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Everything posted by sandyclawedtiger

  1. Got the intent. My money would be be on KY. Objectively, I think it's Auburns to lose. I'm drinking Mich Ultras and Buffalo Trace so who knows?๐Ÿ˜†
  2. Late to the thread. Auburn can beat any team any where. Looks to me to playing their best ball. Just Do It!(pun intended) War Eagle!
  3. I get what you're saying buuuutt. I wear Orange and Blue glasses. War Eagle!
  4. Is it just me? The rims are just plain dead on both ends?
  5. Just watched game on DVR. I got one question. Can we adopt Dylan Cardwell?
  6. Great game. Especially Dylan. Was I the only one hoping he would sneak out and drain a 3? The crowd would have blown the roof off!
  7. So happy to see Jaylin becoming the player I think most of us have thought he could become. More important. He sees it and is reacting to it.
  8. Yes, I think he painted a target on his back with the chicken wing foul in the Baylor game. In all honesty the hook was a veteran move but uncalled for at the time. He definitely is a quiet contributor Fast becoming my favorite. Reminds me of me way back when. I'm not the best but I play and act like I am. Put another 10 lbs. on him. Scary!
  9. This team is good. Trying to hide my expectations. But setup to be very good as they grow. Mental lapses, yes. Yet, to be expected.
  10. We knew defense was going to be a problem this year. Offense is getting polished and getting better. Agree these late half(game) defensive lapses need to be corrected. Looking lazy then.
  11. I'll be at work at Publix cutting the meat for everyone watching football tomorrow. I'll try to watch some of the game on my phone as I go. I got to retire.
  12. Dang! I've got Daniel and Anders on my fantasy team. I started the wrong one.๐Ÿ˜†
  13. Great win! War Eagle! Looking forward to Tre growing with this team and a few add ons.
  14. Just watched highlights. Great win and looked like had a decent crowd stick around. Great improvement. Keep it up Tigers!
  15. Fried catfish, collard greens,long pole beans,mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. Of course with cornbread and large glass of milk.
  16. Sitting in Bar in N'awlins. Made everyone an Auburn baseball fan! Pandemonium! War Damn Eagle!
  17. Quit taking the three. Take a step in and take the top of key or elbow shot. Make the D take a step up. If they step up drive it in. JMO.
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