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Everything posted by AU9377

  1. Enough is enough. We don't need more money. We need the sport to be health nationally.
  2. And right back to the top from what I recall. The number of my fellow Auburn Tigers on this board that love nothing more than to pretend that the last ten years were all bad is just comical. It was time for a change at the top and a change was made. It isn't so hard to act like we have been there and to wish people the best and move on. Be the bigger man and not the petty man.
  3. Because we were on top in 2012?
  4. I doubt that..... the Harsin part...
  5. It being a he said he said may have a little something to do with the decision at Fox. They did protect Roger Ailes as long as possible and then allowed him a ease out the door. I don't think this issue is a left or right issue actually. Some are really serious cases of bad behavior, while others are less serious, if that. The press and general public love to label everyone as a survivor, even if all they survived was a kiss on the cheek.
  6. Sexual harassment is not crime. Sexual assault is, but it takes more than touching someone's face to be an assault for which you can get a conviction.
  7. My own mother doesn't see what he is accused of as being criminal. In fact, she pointed out that if you can't handle being hugged, you can't handle very much. Of course, the climate right now tends to make every allegation equivalent to sexual assault. The reason I think he should resign is that it is too much of a distraction to be an effective leader. However, he will have staunch supporters in New York who will urge him not to resign. Al Franken should not have resigned. That was the most ridiculous series of events I have ever witnessed. These allegations are more serious than Franken's overall, but individually, some are just as sketchy.
  8. I would simply point out that what has been alleged is harassment and not assault. My opinion is that he should resign because it will be difficult for him to be an effective governor at this point. I also believe that he has been an effective governor in the past. What is discussed in the report are not actions that reach the point of criminal prosecution. Of course, it will be important to claim some sort of trauma in order to reach a settlement and we will see that shortly.
  9. The problem with new voting laws, like the changes passed in Georgia, isn't that they are aimed solely at minority voting. There is little evidence of that in the law itself. The problems are much more sinister at the core. The real changes took the control of elections away from the elected Secretary of State and placed that control in a political appointee. The law weakened local election supervisors and had they been in place before the last Presidential election, I have no doubt that Georgia's electoral votes would have either been in dispute or the votes would have been discovered or thrown out in a number that changed the results. The person making that decision would have been an appointee of the Republican party with no accountability to Georgia voters.
  10. It isn't as though Cuomo made decisions with the intent to kill people. When the pandemic started, he was actually one of the few politicians that took questions every day and made some attempt to lead. Was he always right? No. Has Desantis been right in Florida? No. Has Cuomo been overly forward with women? I'm sure he has, but I have also listened to the allegations and the loudest are also the most flimsy. If someone can't handle being hugged or kissed on the cheek, they will have a very difficult time being successful in any field, other than possibly government work. I have yet to hear a woman say that he used his position to force them to do anything or that there were consequences for their decision not to sleep with the man. That is just what I think. The real decision is with the voters in New York. Likewise, the voters in Florida have the option to keep a man like DeSantis as their governor.
  11. It is a very distant 3rd, with AL and uga being the top two. Personally, I believe that FL is a natural rival moreso than LSU. That said, I do enjoy playing them.
  12. You didn't need to pull that card. What he said was said at least partially in jest and certainly would not warrant being deleted.
  13. ESPN could have some liability financially for contract interference, among other things, but that won't impact the expansion in the least.
  14. Suni Lee looks at Simone Biles... "hold my drink sweetie".....
  15. Whatever floats your boat buddy. It is just totally out of character. Then again, the final score was 51-14 so who cares?
  16. I'll go as far to say that it didn't go down like that.
  17. That is hard to believe. You all do remember Gus and Kristy staying after the game and there being a literal receiving line so that Gus could shake hands and hug players and members of the Ark State administration right? Those two things dont really mesh. It is also not Gus type behavior. Perhaps there was a mix up, but Gus always goes out of his way to accommodate those type opponents and their coaching staffs./
  18. He wasn't playing out of position. I could not be happier for him. He is a great guy and represents Auburn well.
  19. The list of "high end" coaches is a very small one.
  20. They give us incredible amounts of money.
  21. There are holes, but to see a "serious rebuild", look to South Carolina or Arkansas last year.
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