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Everything posted by Win4AU

  1. Florida should be bigger than Auburn but outside the Spurrier years they haven’t been. I would say Urban too but Urban Meyer never beat Auburn. Also I think Florida and Florida State were both pretty bad until the 80s.
  2. So the rumors about Freeze and an intern should start in 3 2 1……….. ”So that’s why you didn’t have time to coach and recruit this year”. JK
  3. Arnett would be strong. Everybody talked about Leech’s offense but their defense was really good too.
  4. Defense kept Auburn in most every game this season when it was predicted to be the weakness of the team. This may be the right move if he was a problem but you can’t say he did a bad job.
  5. Everything is speculation till it happens. Too many unsubstantiated rumors flying around the interwebs. Gotta believe the only people who really know aren’t saying peep so they don’t lose access to Freeze. Everyone else is “so and so’s cousins brothers uncle says coach X is out” follow my Twitter, youtube, etc so I get more ad revenue.
  6. I think hot seat is dependent on who and how Auburn loses. If Auburn comes out and the offense still looks like a turd and you have another New Mexico State then 100%. If Auburn has a bunch of close loses to Bama, UGA, Oklahoma, Mizzou, Texas A&M, and maybe Kentucky and pulls in another top 10 recruiting class then I think people will be fine. Freeze also needs to take 100% responsibility for the team’s performance in pressers. If he wants to internally have issues with coaches performances that’s fine but no more blaming coordinators publicly.
  7. Jay Tate says he’s already got his article written and hot board for replacements but obviously won’t put that out till it’s official. I was on the fence till he said that. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t just make Charles Kelly the DC if Ron is given the boot? He’s got a history of success and has proven the ability to coach and recruit.
  8. Seems like a lot of bad info is flying around. It does sound like Auburn may be about to pick up some portal players. My guess would be the WR. I’d like to snag that MSU lineman too.
  9. Just make it Kent Austin. We don’t need to do the who’s calling plays thing again. We did that for 8 years with Gus. Let Hugh run the offense and its success or failure can fall directly on his shoulders. He’s already shown that he deflects blame when he’s not in control. Leave no doubt.
  10. Who chose Montgomery and Roberts? Was that not what Freeze did this year?
  11. Are we talking about Dark Horse Heisman Candidate Hank Brown?
  12. Gotta believe Kieonte is looking for more money. I gotta wonder how sustainable all this transfer and NIL stuff is? There’s really no benefit to the big money donors to continually dump millions into the program year after year. No tax breaks. No ROI. At this point the players just need to be able to go to the NFL out of high school if they can. Rich people didn’t get rich throwing money away which is basically what the NIL is.
  13. I’ve heard Chargers or Raiders too.
  14. Was talking to my dad and he said something I hadn’t heard yet about Caddy. Apparently Harbaugh wants him to go to the NFL with him? I would be fine if that is the case.
  15. I thought Kelly was replacing McGriff as defensive back coach but more importantly recruiting guru?
  16. Why would Roberts be in trouble? 4 & 31? Charles Kelly?
  17. You can’t win in the SEC without a complimentary running attack. History proves that correct. Even though he’s not the most eloquent speaker Caddy is the real deal. He’s authenticity can’t be faked. Hugh is a good salesman. He’s not authentic. I hope wherever Caddy ends up he learns whatever he needs to learn so when Hugh messes up Auburn has a real leader of men to turn to. just my opinion.
  18. Isn’t today the last day to enter the portal? If you don’t get picked up before spring semester are you in no man’s land till summer?
  19. If Caddy goes anywhere it better be a promotion. He’s been consistently the best recruiter on the staff over the past 5 years. He showed last year what can happen when a coach motivates and uses their players correctly. Hugh can take all the credit he wants for the recruiting class he put together but he laid a turd with the on field product. Give me Caddy and Will Friend’s offense the last couple games of last year over that garbage Hugh and Monty rolled out this season.
  20. Also had to do with NIL and the position he wants to play according to On3 show.
  21. Can’t trust what you see on the interwebs apparently
  22. No need for a portal Qb. It’s the Hank and Walker show now! I think Auburn needs another proven WR and some Oline help.
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