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Eagle Eye 7

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Everything posted by Eagle Eye 7

  1. Question Mr. Bird. So I heard TJ talking about the first interception coming because he was throwing to a spot that their film time showed the Mercer defense didn’t usually cover and that they had practiced that with it not being covered in practice. So what gives there ? I would think looking for that opening surely, but you have to be aware it’s not always going to be that way especially on the first game of a new season. 🤔
  2. I think Robby’s only downside is lack of playing time
  3. One thing about Jazz Man , he knows how to find the end zone 😊
  4. Unfortunately Nix hasn’t changed much. He still likes to throw the 50/50 balls and without a receiver that will go up and take one , he is going to lose more than he wins.
  5. Agree. My point is that both had started but only TJ had AUs playbook. So I’m not really surprised. As I said before, TJ has some natural ability, what Harsin has to understand is you have to work to your players ability and strength. You can’t come in and demand he be someone else. That’s what happened last year. Also Harsin has to understand he is not playing in the west but in the SEC so a lot of his play calling won’t work against the athletes In the SEC. 🤔
  6. Did anyone really expect anything different ? I mean He started at AU last year. I know we thought the transfer from A&M would make a move but he is trying to learn a new playbook with new teammates . TJ has qualities if the OC plays to his strengths and the line does there job. Our biggest problem last year was our OL and the injuries suffered. TJ is a year older and a year wiser. Hoping he has a great year for Auburn’s sake.
  7. Yep and if you take away the money guys sports will suffer greatly. That’s where money comes for new stadiums and sports complexes . Be careful fir what you wish.
  8. For Allen’s part he was a great fund raiser but I think he never felt good about AU and the board was never completely on board about him. Allen is a good person who will do great in a place like Stanford or similar school. Everybody doesn’t just fit together, even if they try. Good luck Allen Greene, hoping you find a great school to work in. Harrison should be paying attention 7 wins or less is probably not going to be good for him. 🤔
  9. Well Bruce has shown with basketball, depth is the best thing going. Having a second QBs ready to come in is a good thing. How many times have we just hung in there with a starter with a bum leg because we didn’t trust the backup or #1 didn’t want to be taken out because of ego? Why can’t QB be like a pitcher in baseball? And have a closer in the bench? Just thinking out loud. Is that aloud here? 😁
  10. Yea it’s not like LSU got one if the best coaches in college football 🤔 well then again maybe LSU did get one if the best. You can bet Kelly will have LSU ready to go.
  11. What I mean by maturity is older guys that been thru ups and downs and that the other players listen to. Ones that could have talked them down of the hiwire last night when things went bad. That was the only thing this team missed having the complete team. 🤔🦅
  12. Hopefully that where we are headed. I don’t think Pearl has had the talent like will come his way the next few years, so he will have some adjusting to do as well .
  13. First let me say I’m proud of this team and Coach Pearl and the rest of the coaches . That said here is what happened. AU and Pearl are closing in on KY and a few others in being able to recruit the best talent in the country. With that comes the problem of one and dones as well as immaturity( basketball wise). While we had a great team it wasn’t with folks that had played a lot together nor were they older. Miami’s team was much more mature ( basketball wise) but not nearly as talented. That said if you look at our losses they happened following big win games like our opening against Jacksonville. Unfortunately they fell into the trap of underestimating their opponents as well as not being able to regroup after a bad stretch. That is the price you pay at this level and the being able to move easier between schools now, that problem will increase. UK suffered the same way. They were far more talented than St. Pete but St. Pete was much more mature. If you ever want to win an NC in basketball you will have to overcome this youth problem. I’m sure CBP would say the same thing. Now it’s time to regroup. Walker and Smith will be gone but I am sure there will be great talent waiting to take their place. Thanks to the whole team for a great run wish all of them success at the next level . I will gladly take a lot of years just like this. WDE 🦅🦅🦅
  14. Personally I still think we have the best overall team in the country player wise and coaching wise. My biggest worry is all of a sudden we have some folks playing careless. Our TO rate has increase dramatically and it’s not from steals it’s from silly crap. Throwing the ball into the 6th row of fans. Doing cute behind the back dribbles that they lose control of. Some really pick-up team type silly mistakes. Surely Bruce is seeing this. And it’s a few bench folks mostly . My thought is they are trying to get more playing time but instead they are making their self look bad. If We don’t get that fixed quick we will not win the SEC or SEC tourney or last more than first round in the tourney . Bruce would be good to sit a couple until they get their minds in he right places.
  15. And there is a reason for that. We kept expecting to do what any decent coach does and that’s improve as the year goes on. I was ok with his decision early to change WR coach because it showed a desire to correct a problem . But the team continued to collapse time and again, not from lack of talent but because of sine very dumb decisions on the coaching staff. Especially in the uat game. Coaches should know their labilities and play away from them. Such as a decision after the first OT not to go for to and attempt to win the game. Anyone with a brain knew time was not on our side. Has he went and missed I for one wound have give him an “A” for the attempt. Instead he backed down and not only lost the game but probably lost the team as well. I was one that thought Harsin was a change we needed. Someone with guys that would push and get the best out of the team. Instead he did nothing but sow doubt in the team as well as division. As I said he is lucky BP came to his assistance, and that Gouge and Greene both know they are history anyways, so they had nothing to lose. I wish Brian well, done where else.🙁Just my honest opinion.
  16. I’m going to say Flanigan and Cambridge have both become a liability for Auburn. Just to many dumb mistakes. 🙁
  17. Judging by the promotions today it is obvious no outside coach is willing to touch the job. My guess is AU has decided to waste the 2022 season and unless Harsin pulls off a miracle look for AU to fire AG this fall and Harsin about December. You don’t have to agree it’s just my belief at the moment. 🤔
  18. My last reply on this. Harsin needs to call Bruce Pearl everyday and thank him and Allen Greene needs to call Bruce everyday and thank Bruce as well. He probably single-handedly saved both of their jobs. Bruce is the #1 person at Auburn because not only does he deliver winners but he has earned the respect of everyone associated with Auburn. His stamp goes a long way. The moment he formally backed Greene and Harsin last week, the whole thing changed course quickly. We will see if Harsin learns the lesson and follows the path of Pearl and spend some time winning over the family, players, boosters going forward. Yesterday at the BB game was a good start. 🤔
  19. I respectfully disagree . I saw a lot of missed opportunity on play calling such as was on display in the Iron Bowl. Not running the ball to use up time and not going for two on the first OT.
  20. My only worry is AF. He has gotten a little sloppy here lately . He is a good player but it’s almost like he is pushing it to hard and making sloppy mistakes . Green has a tendency to do the same at times as well as Cambridge. When things are good they hit on all cylinders but when it’s get tight they start pushing the envelope and making rookie mistakes. Notice the turnovers in the last two games versus the takeaways . I still think they have the talent to make the final 4 if they just settle back down and start having fun again. It really looked as though we were really short on assist last game. 🤔
  21. No Harsin felt like he was good enough to make it in the premier league in the country the SEC West. He had no idea what it felt like to play against a Nick Saben/Kirby Smart: etc every week. Now he knows. This is a league you better have some great help on your sideline, not a bunch of seat holders. Nick Sabin only hires great coaches and they are even willing to take low pay, and a secondary job until they get their chance to be on the field. The coach of an SEC West team has to be a CEO type, willing to hire the best and not be afraid to let them do their job .
  22. Your exactly right . When will folks realize that for 6 million a year ( which AU can pay because the football brings in an income of well over 100 million a year) Top coaches are not afraid of being fired. They believe in theirself to a point they think they will be successful not a failure . Same as good players , they go where they want, they don’t live in fear of not being the best at that school . Doesn’t matter if their are 4 five stars ahead of them. Good folks don’t sit around planning an escape hatch . That’s for showboaters that know they are riding a bluff. 🤔
  23. Much like Bo. He saw a better opportunity at Oregon not only to show his skills but to do it in an environment that would be less dangerous on his repairing leg, than to return to the SEC grind . Also looking in the rear view mirror I think the offense was in disarray by end of the year. Could be some coaching conflict between Bobo/Harsin/Friend. Much like we saw with Gus, where he hired OCs but then wanted them to run his plays. That’s never going to work. Probably why Harsin called in one of his old guys, but that guy has grown up now in the NFL and wasn’t agreeable to just being a seat holder that Harsin wanted. Harsin needs to decide if he wants to be a head coach or an offensive coordinator and not both. We don’t need to short change the team just to hire a place holder at OC. 🤔
  24. And this should be a message to fans that complain about players transferring. We have no idea what is going on internally and sometimes the best answer is to get a fresh start at a new place. It doesn’t matter who is right or wrong. We should all be grateful for the time they spent here and wish them well when they move on, just like we wish incoming transfers to do well. 🤔
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