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Everything posted by WarEagle1983

  1. I may be wrong but this i agree with. I doubt it will be the same ol if we want a successful football program. Some teams are getting general managers. In reference to the transfer portal(free agency), NIL, conference realignment and playoff expansion that's only going to grow the number of GMs we're going to see in CFB. The schools that are treating and operating their football program like a semi pro team will be benefiting. Even Vandy has a GM! They know that they're not going to win any battles for commodity players between the big boys in the SEC. Therefore they've hired a guy who knows recruiting, NIL, the players that can qualify academically at Vandy, point of contacts, knowing who the underrated players are and getting to them fast. I mean yeah..it's Vandy but they're at least thinking outside of the box and have a strategy in place. Personally, I do think for some reason AU seems to be a target at times. Other times we do get in our own way. I think other schools see that if we do get our football program on track that we could be a monster. I've always thought that about AU. It's a great school, great location, people are willing to invest in the football program and it's a place filled with A LOT of great people in the community. We see how Bruce has been able to build upon that and more. If our football program was ever to do the same..that's a serious threat. Maybe that's why we're a target for so many in the SEC. But it's not many other SEC schools who can say they have the ability of winning consistently at a high level. Auburn is very capable of that more years than not.
  2. I don't watch FineBUM but i thought this video Cover3 was pretty interesting from outsiders (guys who don't cover AU sports) take on the AG situation. In particular i agree with their take with the way our QB situation played out. Bud in particular really is very knowledgeable as a whole with the landscape of CFB (recruiting, ,NIL, legalities of CFB). After him it's Tom.
  3. Nothing would surprise me at this point concerning Auburn football. But if it did happen who could blame him. The one solid ally he had is now gone. But Harsin comes across as a man who wants to beat all the odds and shove in their faces. I do hope he's able to do that. It just feels (at the moment anyway) he's in a lose-lose situation not only this year but next year when you look at the roster.
  4. Wouldn't be a complete shocker. Chevan Cordeiro can sling it and he's a very mobile QB. Teams have to be able to put up points in today's CFB. Unless you have an elite defense, i don't think teams can always lean on the defense so heavily to carry them. That's been one of our biggest issues.
  5. If we can get to 7 or 8 wins, I'll be satisfied. I envision a lot of drinking this season. Auburn Football always loves to test the limits of my liver.
  6. Basically. When it's going good...we're all "FAMILY". It's sad that some made his job so hard. If you feel unwanted at your job and people are trying to get rid of you, I'm not going to wait around for people to get rid of me. I never faulted him for interviewing at other places. I 100% believe he wanted to be at Auburn. But he would've been crazy not to prepare himself for another job how everything went down.
  7. I just simply think our QB race will not be over until we start playing the better teams and see if there's actually improvement. I believe all 3 QBs have the ability to get us to a 3-2 record at worst record the first 5 games if they started. Therefore, it wouldn't be a big surprise if we started 4-1. However, October will be very telling. That part of the schedule will absolutely show what we actually have at QB.
  8. Clearly you have a reading and comprehension issue because i never said Holden is the best QB on the roster.
  9. It's an observation. I didn't say he should be starting. I didn't allude to anything of the such. Seems like that's how YOU'RE taking it. In what situation have you known a team that has 3 QBs contending to be a starter, has a true freshman get increased reps in camp 2 weeks prior to the season? Name a CFB team that has done that. Therefore, i just took notice. I'm not saying it means he should start. C'mon man. But could it be a little concerning...yes. If you don't think so then fine. I do. We can agree to disagree and leave it there.
  10. Yes, he's our likely starter. Doesn't mean he'll be leading us throughout the season. I hope he has figured it out. But I'm not going to ignore what i've seen. On the field play will determine how we move forward with the position.
  11. I do hope that is the case b/c it will mean someone has stepped up.
  12. If that's how you take it. I just find it interesting. Yes, it could possibly be telling if your true freshmen is getting increased reps 2 weeks before the season.
  13. He hasn't had many opportunities in camp. The possible concern is that he may be getting increased reps and it's two weeks before our first game. I'm not saying it's deep but i think it could be telling.
  14. I'm not saying it is 2013. He must have some throwing ability since he's seems to be #2 at the moment and it's pretty clear he's going to play some no matter who starts out of TJ and ZC.
  15. But Harsin isn't one for heavy coach speak.
  16. Does anyone find this concerning? Just curious. It's 2 weeks before the season starts and our true freshmen looks the best in camp.
  17. And this my main concern. Practice and scrimmages is one thing but live action is a different story. I do hope he has improved but I'm not expecting much. Bo did improve some under Harsin but it wasn't to a large degree. I don't agree with fans potentially booing or slamming the kid. He's doing the best he can.
  18. They can but they've continued to be notably inconsistent. They're all inconsistent but Ashford is an X factor with his legs, therefore i do considered his ceiling to be higher. Can he get to that point is the question. I think it's clear he's going to get some chances to show it.
  19. This is what i tend to believe. Outside of Ashford b/c he certainly has room to improve his passing.
  20. Seems simple but that's the biggest issue with both current QBs contending for the starting position. Thus, why we're going to have to use Ashford in packages just to give defenses an additional real threat to gameplan for. It's also why it wouldn't surprise me if (hopefully it will not be the case) we see all 3 starting at some point. Do i think TJ has improved some; Yes. But at the same time it doesn't appear that he's in the lead b/c he's looked so much better. Rather it's that ZC hasn't looked good and TJ has been in the system longer and he's a good leader.
  21. It depends on what kind of throws were the 22 passing plays. How many drops were there? I don't think you can say it's bad without knowing the situation. Plus when you add in Ashford's running threat, 13-22 may not look too bad. I know there likely will not be another Nick Marshall but if he has some of those attributes and able to complete some passes here and there; i'll take it. So i get why some are hyping Ashford. At this point, I want to see all the QBs the first two games b/c i don't think our QB race is going to be settled anytime soon until they see real live action. It's clear to me at this point that they're trying to decide if ZC or TJ starts and Ashford is going to have a package b/c neither of the other two look that great. We have a roster of QBs that are largely inconsistent and Ashford will be brought in to make defenses think and react to a different scheme of our offense. Therefore, I'm not excited about ZC or TJ at this point.
  22. Agree. Especially when you have two QBs who are not consistent. I think Ashford will have a package no matter who starts. I don't think we can afford not to have him as a running threat. If he can use those reps and show he can improve his passing...he could have a chance to be the starter later in the season.
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