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where's donutboy?


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Here's the last post about how he is doing. This was back at the end of March and his last post was near the end of April.

I know you guys have missed me, so I'll give you an update. My Mother has been in the hospital with double pneumonia. At her age, 85, it was touch and go for a while. After two weeks in the hospital, a week and a half of it in the ICU), she's been released into a local nursing home for a week or so of rehabilitation to get her strength back and to stabilize her blood level (She's diabetic). Prayers would be appreciated.

On a more personal note, I've dropped 24 pounds on my new diet/exercise regime. I've gone from wearing extra large shirts to wearing large. My pants that were tight are now loose. I've still got a ways to go to get to where I want to be but my determination and resolve haven't waivered. I WILL get there.

I sincerely hope he and his family are doing well.

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Here's the last post about how he is doing. This was back at the end of March and his last post was near the end of April.
I know you guys have missed me, so I'll give you an update. My Mother has been in the hospital with double pneumonia. At her age, 85, it was touch and go for a while. After two weeks in the hospital, a week and a half of it in the ICU), she's been released into a local nursing home for a week or so of rehabilitation to get her strength back and to stabilize her blood level (She's diabetic). Prayers would be appreciated.

On a more personal note, I've dropped 24 pounds on my new diet/exercise regime. I've gone from wearing extra large shirts to wearing large. My pants that were tight are now loose. I've still got a ways to go to get to where I want to be but my determination and resolve haven't waivered. I WILL get there.

I sincerely hope he and his family are doing well.

When he returns, he may need a new name. :)

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