texas Lawyer, Feb. 19, 1990)

O’Neill is a driving force behind the “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth”, who have been running ads in swing states attacking Sen. John Kerry.

Lawyers who know O’Neill say he is smart, but temperamental. They said his dislike for Kerry goes back to 1971, when he debated Vietnam with Kerry on the Dick Cavett show at the request of then-President Richard Nixon.

The American Bar Association would no longer be an obstacle for O’Neill, because President George W. Bush has ended the 50-year-long practice of pre-screening judicial nominees through the ABA.


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I'd say based on those quotes I wouldn't wan't him serving as a judge, even if they were in partial jest. Could be hwb wasn't fully aware of his background? I don't know, it's really irrelevant.

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GWBush wanted to name the other author, O'Neil, to the federal bench, but he couldn't pass the background check:


John O’Neill, Unfit to Serve?

Filed under:  General — Glenn @ 6:24 pm

John E. O’Neill, co-author of the Kerry-bashing book, “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry,” has faced questions about his own fitness to serve.

Near the end of former President George H.W. Bush’s term, O’Neill was mentioned as a successor to one of two open seats on the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (Houston Chronicle, March 9, 1991). He was passed over.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted a background check of O’Neill (Texas Lawyer, July 8, 1991). The American Bar Association judicial screening committee would have also looked at O’Neill. Houston lawyers tell me O’Neill was found unqualified, connecting some of his difficulties to a contempt citation against O’Neill from U.S. District Judge David Hittner in 1990. (Texas Lawyer, Feb. 19, 1990)

O’Neill is a driving force behind the “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth”, who have been running ads in swing states attacking Sen. John Kerry.

Lawyers who know O’Neill say he is smart, but temperamental. They said his dislike for Kerry goes back to 1971, when he debated Vietnam with Kerry on the Dick Cavett show at the request of then-President Richard Nixon.

The American Bar Association would no longer be an obstacle for O’Neill, because President George W. Bush has ended the 50-year-long practice of pre-screening judicial nominees through the ABA.


Sounds like a hero to me. But you know he is a.....Democrat. There I said it. Yes I support a Democrat.

Just not John Kerry.

I know I need to explain something else to the Dems here. Oneill and many other Vietnam Vets hate, and I mean HATE Kerry on a PERSONAL level. It is backwards now with them.

This case is not politics turning personal. It is personal turning political. Vietnam Vets hate Kerry for 1000s of reasons. Mainly they hate for his anti-war smear campaign against them. I will tell you, and you folks can write this down. I would prefer 8 more years of Clinton to 8 seconds of Kerry in the White House. My Vietnam vet friends have had there lives destroyed over what Kerry has done to them.

Winter Soldier:

Just some of the overwhelming fraud that is John Kerry.

Hubbard, Co-Organizer of Winter Soldier declared total fake.

Lane: "We didnt check their military records. It's not relevant..."

Veteran Chuck Onan, for example, claimed he had attended parachute, frogman, and jungle survival schools and had received special training in torture techniques, such as stripping women prisoners, spreading their legs, and driving pointed sticks into their vaginas. "They told us we could rape the girls all we wanted," he said. Onan became a member of an LRRP (Long Range Recon Patrol) unit but deserted before he was sent to Vietnam, fleeing to Sweden so he did not have to kill. "They just went too far," Onan said.

But Sheehan pointed out that, contrary to his fanciful claims, Onan's military record said he had attended Aviation Mechanical Fundamental school in Memphis, not frogman, parachute, and jungle survival school. Onan had not belonged to an Army LRRP unit; he worked as a stock room clerk at a Marine base in Beaufort, S.C. The torture school was also a product of his vivid imagination. The Marines did not give courses in tormenting prisoners. Onan deserted after receiving orders to go to Vietnam, where his lackluster record indicates that, even if he had gone, he would have been assigned to work as a mechanic or to a mundane administrative job.

Schneider also told Lane a fascinating story about his family, claiming that his father replaced George Patton as the commander of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment in Vietnam. "He was a captain in World War II," Schneider said. "In the Nazi army." Apparently Lane is too stupid to know Patton had died 25 years earlier.  :blink:

Lane took this at face value. "Your father is a colonel in Vietnam?" he asked.

"Full colonel. Commanding officer in 11th Cavalry Regiment now," Schneider said, contending that his father changed his name after the war from Dieter von Kronenberger and switched loyalties to the American military.

Lane's point was clear: Nazis are running large American units in Vietnam. Vietnam soldiers are just like the Nazis. But Sheehan pointed out that at the time there was no Colonel Schneider or Von Kronenberger in the U.S. Army, and no one by that name ever commanded the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. Schneider's stories about his father were bogus, as were those about his own service: Schneider deserted from Europe, not Vietnam. After surrendering to Army authorities in New York, he deserted again and was arrested on an Oklahoma murder charge. His last recorded residence: The maximum security ward of Eastern State Mental Hospital in Vinita, Oklahoma. Hardly a credible witness.

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The second article said a background check was done, but never mentioned any kind of problems. I would like to know why he supposedly did not pass the background check? This article gives no explanation, so how accurate can it be. It mentions that it is speculated that it may have something to do with a contempt of court citation. Ohh...what a horrible thing if that was what it was. :rolleyes: The second article basically offered opinions from others about O'Neill. Was that second article supposed to discredit him in some way?

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The second article said a background check was done, but never mentioned any kind of problems. I would like to know why he supposedly did not pass the background check? This article gives no explanation, so how accurate can it be. It mentions that it is speculated that it may have something to do with a contempt of court citation. Ohh...what a horrible thing if that was what it was. :rolleyes: The second article basically offered opinions from others about O'Neill. Was that second article supposed to discredit him in some way?

Oh, so now you want scrutinize a personal critique? ;)

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Bottomline is this, he said some offensive things, but he did not lie about anything


"RAGHEADS are Boy-Bumpers as clearly as they are Women-Haters -- it all goes together."

"boy buggering in both Islam and Catholicism is okay with the Pope as long as it isn't reported by the liberal press"

You mean to say that the Catholic Church and the Islamic faith support, condone and advocate child molestation? Those are lies, despite whatever you may personally think of those two religions.

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I wouldn't say the catholic church directly condones child molestation, but they have many many times in the past protected known child molesting priests from the public eye and from prosecution.

Here's a joke I heard:

A lady goes to confession and rattles of her sins and gets her pentance from the priest and is about to leave.

She then remembers something and says, "Father, I forgot to mention that last week I performed oral sex on a man that was not my husband".

It had been awhile since the priest had heard this one and he couldn't remember the proper pentance. Finally he stuck his head out of the confessional and saw a young altarboy passing by. He says, "Quick, help me out, I forgot what we're supposed to give for a bj."

The young boy replies , " Two snickers and a coke."

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GWBush wanted to name the other author, O'Neil, to the federal bench, but he couldn't pass the background check:


John O’Neill, Unfit to Serve?

Filed under:  General — Glenn @ 6:24 pm

John E. O’Neill, co-author of the Kerry-bashing book, “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry,” has faced questions about his own fitness to serve.

Near the end of former President George H.W. Bush’s term, O’Neill was mentioned as a successor to one of two open seats on the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (Houston Chronicle, March 9, 1991). He was passed over.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted a background check of O’Neill (Texas Lawyer, July 8, 1991). The American Bar Association judicial screening committee would have also looked at O’Neill. Houston lawyers tell me O’Neill was found unqualified, connecting some of his difficulties to a contempt citation against O’Neill from U.S. District Judge David Hittner in 1990. (Texas Lawyer, Feb. 19, 1990)

O’Neill is a driving force behind the “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth”, who have been running ads in swing states attacking Sen. John Kerry.

Lawyers who know O’Neill say he is smart, but temperamental. They said his dislike for Kerry goes back to 1971, when he debated Vietnam with Kerry on the Dick Cavett show at the request of then-President Richard Nixon.

The American Bar Association would no longer be an obstacle for O’Neill, because President George W. Bush has ended the 50-year-long practice of pre-screening judicial nominees through the ABA.


Actually, the article says George HW Bush, not GWB, was President when the guy was MENTIONED and then passed over. I am sure a lot of people get mentioned and then passed over. How this is a "scathing indictment" is beyond me. It still doesn't change the fact that he served with John Kerry and doesn't like him, and God forbid, has an opinion that differs from that of the mainstream liberal media in that he feels Kerry would make a terrrible President. Lots of people agree with him, but things in their personal life don't make their opinion any less valid.

Also, the comments he made on other things don't make him a liar with regards to John Kerry. Are they distasteful or bigoted? Maybe. But that means someone who is a bigot can't have a valid opinion. BG is a bammer fan. Does that mean his conservative viewpoints are less valid because he pulls for another team besides Auburn? Apples and oranges.

Also, anything reported in the Houston Chronicle is to be taken with a grain of salt. They can't even plagarize articles right. They are a poor excuse for a paper, and that is not a partisan slam - even other local media make fun of the Chron.

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I wouldn't say the catholic church directly condones child molestation, but they have many many times in the past protected known child molesting priests from the public eye and from prosecution.

Well, we don't know what sort of punishment is handed out to these cretins behind the curtains of the Catholic Church. The statement given, however, was the child molestation is okay with the Pope. That's a lie.

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So this guy makes some bad statements and he supports Bush. Bush has no control over who supports him. At least Bush isn't playing buddy-buddy with him.

Ted Kennedy has made some awful statements, supports Kerry and Kerry embraces him. So which is worse? ;)

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I wouldn't say the catholic church directly condones child molestation, but they have many many times in the past protected known child molesting priests from the public eye and from prosecution.

Well, we don't know what sort of punishment is handed out to these cretins behind the curtains of the Catholic Church. The statement given, however, was the child molestation is okay with the Pope. That's a lie.

he may not be ok with it but he has allowed it to continue over the years. The facts to me seem to show that if the Catholic church had taken a hard line on this stuff then much of it coulod have been prevented.

Instead they were sending all these known molesters to the same place in arizona and guess what the heck happened? I don't really have to tell anyone do I?

I'm not knocking the church as a whole, but the child molester thing has always made me shake my head in amazement as well as the fact that the pope is allowed to stay the pope even though he is in horrible shape.

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I wouldn't say the catholic church directly condones child molestation, but they have many many times in the past protected known child molesting priests from the public eye and from prosecution.

Here's a joke I heard:

A lady goes to confession and rattles of her sins and gets her pentance from the priest and is about to leave.

She then remembers something and says, "Father, I forgot to mention that last week I performed oral sex on a man that was not my husband".

It had been awhile since the priest had heard this one and he couldn't remember the proper pentance. Finally he stuck his head out of the confessional and saw a young altarboy passing by. He says, "Quick, help me out, I forgot what we're supposed to give for a bj."

The young boy replies , " Two snickers and a coke."

Tiger88 Johnson is wrong! :no:

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Here's another thought - the libbies sure are trying hard to discredit these people personally and professionally - but if the SBVT are lying, then why aren't the libbies putting just as much effort or more into disproving the lies? :blink: Maybe because personal bashing is the only response they can come up with? To me, all this personal crap just makes it more likely that what the SBVT are saying is true, or else the libbies wouldn't be trying so hard to make the subject the messenger instead of the message. I mean hey, it worked with Kenneth Starr... :rolleyes:

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You are so right Jenny. Kerry has yet to publicly dispute the accustations. What is he waiting for? Instead he is trying to discredit these guys hoping nobody will believe them.

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Are the Swift Boat Vets getting traction on their story?

Maybe, Kerry and Ter-RAY-zuh slept in seperate beds last night. Wonder what the fight was about?

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Are the Swift Boat Vets getting traction on their story?

Maybe, Kerry and Ter-RAY-zuh slept in seperate beds last night. Wonder what the fight was about?

He used Kraft ketchup on those words he's gonna be eating soon... :lol:

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GWBush wanted to name the other author, O'Neil, to the federal bench, but he couldn't pass the background check:


John O’Neill, Unfit to Serve?

Filed under:  General — Glenn @ 6:24 pm

John E. O’Neill, co-author of the Kerry-bashing book, “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry,” has faced questions about his own fitness to serve.

Near the end of former President George H.W. Bush’s term, O’Neill was mentioned as a successor to one of two open seats on the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (Houston Chronicle, March 9, 1991). He was passed over.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted a background check of O’Neill (Texas Lawyer, July 8, 1991). The American Bar Association judicial screening committee would have also looked at O’Neill. Houston lawyers tell me O’Neill was found unqualified, connecting some of his difficulties to a contempt citation against O’Neill from U.S. District Judge David Hittner in 1990. (Texas Lawyer, Feb. 19, 1990)

O’Neill is a driving force behind the “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth”, who have been running ads in swing states attacking Sen. John Kerry.

Lawyers who know O’Neill say he is smart, but temperamental. They said his dislike for Kerry goes back to 1971, when he debated Vietnam with Kerry on the Dick Cavett show at the request of then-President Richard Nixon.

The American Bar Association would no longer be an obstacle for O’Neill, because President George W. Bush has ended the 50-year-long practice of pre-screening judicial nominees through the ABA.


Actually, the article says George HW Bush, not GWB, was President when the guy was MENTIONED and then passed over. I am sure a lot of people get mentioned and then passed over. How this is a "scathing indictment" is beyond me. It still doesn't change the fact that he served with John Kerry and doesn't like him, and God forbid, has an opinion that differs from that of the mainstream liberal media in that he feels Kerry would make a terrrible President. Lots of people agree with him, but things in their personal life don't make their opinion any less valid.

Also, the comments he made on other things don't make him a liar with regards to John Kerry. Are they distasteful or bigoted? Maybe. But that means someone who is a bigot can't have a valid opinion. BG is a bammer fan. Does that mean his conservative viewpoints are less valid because he pulls for another team besides Auburn? Apples and oranges.

Also, anything reported in the Houston Chronicle is to be taken with a grain of salt. They can't even plagarize articles right. They are a poor excuse for a paper, and that is not a partisan slam - even other local media make fun of the Chron.

Well, I think the article I posted is pretty darn worthless. Kinda like the ones written by these guys against Kerry.

BG is a bammer fan.  Does that mean his conservative viewpoints are less valid because he pulls for another team besides Auburn?

No. BG's viewpoints fail on their own merits. Bama may be blamed for many evils in this world. BG is on is own.

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Here's another thought - the libbies sure are trying hard to discredit these people personally and professionally - but if the SBVT are lying, then why aren't the libbies putting just as much effort or more into disproving the lies? :blink: Maybe because personal bashing is the only response they can come up with? To me, all this personal crap just makes it more likely that what the SBVT are saying is true, or else the libbies wouldn't be trying so hard to make the subject the messenger instead of the message. I mean hey, it worked with Kenneth Starr... :rolleyes:

Another thought. Not a better one.

These guys are defaming someone by claiming things that are contrary to the public record. Kerry's version of events regarding his medals jives with the public record. Two of the guys slamming him now, praised Kerry in performance evaluations written after these events and two of them have praised Kerry in past political races. Now they change their story. They have the burden of proving an established documented record is flat wrong after not contesting it for 35 years. Kerry's actual shipmates back his version of events. They were eyewitnesses to most events with the closest and best vantage point. These other guys would get blown out of the water in court of law. Their credibility would be shredded. Anyone's credibility who slams someone else in contradiction of a documented record should have their record scrutinized. It is a high burden to meet, as it should be. None of you would want to be subjected to defamation on such flimsy "evidence". In fact, if it were you, I'm sure each of you would feel you had been subjected to one hell of an injustice. "Do unto others..."

Of the authors, O'Neil commanded Kerry's boat after Kerry. I don't think they served with each other at the same time. I don't think he even claims to have been present when any of the events happened.

The other author with the bigotted quotes didn't serve with Kerry. I don't know if he served at all.

Read FactCheck, if you have any interest in an objective analysis:


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One thing Kerry can do to discredit this new book would be to release his medical records that led to his Purple Hearts. If he is not willing to do this (which I doubt he is), then one must give some sense of credibility to the doctors who are quoted in the book. If Bush were to make the same assertions as Kerry on anything, and refused to release records, the libs and the media would be screaming bloody murder.

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Here's another thought - the libbies sure are trying hard to discredit these people personally and professionally - but if the SBVT are lying, then why aren't the libbies putting just as much effort or more into disproving the lies?  :blink:   Maybe because personal bashing is the only response they can come up with?  To me, all this personal crap just makes it more likely that what the SBVT are saying is true, or else the libbies wouldn't be trying so hard to make the subject the messenger instead of the message.  I mean hey, it worked with Kenneth Starr... :rolleyes:

Another thought. Not a better one.

These guys are defaming someone by claiming things that are contrary to the public record. Kerry's version of events regarding his medals jives with the public record. Two of the guys slamming him now, praised Kerry in performance evaluations written after these events and two of them have praised Kerry in past political races. Now they change their story. They have the burden of proving an established documented record is flat wrong after not contesting it for 35 years. Kerry's actual shipmates back his version of events. They were eyewitnesses to most events with the closest and best vantage point. These other guys would get blown out of the water in court of law. Their credibility would be shredded. Anyone's credibility who slams someone else in contradiction of a documented record should have their record scrutinized. It is a high burden to meet, as it should be. None of you would want to be subjected to defamation on such flimsy "evidence". In fact, if it were you, I'm sure each of you would feel you had been subjected to one hell of an injustice. "Do unto others..."

Of the authors, O'Neil commanded Kerry's boat after Kerry. I don't think they served with each other at the same time. I don't think he even claims to have been present when any of the events happened.

The other author with the bigotted quotes didn't serve with Kerry. I don't know if he served at all.

Read FactCheck, if you have any interest in an objective analysis:


Dude you must be a Maytag with the spin cycle you just chugged through.

There are 250+, Tex, 250>7 or whatever.

You are right only one "served on Kerry's Boat." That is because Kerry was just a LTjg. He was THE junior officer to all the rest of them at the time. Might have been different if he had managed to stick around for more than 4 months! Maybe he might have had one of the officers serve under him. Heck, he wasnt there long enough to get his rack warm.

Bet some of these MEN have more time on the @#$%ter than Kerry had on a Swift.

Still 250+>7

Three of Kerry's Band of Bros now say out loud that the Christmas in Cambodia story is complete :bs: THREE of the Band of Bros!!!!! Say that served with Kerry say the "trip" to Cambodia was pure hallucinatory :bs:

This is where the Kerry campaign cant explain away anymore lies. Even the press is getting fired up about it.

Link to NY Daily News.

On March 27, 1986, Kerry told his fellow senators: "I remember Christmas of 1968, sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. I remember what it was like to be shot at by the Vietnamese and the Khmer Rouge and Cambodians, and the President of the United States telling the American people that I was not there, the troops were not in Cambodia.

"I have that memory, which is seared - seared - in me."

Here's the problem: Kerry's commanding officers and some of his crew members reportedly deny that he was in Cambodia on Christmas 1968. They say he was stationed near the town of Sa Dec, 55 miles from the Cambodian border.

Kerry's people are trying hard to discredit his discreditors. They call "Unfit for Command" co-author O'Neill a Republican hack with a decades-long grudge against Kerry. They say Texas moneymen close to Karl Rove are behind the TV spots and are warning TV stations, in writing, not to air them. They maintain that the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth are motivated by jealousy of Kerry or anger at his post-Vietnam anti-war activities. They want to dismiss all questions about Kerry's war record as sleazy slander.

Sorry, but that's not going to wash. The issue is not whether the charges against Kerry are politically motivated (they obviously are) or who is paying for them. There's just one relevant question: Are the allegations true? Specifically, is it true he lied about being in Cambodia.

Unlike the debate over Kerry's medals, this is a matter that can be checked and verified. If it turns out Kerry was there, the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth are liars and their charges are, in the words of Kerry's friend John McCain, "dishonest and dishonorable." But if he wasn't there, the Kerry campaign is saddled with a problem it can't solve by calling Republicans names, threatening TV stations or even bringing up President Bush's less than stellar war record.


At least three of the five crewmen on Kerry’s boat, Bill Zaldonis, Steven Hatch, and Steve Gardner, deny that they or their boat were ever in Cambodia.
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Here's another thought - the libbies sure are trying hard to discredit these people personally and professionally - but if the SBVT are lying, then why aren't the libbies putting just as much effort or more into disproving the lies?  :blink:   Maybe because personal bashing is the only response they can come up with?  To me, all this personal crap just makes it more likely that what the SBVT are saying is true, or else the libbies wouldn't be trying so hard to make the subject the messenger instead of the message.  I mean hey, it worked with Kenneth Starr... :rolleyes:

Another thought. Not a better one.

These guys are defaming someone by claiming things that are contrary to the public record. Kerry's version of events regarding his medals jives with the public record. Two of the guys slamming him now, praised Kerry in performance evaluations written after these events and two of them have praised Kerry in past political races. Now they change their story. They have the burden of proving an established documented record is flat wrong after not contesting it for 35 years. Kerry's actual shipmates back his version of events. They were eyewitnesses to most events with the closest and best vantage point. These other guys would get blown out of the water in court of law. Their credibility would be shredded. Anyone's credibility who slams someone else in contradiction of a documented record should have their record scrutinized. It is a high burden to meet, as it should be. None of you would want to be subjected to defamation on such flimsy "evidence". In fact, if it were you, I'm sure each of you would feel you had been subjected to one hell of an injustice. "Do unto others..."

Of the authors, O'Neil commanded Kerry's boat after Kerry. I don't think they served with each other at the same time. I don't think he even claims to have been present when any of the events happened.

The other author with the bigotted quotes didn't serve with Kerry. I don't know if he served at all.

Read FactCheck, if you have any interest in an objective analysis:


Dude you must be a Maytag with the spin cycle you just chugged through.

There are 250+, Tex, 250>7 or whatever.

You are right only one "served on Kerry's Boat." That is because Kerry was just a LTjg. He was THE junior officer to all the rest of them at the time. Might have been different if he had managed to stick around for more than 4 months! Maybe he might have had one of the officers serve under him. Heck, he wasnt there long enough to get his rack warm.

Bet some of these MEN have more time on the @#$%ter than Kerry had on a Swift.

Still 250+>7

Three of Kerry's Band of Bros now say out loud that the Christmas in Cambodia story is complete :bs: THREE of the Band of Bros!!!!! Say that served with Kerry say the "trip" to Cambodia was pure hallucinatory :bs:

This is where the Kerry campaign cant explain away anymore lies. Even the press is getting fired up about it.

Link to NY Daily News.

On March 27, 1986, Kerry told his fellow senators: "I remember Christmas of 1968, sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. I remember what it was like to be shot at by the Vietnamese and the Khmer Rouge and Cambodians, and the President of the United States telling the American people that I was not there, the troops were not in Cambodia.

"I have that memory, which is seared - seared - in me."

Here's the problem: Kerry's commanding officers and some of his crew members reportedly deny that he was in Cambodia on Christmas 1968. They say he was stationed near the town of Sa Dec, 55 miles from the Cambodian border.

Kerry's people are trying hard to discredit his discreditors. They call "Unfit for Command" co-author O'Neill a Republican hack with a decades-long grudge against Kerry. They say Texas moneymen close to Karl Rove are behind the TV spots and are warning TV stations, in writing, not to air them. They maintain that the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth are motivated by jealousy of Kerry or anger at his post-Vietnam anti-war activities. They want to dismiss all questions about Kerry's war record as sleazy slander.

Sorry, but that's not going to wash. The issue is not whether the charges against Kerry are politically motivated (they obviously are) or who is paying for them. There's just one relevant question: Are the allegations true? Specifically, is it true he lied about being in Cambodia.

Unlike the debate over Kerry's medals, this is a matter that can be checked and verified. If it turns out Kerry was there, the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth are liars and their charges are, in the words of Kerry's friend John McCain, "dishonest and dishonorable." But if he wasn't there, the Kerry campaign is saddled with a problem it can't solve by calling Republicans names, threatening TV stations or even bringing up President Bush's less than stellar war record.


At least three of the five crewmen on Kerry’s boat, Bill Zaldonis, Steven Hatch, and Steve Gardner, deny that they or their boat were ever in Cambodia.

Of course you didn't respond to a single point I made.

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