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Cardin Drake

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Everything posted by Cardin Drake

  1. Probably true pre-NIL. Now I don't mind a guy who can make things happen. It's legal to pay players. He'll play the game well.
  2. Sounds about right to me. Did you think it would be bigger, or that we'd be the dog?
  3. Well, I see your point, but me rooting for the least damage to the football program is not going to affect the outcome. Auburn is getting a black eye no matter what. If the alleged affair is not true, then then damn, this was a very unfair thing to do to Harsin, even though I don't think he is the right guy to lead our program. I'd hate to think Auburn and the boosters would stoop to that level. That will be a bigger stain on the program then simply firing a coach for having an affair.
  4. I'm glad we have a few tough road games left. We need them to prepare. We also need to meet Kentucky in the SEC tournament finals. I wouldn't be too surprised to see a rematch at the big dance as well. But nah, we ain't losing to Arky.
  5. This is true, but it's up to the coach to get on the same page as the boosters. In the NIL era, it's a fundamental part of job. It pretty much always has been, but now those guys have even more power. A coach these days has to at least pretend convincingly that their input is welcome. And if this whole thing was really triggered by Mason's exit interview, the PTB just recognized reality first. At this point I believe the affair rumor. It's the least damaging way out, so I hope it's true. But Harsin was never the right guy. Doing part of your job well just doesn't cut it for the money we are paying him.
  6. You can expect your players to be on time to meetings and accountable without being a total ass and alienating your staff and boosters, especially if you are boinking an assistant. Harsin had some good points, but he has blown it here at Auburn. Good luck to him at his next gig. We don't have time for him to learn on the job.
  7. Our defense was crap in the 2nd half for sure. But a little offense would have gone a long way. You can't expect a defense to hold when you go 3 and out the whole half. But I don't see any of that on Bo. He got hurt early in the 2nd half and he tried to gut it up and play but he should have been pulled. The whole collapse is on the coaches, offensive and defensive.
  8. Nope, I'll never feel sorry for the aggies..
  9. Thanks, that's quite an update. Much appreciated. I actually take #2 as good news. As messed up as this is, that is the best way out for everybody at this point. (except maybe Harsin's wife). Of Rhule and Steele, I can live with Rhule. Really hope it's not Steele. Mainly because that's a lot of baggage that comes with him.
  10. Our front court is capable of just dominating Georgia's, even on the road. I'm not sure why it didn't work out that way.
  11. I've been generally supportive of Harsin until about a month ago. His inability to get on the same page as the boosters is just a deal breaker in the NIL world. So I think we need to move on. But I am getting increasingly disgusted at the way this is unfolding. If the guy had an affair, then fire him for cause and let's move on. Let him move on. If that's the case, why bring up all this other stuff, none of which is a fireable offense for cause, but is doing immense damage to Auburn's and Harsin's reputation. It's just starting to look like a coordinated smear campaign from people who didn't have the balls to just fire him for non-performance after a year, SMH. Airing all this dirty laundry is going to make it that much harder to move on in a positive manner. What a CF.
  12. It has been posted, and it is interesting, but wow, this just makes it worse. If we actually hired somebody unqualified to be the OC, that just makes the chaos that much worse. It's a terrible reflection on everyone.
  13. Yeah, what sucks about this is the alleged affair opened the door to all this other stuff. If the alleged affair isn't true, the coup may still succeed because of all the damage. Still, in the days of NIL, a coach who can't work with the boosters is an immense handicap, and that's probably why this is not a recoverable situation. IMHO, anyway.
  14. Well, not really. That question gets you whether you answer it yes or no. No works just fine on the other question.
  15. Well, we didn't hear a specific "I did not have sex with that woman." Of course, folks have lied about that before.
  16. Well, I told you earlier you need to add a 7th level of hell option in the poll..
  17. Hey, that means it hasn't been liked by some 65 players. Of course, it could mean they just aren't up yet..😅
  18. Saban is a piece of work. I did enjoy him watching him chewing out Kiffen on camera. But your relationship with your players and coaches can survive that if they think you are fair, have their back, and have their best interests at heart at the end of the day. If the players and coaches don't feel that way, then verbal abuse is absolutely intolerable. I don't think it's ever a good idea, but you do have to hold folks accountable.
  19. It's not possible for Harsin to stay at this point with what is coming out even if the affair rumors are not true. It's just a question of the contract settlement, and how bad a black eye we take over the hiring and firing.
  20. All this story needs now is a mad wife chasing Harsin down and smashing the windows of his SUV with his own golf clubs.
  21. I don't think those are equally sad outcomes. #1 is a disastrous hiring mistake that can be rectified by hiring the right guy. #2 is a black eye for the program that will repel coaches, fans, and players for a long, long time. But no matter what, if we can't get a coach that is on the same page as the boosters that create and fund NIL deals, we are destined for a long stay at the bottom of the SEC west.
  22. Yeah, making up an affair to give you an excuse to fire a coach seems far-fetched. It would get you sued for sure, and well, if that theory is true, when the truth inevitably comes out, we will have destroyed our football program for decades. I certainly hope that is not the case.
  23. Yes, all true. Drawing conclusions is complicated. I'd still like to see the raw data easily accessible.
  24. Couple of analysts saying we need a loss or 2 before the tournament. Not sure if I agree or disagree. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/foxs-mark-titus-tate-frazier-210457475.html Titus and Frazier then talked about that last season Baylor didn't have a loss until at Kansas on Feb. 27, and Baylor then lost again to Oklahoma State in the Big 12 Tournament on March 12. Baylor went on to win the 2021 NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament. "That was good for them I think," Titus said of Baylor's two losses late. "They reset their whole mojo and then they went nuts in the NCAA Tournament." Last year, Baylor won its six NCAA Tournament games by 15.3 points. "We're both in agreement, if Auburn enters the NCAA Tournament with one loss, they're losing," Titus said.
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