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Everything posted by GoAU

  1. Guess ICHY feels Fetterman is fully able to do his job. Would love to say I’m stunned, but not really….
  2. Can we please add Fetterman to the list? not for age obviously, but there is no way that dude is fit to serve.
  3. Do you really want this to be the acceptable standard going forward?
  4. I’m not a big Mitch fan, but am curious if he’s had an incident similar to this before or if this is something new? It was just odd. The only thing I’ve seen similar (and not for as long) was someone I knew with a rare form of epilepsy, where he would just have occasional “pauses”. It was a little strange at first, but didn’t negatively affect his mental acuity at all.
  5. Not a bad list, but I like CHF’s chances against all of them.
  6. Prayers for all those involved.
  7. Out of curiosity, which of Biden’s many blunders do you feel has been exaggerated? Honestly, it’s pretty simple, either he said / did the things or he didn’t. In all of the cases I’ve seen, there are videos which show them to be true. I try to overlook the tripping, because that can happen to anyone when you are on camera that much, but we’re kind of getting to it being a trend now, wouldn’t you agree? As for Biden “stabilizing relations” other than Ukraine, all I see him doing is bringing us down to other countries level, and weakening our position. And while this may appease other countries I don’t think these “stronger relationships” help us at all. If you’re really worried about your children’s future, you should be much more worried about Biden’s economic policies and his war on appliances, as your children won’t be able to ever afford anything. Then again, keeping them at home forever may be a good way to keep an eye on them….. Well, in a way he is right - over 100 people did die, right? Maybe he couldn’t remember the number and picked a safe option - kind of like bidding $1 on the Price is Right….. :smh:
  8. Sure hope you’re right. Love watching JH play ball!
  9. I believe there is a distinct difference between homosexuality and transgenderism that you may be overlooking. First, I truly don’t have any ill will towards either group of people. Who you are “attracted to” - homosexuality- is merely a preference. I don’t feel this is a conscious decision any more than a heterosexual person could “choose” to become gay. However, gender dysphoria is completely different. It is a disconnect with reality. It isn’t any different than people who suffer from the mental illness of body dysphoria and want to have perfectly good limbs removed, be paralyzed, be made blind, etc. This is a mental illness, where the mind is struggling to accept fact. Maybe science will come to the conclusion that physically altering the body to match the illness is the best form of treatment, but maybe not. Perhaps, like when dealing with other mental illness, finding ways to help the mind accept and cope with reality is the best bet? I’m sure many people will take this as “hating” trans people, and that’s not the case at all, but there are lots of people that are mentally I’ll, that don’t feel they are sick, don’t want treatment, etc, but thankfully we do what they need, and not what they want.
  10. Just the grandkids that the Biden’s acknowledge though, right?
  11. I never said I was sure it was Hunter. I’m not going to say it’s necessarily out of the question either though. as for private quarters, Hunter doesn’t have quarters at the WH does he?
  12. I assure you the forensics are there, it’s the effort that is lacking.
  13. I agree, and that makes it sound simple, but what level of “compromise” and where it happens is what is up for debate, and where the differences lay.
  14. No, but you can bet they would know who used it before. Maybe not in an airport where there are more people going through than you can shake a stick at, but in the WH, where they record the names / faces of every single person, they could contain the period this is was find and book end it pretty quickly.
  15. In zero of the examples you provided did the US or our coalition seek to annex or acquire territory. I don’t see this as an even remotely accurate comparison.
  16. Stunned to say it, but agree with Biden on this one - now isn’t the time to even consider them joining NATO.
  17. I frequently wonder how anyone considered either of those songs patriotic, in any way whatsoever. They’re catchy tunes for sure, but definitely shouldn’t be on a 7/4 playlist. if you need catchy 7/4 songs there are much better options
  18. I’ve thought about this from time to time. Mostly, trying to think of ways to avert a second civil war. I think the polarization of our society is expanding, almost exponentially, and the chances to reconcile are shrinking fast. Each side sees the other as authoritarian and oppressive and the ability to disagree civilly is decreasing. Wouldn’t be easy, but the best answer might be to have the large left leaning urban centers (just look at any electoral college map) become more independent “city states” and let them basically stand alone. Keep the county unified from a common defense and free passage standpoint, but let domestic policy be decided within those regions. Unfortunately, failure to do this will result in one side essentially “taking over” the other. There won’t be common ground. Once this happens, the discord will only get worse. Funny you mention this, because conservatives feel this way about the liberals. To a conservative, the liberals are the ones assaulting individual rights and being oppressive. As for the article in general - not sure how this is anything beyond partisan bellyaching. There hasn’t been anything I’ve seen this court do that isn’t Constitutionally correct. Even RBG agreed that Roe was based on poor / shaky legal standing. All the libs had to do was pass legislation. The Supreme Court did exactly what it should have in this case which, in absence of Constitutional law, remands it to the states. As for the debt forgiveness - that is clearly NOT a responsibility given to the Exec branch. For affirmative action- fighting racism with more racism is just garbage and fixes nothing. Who decides which race is the preferred race? If you want to create racial strife - keep playing racial favorites.
  19. Partisan politics aside, imagine that powder was Anthrax or something equally nasty. Big security slip…..
  20. I mentioned term limits as it was the main topic of the thread. But, I do agree with you that the only legal way to implement terms for Justices would be a Constitutional Amendment, which in the current state would never happen. By saying “if we would all be honest”, are you really implying “if we could all just agree with you”?
  21. The re-writing of the rules for what one party wants is another step toward the end of our nation. Things like implementing term limits, the talk of packing the courts, trying to give DC statehood, etc are all blatantly against the fabric that the nation was founded under. The ends justifying the means cannot be accepted when it comes to disregarding the Constitution.
  22. Completely agree. As a conservative, Trump was actually toward the bottom of my list in 2016. I was pulling hard for Cruz, TBH. I always viewed Cruz as more Constitutionally sound than Trump. But, to be honest, from a policy standpoint, Trump did much better than I thought he would in most areas. One thing I, and most conservatives I know, really like about Trump is he doesn't back down - for anything, The Republican party lost it's backbone in many ways, and Trump did show the way back from there. I do think he could have been more professional / distinguished in office, but I don't think any other candidate could have survived the onslaught the liberal media & Democratic party threw at him. However, now that he's helps the Republicans build some backbone (for example, look at Cruz before and after Trump), it is time for him to step aside and let someone else run with it. I prefer DeSantis, and possible Scott at this point. Haley could probably do a good job as well. Vivek could also be a neat candidate, but I don't see him as having a path. Pence and Christy need to hang it up as well.
  23. I’m sure you understand that we don’t actually have a democracy, right? Funny you mention mob though - I’ll never defend those that entered the Capitol on 1/6, but the libs have had far more “mobs” than conservatives, to include what also could be called an “insurrection” at CHAZ / CHOP, right? Are all of those people being held accountable? First - the people involved in the Capitol riot need to be held accountable. They knew better, took the bait and crossed the line. Also, the Civil War didn’t “try” to split the country, it absolutely did. Thankfully it was reunified afterwards. You literally quoted a “Vanity Fair” article, that quotes Axios, and doesn’t provide any names / details behind the alleged plan - really??? Didn’t you tire of the endless “nameless sources” BS articles about Trump that were either disproven, or never happened? It’s like the entire media disposed of ethics out of some crazy blood lust against Trump.
  24. Ok - since you mention abortion, being opposed to abortion is not a new position or a dramatic shift - most conservatives have opposed it before Roe. I agree with tying opinions to longstanding principles as well - like the Constitution. Conservatives are much more loyal to the Constitution than they are Trump. The “MAGA” term is just a construct by libs to try and make conservatives feel bad about supporting our country and the Constitution. Sure, the term was coined by Trump, but the principals are much bigger than just him. The right started down this path long before Trump - probably when Obama launch his “world apology tour”. Other than the handful of knuckleheads that entered the Capital, you don’t see large groups of conservatives disregarding the rule of law. A far cry from the BLM “mostly peaceful” protests that spanned dozens of cities. The issue does get more complicated when laws are not uniformly applied or disregarded by the left. “Fair and legal” - not sure I completely agree with the legal part. I’m not going to go quite so far as calling it illegitimate- but I don’t agree with the huge amounts of mail in voting that is very questionable from a legality standpoint in many states. Also, while not defending the acts of the idiots that entered the Capital throwing around the term “insurrection” is sensationalism at its best. Imagine, an insurrection in the United States, where there are more guns in civilian hands than any other country on Earth, and not a single person thought they’d need one?? Really?
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