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Cardin Drake

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Everything posted by Cardin Drake

  1. I'd settle for Kiesau bringing some stickum to the receiver group....
  2. We have fans worrying that the rain will hurt our well-tuned passing attack? Oh, no, there goes our 4th and 2 fade routes. I'll take our chances on Tank and a mudder.
  3. Prediction: Big cigars on the field after the game. Another 20 year curse begins.
  4. Here's the thing. The ball can touch the ground if your hands are under it and you are controlling the ball. That one camera angle that had a clear view of the ball touching the ground didn't show where his hands were in the process. I would have had to rule inconclusive because of that. The first camera angle clearly showed his hands under the ball. I think the referees were right not to overturn it. They just didn't have conclusive video evidence.
  5. It took a lot of guts to put Finley in with the game on the line. I'll be shocked if he doesn't start at LSU. Happy for Finley and his family. Very sad for Bo and his family. Life is rough sometimes. I think it's possible Bo's shoulder is dinged, but the controversy will stay I think.
  6. I'm watching Texas vs. Texas Tech. Texas' Bijan Robinson is almost as good as Tank. 4th and 4 and the play they run isolates him with a linebacker covering on a little swing pass. QB hits him in stride just beyond the line of scrimmage. Robinson makes the linebacker miss and takes it 38 yards to the end zone. Damn it, that's the play I want to see. I see Bama and Texas killing with it. Short high percentage passes to complement the run game.
  7. Do we know for sure Shivers tested positive? I was assuming an exposure and a quarantine, not necessarily a positive test.
  8. Do you remember when peptic ulcers were a thing? They were all caused by stress, you see. A bland diet and acid suppressors for those with moderate ulcers. Surgery to remove large portions of your stomach if it was bad. People suffered and were in pain, and some of them died. Then along came a guy in the 1990's who said ulcers were caused by a bacteria that was easily treated with antibiotics. Nonsense, said all the doctors and the FDA. Where are your random controlled trials? I don't have any he says. But I cure 100% of my patients in a few weeks by giving them antibiotics. So the doctors say Well, we can't recommend your treatment until we have random controlled trials that prove it works. But I'm curing 100 percent of my patients. Why would you need to know anything else? TEN YEARS later antibiotics became the treatment of choice for ulcers. So if you are an ulcer patient in 1996, what are you gonna do? Sometimes, you just gotta say F. it and go with what works.
  9. I don't think any of those guys would be starting, and I think that is one of the reasons they left, if not the main reason. We really upgraded the DT position. Last year our pass rush was weak, but so was our run defense. Our tackles this year are at least good against the run. For all the criticism of the offense last year, Steele's defense was subpar and our biggest problem. We couldn't get stop anybody on 3rd down. I have to say the biggest surprise to me in the Penn State game was the pass rush or the lack of a pass rush. I'm still convinced we have some real talent at defensive end, but it sure didn't show up on Saturday. I have to criticize Mason for not making adjustments and dialing up blitzes and stunts and I hope I never see a 3 man rush again. I pretty much hate our defensive scheme. We are playing prevent defense all game long. But regardless of scheme, our defensive ends didn't show up and if that doesn't change it's going to be a long season.
  10. Yeah, not a fan of the call but this nails it.
  11. The most frustrating, actually maddening, thing about it all was Penn State was flawlessly running the passing attack I want to see us run. Short high percentage passes featuring backs and tight ends. Couple that with our run game and you've got something.
  12. Maybe Bo isn't prepared to see a real defense in games because he spends his practice time going against a soft zone playing twenty feet off his receivers with no pass rush.
  13. I don't know about a wishbone or veer, but the zone read isn't complicated. I don't think we'll see it much out of Harsin, but I think it's a good fit for Bo. I expected to see mostly a West Coast type offense with short passes to the running backs and tight ends and a lot of play action. That's what we are suited for. I'm not really seeing it though. And I'm not sure why.
  14. Our soft zone isn't working. Sure, we are stopping the run, and keeping them in front of us. It ain't enough. And a 3 or 4 man rush is bringing zero pressure, sadly. I don't like that D much at all.
  15. Gotta kick it, I hate that but it's the right play.
  16. Shoot we are going to run the clock out on ourselves.
  17. Hmm, I may owe somebody an apology for suggesting there wasn't much comparison between Alabama State and Ball State 31-0 Wyoming over Ball State before the half..
  18. I sure the hell will be. We need a win. This ain't Ohio State; this is Penn State. We Are .....Going to kick their ass...
  19. The kid is talented. Now, whether he is a fit or a head case is something I trust our coaches to figure out. But we seriously need OL help in the portal for next year.
  20. I think the O line will be fine in this game. It really wasn't that bad last year, and I think it is improved. The O line had their ass handed to them by Georgia last year, but Georgia did the same thing to most everybody. They just did it to Clemson, and that is a good line. We had more problems last year with our defensive front four than anything. We couldn't stop the run and we couldn't stop anyone on 3rd down. I like the upgrades Harsin has made to the defense. The front seven looks to be much improved, but this will be the test. Our secondary is good, but we have to shut down the run and get pressure. The changes are about to pay off big time. WE ARE ......Going to kill Penn State.
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