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The Gymnastics Judges Are IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!


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Again, the jugdes screw things up in Men's Gymnastics and sadly Paul Hamm is caught in the middle, again. The Russian was ROBBED! Paul Hamm was very good but not better than the Russian. The Italian was better than Hamm as well. It should have been The Italian, The Russian, and then Hamm.

Congratulations to Hamm. I don't really want to take away from his great performance, but Nemov was robbed. He didn't even medal.

Did anyone see this? I couldn't believe the delay and the crowd reaction.

Jiminey Cricket!

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This is why I am inherently suspicious of any outcome involving a judged sport like gymnastics, diving or figure skating...boxing to a lesser degree because you can at least knock out your opponent and take it out of the judges' hands in that sport, but not always.

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Yeah, that was pretty ridiculous. You could maybe argue for Hamm and Nemov being tied for silver because Hamm's hop was much less than the large step Nemov took, and Hamm's routine may have been technically better in terms of proper form in the air and such. But come on people! Get some judges who can be consistent.

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The only thing i can think of that these judges were thinking was that the difference between Nemov and Hamm was a variety in the routine. Sure Nemov had the crowd pleasing skills but some of that hand work without leaving the bar is also very technical and usually required skills. Hamm showed the variety with the "Giants" and the 3 release moves in a row.

There were no technical moves in Nemovs routine other than the 6 release moves. Also if you go back and look after one of Nemovs release moves he had to do a funky swing to get back to a handstand on top of the bar. One of those moves that was able to be covered up by his strength. Also a couple of those release moves he was lucky that he was able to get back to the bar. One was way to far away and he caught with his fingertips, the other he was way too close and caught with his wrists.

It definately was not the first score of the 9.6 whatever, I however think the 9.762 was more fair. Judges look for variety and Nemovs routine didnt have it.

Now if you wanna seriously question some judges i would reflect back on the parallel bars. I didnt see 4 9.762 routines. There is no way....

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I'm not sure the russian got screwed. As good as his routine was he did take a big step on the landing which is always a deduction.

However, it is beyond me how hamms score was so high and how the italian guy only tied him.

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