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Everything posted by AU9377

  1. I'm assuming you mean the pain thresholds of working class people. The only reason we haven't is that the government has been filling the gaps. The time will come that we will be forced to address things like income inequality and the cost of health care, including prescription drugs. The Federal government has kept many industries flush with cash by uncontrolled spending and having little apprehension about adding to the national debt. Our defense spending has produced millionaires in the private sector, but has to be controlled within some degree of reason or it will bankrupt us all. We are free because we can choose our path as a nation and we are a nation of laws, rather than men. We aren't any more free than someone living in the U.K., Australia, Canada, France or a long list of other nations.
  2. I'm all for being excited and positive about the new chapter in Auburn football. War Eagle!
  3. I needed a good laugh. Made me think of these....
  4. In my opinion, many of the writings in the Old Testament include stories translated for relevance at the time of their translation. I think it is fair to assume that many passages have been impacted by the need of the men writing them to establish and maintain their status as elite conveyors of the will of God. In other words, it was necessary to embellish events in order to form narratives thru which they could frighten people and increase the power of the church. In so doing, their power and wealth was increased. After all, challenging a priest was the equivalent of challenging the will of God. This allowed them to punish people in the name of the Church and demand payments in the name of the church. I believe that there is truth in the majority of these narratives, but that the truth has been saddled with the self serving words of men for centuries.
  5. That is an interesting point of view. A totally free market's viability requires a certain amount of corporate responsibility to act in a manner that promotes the well being of the communities in which they operate. When this obligation isn't assumed by business enterprise, the void has to be filled or there becomes a real risk of some sort of chaotic uprising that threatens a representative democracy's ability to govern. In other words, there is a pain threshold at which the system breaks. To prevent that, governments attempt to provide safety nets to fill the gaps. Keeping everything in balance is very difficult when special interests have such a large seat at the table.
  6. To be honest, these are the same sort of stories that we read every time there is a coaching change. They are usually true accounts, given that every new staff comes in with what looks like boundless energy.
  7. Those gas carts can last forever. I have a 20 year old EZ-Go that has taken a real beating.
  8. There will always be opposing views and legislation. What we have now is a government in paralysis. I understand that some view that as preferable to legislation that they oppose and that is a fair point. My issue with McConnell from the Obama years to now is that he refuses to engage in an effort to address problems that need to be addressed. The ACA could have been a much better system both when it was initially passed and as amended in later years, but McConnell refused to debate anything other than the total repeal of the law without new legislation to take its place. By doing so, he endorsed the idea that there was no problem with health care in this country. We all know that has never been true. Yet, here we are, 10 plus years later, with the only attempt at a solution having been passed in the first 2 years of the first Obama term.
  9. It does seem reasonable. The Bill wouldn't change much in most states, but it would prevent some states from reducing the number of early voting days and in others it would increase the number to 15. I'm not sure that we need a national holiday to vote, given that someone will have 15 other days to vote in person, but as a whole it does open the door to negotiations. Unfortunately, I have doubts that it will gain Republican support.
  10. If someone makes an argument based on Levitical laws, as though they are the present day accepted word of God, I always ask them if they have ever been to a human sacrifice of someone's first born or if they know of someone who stoned their daughter to death for having pre-marital sex. Then there is the prohibition on having sex while a woman is pregnant... the list goes on and on. That usually ends the conversation.
  11. Thank you for explaining that. I have always been amused at the conflicting messages of many traditionalists. After all, if someone has sex out of wedlock, they are seen as sinners in need of repenting. However, if a child is the result of this sexual encounter, the child itself is the will of God. Personally, I don't see God as being nearly as petty as many others seem to believe. I believe the scripture is very clear as to some things being much more important than petty sins of the flesh.
  12. I agree, but wanted to see how some would separate the two. My opinion on Abortion is really simple, yet is based on more than one foundation. I am not in favor of abortion on a personal level. However, I am not a woman and, within reason, I do not believe that the government has the right to tell a woman what to do in regards to her body. At the point of viability, the discussion becomes about more than her body, but not until that point in time. Before abortion was legalized, we wasted too much time chasing women and their doctors that performed the procedure. Young women were often placed in dangerous situations and their health at grave risk attempting to have the procedure. Trying to find reasons to legislate something based on biblical interpretations is dangerous and I would argue flies in the face of the principles this country was founded upon by many fleeing prosecution by the Church of England. Overall, I see the arguments concerning abortion to be a waste of time. Abortion will never be outlawed in this country. At most, the efforts will result in making it more difficult for those without money and education to make the choice that those with those resources will be free to make. A young woman in Alabama will always be able to drive to Florida for an abortion, provided that she has the resources to get there.
  13. I'm doing me. I'm fully vaccinated and willing to get a booster when/if one is needed. The number of educated people that are willing to believe the absolute nonsense coming from many that refuse to get vaccinated is insane.
  14. That is the real problem, income disparity. American and International corporations operating in the U.S. need to address the issue without government getting involved or they risk forcing action in order to protect a struggling middle class. What concerns me is a Federal government with unlimited debt spending combined with an unbearable debt load being carried by working class middle Americans. There will be a tipping point reached sooner rather than later.
  15. Tenpenny......She is an absolute idiot. I like not losing my keys and have vaccinations to thank. LMAO.. kidding
  16. I've been to MB several times. For the life of me I cannot understand why they built it in a hole hidden from public view from the day to day person that is traveling thru Atlanta. The atmosphere in the place just sucks. Granted, you can get good food and drink all you want. However, I'm not usually there to do either more than I am to watch the game.
  17. Not everything is directed toward you. AU isn't helping him out. AU is fulfilling its contractual obligations.
  18. A game at MB Stadium in Atlanta isn't half the experience as being on campus. I know it cost an ungodly amount of money, but that doesn't make it a better place to see a game.
  19. Because that is different from any other coach that plays to win? I hear this kind of stuff every time there is a coaching change. In time, we will hear it again.
  20. FSU when Tuberville was hired. That was supposed to be the father/son game. We would have gotten slaughtered and Tuberville knew that, but I also thought we should have played that game.
  21. I've always said that when Arkansas came calling and backed up the Brink's truck, I would have patted Gus on the back and thanked him for his time and hard work at Auburn. Instead, the President and BOT decided that we had to prove that ours was bigger for some reason. To Gus's credit, wins over our rivals when they were both ranked #1 at the end of the season helped his cause, but nobody would have looked down on the program for simply insisting on a reasonable buyout. Nothing we can do about that now, but carry on. I do feel comfortable saying that the program, much to the surprise of some, is actually in a better place than it was when Gus rode back into town in 2012 from a talent perspective. There is an article on AUC detailing the position rankings of recruits that made up the 2013 team vs the 2021 team. The advantage actually belongs to 2021.
  22. AU signed a contract. Nobody forced anyone to do anything. It would be childish to expect a coach that is let go to not collect what he is owed under the terms of his contract. You will never hear Gus bad mouth Auburn, which is the way it should be. Likewise, there is no reason that Auburn people should be anything but cordial toward Gus. Stomping our feet and whining doesn't make us look like the program we strive to be.
  23. He seems to believe that marijuana and heroin are equally destructive and that we should all engage in a fairy tale that sees no distinction between the two. When we don't tell people the truth, they stop believing everything they are told. When we tell people that marijuana is as harmful as any other banned substance and they later discover that it isn't, many will presume that other, much more harmful drugs, are also not the danger that has been presented.
  24. More like someone that struggles to balance idealism with the real world that surrounds us.
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