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Everything posted by alexava

  1. It doesn’t matter. HF is the HC. He has his offense. Whoever he gets will have to be what HE wants. It’s not a big deal.
  2. Sucking for five or six years was not worth dumping a coach who had a chance to win a championship every 2nd or 3rd year at worst. And yes we suck
  3. If HF don’t win a national championship in year 2 or 3 it wasn’t worth running Gus off. Exactly why I wanted to stay with him. I said it repeatedly, there was nothing better to hire that would accept the job.
  4. My daughter had flu/ pneumonia. Pharmacies are running out of inhalers in my area. Not serious illness but you probably won’t play football until you get over it.
  5. Had any kicker ever went 100% on the whole season?
  6. I thought the replay during the game was so so. This back angle shows a blatant retraction- step and full arm extension shove. That’s a penalty all day.
  7. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Freel%2FC0Fu-RyMlQY%2F&h=AT3m8yz2_oxvlnHuqfhe7Q42oGUs7O26XTAavdMERdBKs9-htCsCC1vPAaN_d1X-KhsAa6hfBnLFTq52gWNttKiLNavf6L8M8rLHDT3LcOinSa4sRe56urU060kd3xg&s=1 check out this angle!!!!
  8. I think the punter ran outside the tackle box. No roughing outside the box.
  9. Shotgun less than 18”. Perfectly Legal. Hence BS
  10. Sounds like a bs charge. Hoping he gets it cleared up soon and there’s nothing serious behind it. Over the last few years I’ve lost much faith in the criminal justice system.
  11. Being the most overrated and protected from criticism coach in CFB history.
  12. It’s all about the victim scale. Palestinians fall further down than Jews. The left will eat their own if you sit back and let them.
  13. If Bo gets hurt they are finished. They would have been in the playoffs last year if he had been healthy.
  14. A moral victory is better than no victory at all.
  15. Hunter was my crush this year. He hasn’t appeared to be 100%. I really think that 4 th and 1 that we were stopped on late was on his vision on 3rd and 1. He had a crease and didn’t see it. We still need him badly as is. I just thought he’d be better as the starter. Battie is surprising me. We seem very thin.
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