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More Option??


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I've got a fever and the only cure is MORE OPTION!

We ran the option some last year but I think we will see a lot more of it with Cam.  Malzahn has never had a true dual threat QB at the college level.  Malzahn prides himself on being able to adapt his scheme to his personnel and I think he will do just that.  The option fits the mold of what Malzahn wants to do on offense.  Create confusion, misdirection, and  one-on-one or one-on-none match ups.  I don't know if they ran the option any during the spring game but I believe we are going to see 5+ option plays a game this year...If we are running 70-80 plays per game this is realistic.

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There's no doubt that we'll be running more read option plays, but I do hope we have some down the line option in there as well.

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