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Everything posted by AuburnNTexas

  1. Probably want to get him on campus and look at him before offering. I hope we don't wait to long.
  2. What I really liked in this article. Was the statement I want to start and not redshirt then being honest with himself and us that college is a different speed and it will have to see what happens. He is good and he is very confident I want all my top recruits to be confident. I don't mind a little cocky either but I also want them to have their feet on the ground and realize that there is a huge difference between HS and college. That way they will come in with the right attitude and realize how hard they will have to work to reach their goals. I also like that when asked about his game he gave an honest appraisal about what his strengths are (running and the long ball) and the areas he needs to work on (footwork and reading defenses). This is a 16 year old with talent and brains he will be great get when he gets here.
  3. Winning two camp awards like that he won't be a 3 * for long.
  4. That's good, but there have been a lot of moms that loved AU and then watched their kid play elsewhere. Rashad Evans is the first that comes to mind. We've won our mom battles too though. Never hurts to have momma on your side Unless Papa has the more influence...Thank you Daddy Davis for Kyle. Wel then it never hurts to have Papa on your side......hell just go ahead and add sister and brother Add girl friend to especially if she is coming to Auburn
  5. Apparently back at the beginning of December Rodney Garner visited him and gave him an offer. He is 6'2" 220 pound Linebacker. He is has visited Auburn multiple times and he seems to like us.
  6. I think this kid has his head on straight he knows what he has to do and he will do it. I look forward when he joins Auburn.
  7. In one week this went from a meltdown thread to a celebration. Just like in the game the football sometimes takes some funny bounces. Congrats to you Steeler fans the organization does it the right way and deserves it.
  8. Steelers are a well run organization that get a quality receiver like Sammie at a relatively low draft position. They get to teach him their system and work on his weaknesses and when Salary Cap hits them and they lose 1 or 2 of the leagues better receivers they have quality replacement in the wings. This is one of the reasons Steelers are such a strong organization. They have a bad year they don't panic because they have a long range plan in place. Auburn and other college and NFL teams could learn from them if they were not in such a hurry to win today and we will let tomorrow take care of itself.
  9. Welcome to Auburn and War Eagle Welcome to Auburn and War Eagle
  10. From all I have read this kid is a great Talent. I thought by now he might have gotten his 4th *. When do you think he will be reviewed again by the different services?
  11. Sammy Coates I'm not sure I should say this out loud, but I am not opposed to following Tubbs around and seeing who he likes ... then try to steal a few. Tubbs knows hidden talent. (it was competing for the higher ranked recruits that proved more difficult) Tubs damn sure got lucky on a few after Jay handcuffed him and his staff on the recruiting trail. It is lucky when it happens once or twice when it happens as often as Tubbs found people there is a lot of skill involved.
  12. Measurable's look really good height, weight, and speed. I am super happy to see he signed with us but I can't find any ratings on him. I had never even seen him on the board and then we sign him. Welcome to Auburn
  13. I like the way Auburn handled this. From what Ellitor said we told him we would honor the offer but in our new system but we told him he wouldn't get much if any PT. We set him up with a visit to an SEC school in the East. He gets an offer and commits and we get an open slot we may need. Plus since he is at Kentucky if he proves us wrong and becomes a stud he won't hurt us. To me this was a very classy way to handle a difficult situation.
  14. While I can't see him gaining enough weight to be a linebacker I could see him gaining enough weight to be a safety with that speed. If he currently plays corner that would indicate he has skill set to cover TE's and RB's out of backfield but would definitely need more weight when he comes up in run support.
  15. It is also possible that what he said is exactly what it is. New coaching staff and he wants some tome to actually speak to them one on one and he doesn't think he will get then when so many other possible recruits will be there. His last statement was he still liked Auburn.
  16. He has the Height, Wing Span and Jumping ability to be beaten and still make a play. He has the speed to close, there is no doubt he needs to put on muscle so he can play run support. With out coaches and Red Shirt year to get stronger and refine technique we will have a great CB at Best or a great Safety at worst.
  17. Auburn lineage already 6'8"and 215 pounds and only a sophomore. He is already thicker them some of our current players assuming normal weight gain and strength he will have a college players body and will be a presence around the boards. A power forward with height and enough meat on his bones to hold his position. I would love to see this kid come to Auburn when he graduates. Another poster mentioned him and Person's together I would love to see it. I am one of the people who think that we need a pure shooter like Persons.
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