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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. Take your own advice, "little fella".
  2. Auburn up to #25 in the AP Poll.
  3. Except, you aren't the one who gets to make that judgement. That's the whole point. Trying to hammer home the point about the woman going now and sinning no more suggests that her actions have some bearing upon yours. It doesn't diminish the notion that you, as the bystander, are not to judge her actions, whether she continues to live in sin or not.
  4. I have never once failed to stand at attention for the anthem, I'm merely defending a fellow citizen's right to choose to abstain. See, I actually believe in the things that this country was supposedly founded upon. I don't think that what the government has become in any way fits the founders' vision for governance of the people, but that's a conversation for another time. And, again, gently reminding is forcing the issue, whether you admit it or not.
  5. "Gently reminding" a person to stand at attention for the anthem, however, IS forcing nationalism upon someone. I'm sorry that you don't understand that, but it's a fact of the matter. And I never said I hate the country. What I hate is people telling me how I have to go about worshipping the country through pledge and song reverence in order to be a good citizen. About how I should depart before daring criticize. How dare I? Can't have any of our subjects thinking for themselves, now, can we? 🙄
  6. Except our resident LEO suggested we should "gently remind him to stand at attention during the anthem." That's not the same as judging him for sitting. And what was it Jesus said about judging? Oh right. Amazing how quick Christians are to forget about that when it comes to national pride, huh? BTW, how bad is it that you have to go straight to North Korea to magnify how exceptional our freedom is? Yay! We're better than the absolute worst nation in the world regarding human rights violations!! Woohoo!!!
  7. How ironic is it that forced nationalism is a thing in a country dubbed "the land of the free"?
  8. Auburn is favored by 8.5 points at home. Hopefully the shots will be falling.
  9. Other than offensive line, this is the position I feel like we've been hurting the most at recently. Pulling in four in-state studs is absolutely phenomenal. I expect at least three of them, if not all four, will make an impact in their first season.
  10. I haven't watched more than 15 minutes of a Gameday episode since I got a DVR in 2008. I'll try to catch what they have to say about Auburn, but that's about it.
  11. I think it took firing Gus for some of them to understand that we had already hit rock bottom and now we were starting to dig in deeper.
  12. I don't know that that is true. The one good thing about the Harsin tenure is that it got all the important people lined up in the same direction; I'm not sure that happens if Gus sticks around for another two seasons.
  13. Hiring Harsin was Allen Greene's way of thumbing his nose at the BOT. It wasn't Harsin's fault; he didn't have a clue what he was getting himself into when he signed on, and there really was no way for him to win. Besides, the vast majority of his coaching career happened in Boise, where he is a favored son, and he undoubtedly thought all the talk about the SEC was overblown.
  14. I was thinking he was a junior. I don't suppose there is much reason for him to come back. Still think it's weird he'd be that specific about it being his last Iron Bowl in JHS, instead of his last Iron Bowl ever or his last game in JHS, period, but whatever.
  15. No it doesn't. It indicates that the game is played in Tuscaloosa next year. If he'd said, "Last time ever," or "One more show," or something like that, then yeah, maybe it would indicate that he was going pro, but if you've only got one more year of eligibility after this one and the Iron Bowl is in Auburn this year, then this is the last time you'll play the Iron Bowl in JHS...
  16. I guess I'm in the minority then, but I kinda like him. I don't really watch Gameday, but I've watched his show some on weekdays. The sleeveless shirt took a little getting used to, but if you don't turn your nose up at him like an old fogie, he's not bad. It's pretty obvious ESPN is paying him to be edgy, but I don't think he goes too far with it. Kinda reminds me of a couple of the guys I played with back in the day, and him sitting in his studio in a roundtable type discussion with several other sports guys is fun to listen to when I take a break from studying. Besides, does ANYONE really want to see the Corso Corpse continue to be trotted out there when it's obvious he barely knows what's going on anymore? Seems to me that he's being phased in as Corso's replacement, the colorful character meant to offset the starched personas of Kirk and Rece, so you can either get used to him or just not watch, because there's no point in letting yourself get all riled up about it.
  17. Ain't that the truth! Kids these days don't understand how good Larry Bird was. I mean, there's a reason they made a video game all about him vs Michael Jordan, and it's not because he was mediocre.
  18. I prefer Gator to Music City, but Citrus is my preference of all the bowls we might have a shot at. Of course, that's purely because of perceived prestige of the bowl... plus the fact that we've not been to the Gator Bowl in half a century plays a part, too.
  19. You are correct. I didn't realize it, but I just looked it up, and for one more year it'll be Big 12 vs Pac-whatever. Who knows what it'll be after the Pac finishes imploding?
  20. No, but I go to Birmingham every other month. At least Shreveport isn't just up the road from me. I could get into Memphis, however.
  21. Maybe we need to boycott if it happens so that the PTB will get the picture that we aren't going to fill the stadium if the destination is in the same state. Send us to frickin' Shreveport before Birmingham...
  22. 3 times inside the 5. I just looked up the AttitUde recording to check myself. Looked like 2nd down was from the 3, 3rd down from the 2, and 4th down from the 1.
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