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Everything posted by WarEagle1983

  1. All the above is correct. Except this staff is refusing to change. It just seems like they're going to be bullheaded to the end. Which the end may end before the season. Yes, our OL is in the bottom of the SEC but we have not done anything to scheme to our strengths. This team HAS TALENT. It's not being used at ALL! It always makes me chuckle when people tell fans...well the coaches know best. They're getting paid all this money to coach. WELL some coaches are dumb! And AU appears to have a few of them. It's frustrating to watch this staff not even try to scheme around the talent we have. I'm just ready to move on and clean house. I watched to support the players and i was happy to see the stadium full to support the guys. But it took a gimmie missed FG and a fumble in the endzone to beat Mizzou...MIZZOU! I doubt we even beat Vandy. Their backup can sling it! I appreciate the players hard work and dedication so they're the only reason i'll support.
  2. He even said TJ had no idea he was doing the show. Also, the fact they don't talk football and scheme when they speak. His wife told him to just be TJ's father since being in college. He spoke a lot of facts but it wasn't the time nor the place. As a parent, I get it a little b/c we want to naturally protect our kids but this was not the way to go about it.
  3. TJ dad may be correct but going on a podcast isn't helping anything.
  4. Even on his bad throws i think many can see he has the it factor. I'd just hate as a true freshman he'd be tied to this horrible staff and OL line. Especially with fans who have no clue thinking a QB alone will solve our problems on offense.
  5. Not surprised. Can't recall the reporters names but i think they were from Auburn Live on Youtube that stated ZC just didn't look right in spring practices. And who could blame him with our awful OL and a staff that wouldn't scheme around him correctly.
  6. It was easy to see TJ was/is hurt. But yet again our coach trotted him out there until it was clear he was totally off passing the ball. I'm tired of our head coaches risking further injury to players b/c they're not prepared to replace them.
  7. that's likely 100% true. I just don't want to ruin the kid's future throwing him into this mess of a team and staff that likely doesn't know how to use him. And of course a bad OL. So I'm certainly hope Robby can give us something to work with going forward.
  8. Plenty of teams will be there. Doesn't mean they actually will have a real shot of winning it. It's a money thing. I wish it was 8 instead of 12. But it's not going to change seeing the same 2-3 teams make it to the final 4. It will help some programs with recruiting b/c the can say the made the playoffs but that's about it.
  9. Cause if he has any desire to win a natty...he has to go somewhere else. He took jobs a historic programs Tenn and USC. He likes the limelight. Ole Miss is a nice story every 4 or 5 years but he'd have a great chance of actually beating the midget on a yearly basis. Having the IronBowl decide more years than not who goes to SEC Championship. Lane and his ego would love that.
  10. Lane was my 1st name that i've been saying since Saturday. Yes, i'm repeating myself but i really do think it would be an easy sell. I'm tired of not having a competent offense. Ole Miss is actually playing defense now too! We'd get attention from good QBs instantly. My main points was also that he's not going to win a championship at Ole Miss. He can do more at Auburn. He's likely only one of the few top candidates we probably have a chance to get. Hugh would be 2nd for me.
  11. This staff needs to decide if they want to go quick game with TJ or read option with Robby. This is our only hope for the season. They need to get the ball to play makers like King and get Cam in at WR. Forget who is the most experienced and play guys that can BALL!
  12. None of this is a huge surprise to me. Although i thought the implode would come in October. It's just never a winning situation overall when you have a leader that's not supported from the top. It's only a matter of time when that woman or man is fired or leaves on their own. I mainly backed Harsin b/c i didn't want AU to be in yet another coaching search and losing recruits. However, we just have to blow it up.
  13. Because he's not going to win a natty at Ole Miss. He can at Auburn. Ole Miss may have a dream season once every 5 or 6 years. He can make Auburn a consistent top team with recruiting top 8 or 10 classes every year. It's honestly an easy sell. You can sell it to Lane because of his big ego and being a challenge to actually beat Saban on a regular basis. Lane took jobs at historic programs: Tenn and USC. He loves the spotlight. Ole Miss is only going so far. I don't get people being so fascinated with Deion. As someone who has parents that graduated from HBCUs, i absolutely love what he has done and doing. However, unless it's FSU i hope he stays at Jackson State and helps HBCUs continue to change and grow. Deion is a great recruiter but i do highly question him as a coach when it comes to Xs' and Os. That would be a huge jump and yes the recruited talent would help but I'd like to see him coach 2 or 3 years at D1 before we sign on to him.
  14. We would know for sure the offense would be fixed! Those are the biggest names that we have a realistic chance of getting. Yes, big names don't always mean success but at least they've proven it. I watched the Liberty game yesterday. Hugh has another QB prepared and he played very well. Not saying he's Malik at all but the kid looked good in a game where Liberty was a double digit dog.
  15. You start TJ. Unless Holden is Cam..you start TJ. Change the offense to quick throws. 3 seconds, 4 at most the ball should be out. And for goodness sakes if you're going to use Robby...use him correctly! We're not going to be able to fix the QBs so fix the dang scheme. If we have to dink and donk defenses to death, then so be it. We have play makers at WRs to make a 5 or 6 yard throw into bigger plays. You have Tank and Quez to compliment that. This offense has zero rhythm and whenever it does, the coaches make a dumb play call to kill momentum.
  16. Harsin is going to have to change this offense. No QB is going to be successful in the current offense. We need an offense where the QB gets rids of the ball 3 seconds, 4 seconds tops. We knew our OL was an issue day 1. Our coaching staff has done nothing to scheme around our deficiencies. This to me separates the just good coaches from the great ones. Miss St. didn't win but you see in there offense how they try to make sure Will gets rid of the ball quickly. But it's clear that trading out QBs every game is not going to solve anything unless we can scheme them to be effective.
  17. Unless that new QB comes with a new OL, competent coaching and play calling, I don't know if anyone could be affective in this offense.
  18. The problem is they don't have a clue of when and what situations they need to rotate the QBs. They bring Robby in at the worst times. Usually when TJ is in a rhythm throwing; only to kill it with brining in Robby to kill the momentum. Then it's back to TJ on 3rd down asking him to bail us out. My goodness that's the worst position ever to put a QB in. Especially knowing fans and even announcers are not really high on TJ. I really felt bad for TJ in the 1st half. I mean it eventually all came crashing down for him but dude literally had to pull rabbits out of his azz the 1st half just to keep us in the game b/c of horrible coaching and playcalling.
  19. Go get Lane K. He's right down the road and wouldn't have to move far. I'd be fine with Hugh but Lane is an easy sell imo. He's not going to win a natty at Ole Miss. He gets to stay in the SEC West and have a real chance of pissing off the midget every year. He'd relish in that. Auburn would give him the opportunity to recruit higher rated players on both sides of the ball. Go get Lane!
  20. I like that idea. Only other coaches i'd be interested in is Hugh Freeze or Lane. I know AU fans didn't like the idea before but I personally want a proven football coach that. 1. Has strong head coaching experience and knows the SEC landscape 2. Can quickly come in and turn our offense around. I think we could easily get Lane or Hugh. We'd have to throw good money at Lane but the selling points are that: 1. He isn't going to sniff a natty at Ole Miss; even with the playoffs expanding. He'd have a real chance of getting a natty at Auburn 2. He gets to stay in the SEC, the SEC West in particular and go up against Saban with the opportunity to recruit better talent. More years than not, the Iron Bowl could decide who goes to the SEC Championship. I think he'd absolutely love to be on the big stage in big games.
  21. This is down right embarrassing. We might as well just run the option with Robby and Tank. OL is bad and TJ holding the ball too long.
  22. TJ keeps digging this staff out of a hole. I'll always give credit where it's due! This staff better learn how to use a 2 QB system!
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