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Everything posted by CoffeeTiger

  1. Like auburnatl mentioned, It's not even just a secular belief. https://news.gallup.com/poll/261680/americans-believe-creationism.aspx A majority of American Christians don't believe in a literal interpretation of the Biblical account of creation and, somewhat surprising only 56% of protestant Christians seemed to believe in full human creationism.
  2. Oh, yeah? Well, if this is true the Alabama Department of Transportation has been flagrantly violating my rights on a continual basis.
  3. How does protestors blocking a random road in California or Oregon affect you, a man living in the Mountains of North Carolina? If North Carolina regularly allows protestors to block roads without punishment then you need to petition your local government to fix it.
  4. Man, I must have been having a stroke when I wrote out that grammatical abomination of a post.
  5. There's at least one Conservative Christian poster on these forums that I know of (and likely several others) who do not believe the Separation of Church and State is even real and is an unconstitutional mandate.
  6. Nope, but as a responsible citizen I believe it's an issue the police should handle, and not citizens committing assault and murder, like our GOP congressman evidently believes is the correct response.
  7. Not long ago we had an old man shooting at people who accidently pulled into his driveway. An old man who shot a black kid who accidently knocks on his door, And now we have an old man shooting an innocent Uber Driver to death in his driveway because he was mad/confused and thinking he was getting robbed. This man chased after with poor woman with a gun, took her phone from her to try and make her stay and then shot her multiple times when she tried to drive away. I'm sure he was angry and confused about the scam calls he had been receiving. He evidently thought someone was trying to take something of his, and decided that he'd take his gun and solve the problem himself....unfortunately it led to the death of an innocent person and he'll likely, and deservedly, end up spending the last years of his live in prison. https://apnews.com/article/ohio-uber-driver-fatally-shot-2efec12816a9a40934a6a7524e20e613
  8. So you believe the anti-vaccine 'trucker convoys' that clogged up and blocked highways a couple years ago were domestic terrorist? Interesting.
  9. I was raised to believe like you, that the creation story was 100% true and literal to the letter. that Evolution and astronomy science was all liberal bunk designed to turn people away from God. Members of my church love the Ken Ham grifts like the Ark Encounters and Creation 'museums'. What I find curious...and I don't know if your church, belief system is the same way, but at least in my Church, while we took the wild and fantastical stories in the Old Testament as a completely true to the letter accounting of what God did and what actually happened, our church takes great pains to point out that most New Testament scripture has to be contextualized to be correctly understood. That when reading the New Testament scriptures one has to know 'who wrote the letter' 'who the letter was written to' the culture and beliefs system of the people at that time, and the language and terminology used at the time. Only through study and examination of all these factors can the true meaning and intent of new testament scripture be understood. My church taught that much of the New Testament was written in parables and metaphors that couldn't be taken as 100% literal, and needed the above referenced context to get the true meaning out of. A quick examples is when Jesus says its 'easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven' A literal reading of this verse and teaching would suggest that Jesus is saying it's basically impossible for a man who is wealthy/hordes wealth to ever be saved' My Church/preacher went with the common modern day interpretation that Jesus was referring to what some claim was a very small Gate/opening in the Walls of Jerusalem at that time that travelers referred to as the 'eye of the needle, and that while difficult for the rich to stay focused on God, it wasn't quite as hard/impossible as a literal interpretation of Jesus's words would indicate. What I find interesting is that this call for context never applies to Old Testament stories like Creation, Tower of Babel, The Ark, etc. While the New Testament was written for people of the ancient Middle East, and that their understanding of biblical writings were paramount over a literal telling of what was happening, but yet this isn't considered true for much of the Old Testament for some reason. People in 1400B.C. had no real ideas or understanding of biology, physics, astronomy, etc. They were a people that were primarily superstitious and were focused on survival and would have had no understanding about evolution or things at play in the wider universe. They needed simple stories and explanations about why they existed, how the earth came to be, why bad things happen, why it hurts when they stick their fingers, Who and what 'God' was. All of this is answered in the easy to understand, easy to teach stories of Genesis. People could understand an all powerful God creating man out of dust and a woman out of a human rib with magic much more easily than they could understand millions of years of evolution. They could understand a story about the evil, trickster Devil convincing silly humans to eat a 'forbidden' fruit in a magic garden against Gods wishes. Of course it makes sense that now they, the people of 1400 BC, had to suffer because their early ancestors were tricked by Satan and defied God. It's all a cute story that gives easy, quick answers to the most challenging and important questions that people of that day would have understood and accepted. Why are there other people spread out among the lands speaking weird languages? Of course the Tower of Babel happened! Now weather you want to believe that the creation story was written by regular men as a fantasy scenario to give easy answers to hard questions on the religion they were creating among themselves, or God himself intentionally made it up for early people to more easily understand and digest his words and commands, that's for you to decide. This is a drawn out way of saying that there are different and reasonable beliefs to have between the extremes of 'I believe the Biblical creation story literally in its entirety" or 'I am defying God and turning away from him since I believe in evolution, big bang, etc'
  10. “With our streaming content, we aim to provide a permanent home for high-quality news and entertainment that face discrimination by other channels and content delivery services,” said TMTG CEO Devin Nunes, a former Republican congressman for California in a statement. “There is a lot of great content that simply can’t find an audience for unjust reasons, and we want to let these creators know they’ll soon have a guaranteed platform where they won’t be cancelled.” Sounds like they will be targeting the "conservative, anti-woke" content demographic which the Daily Wire has pretty much already wrapped up with their streaming service.
  11. Ultimately, we're just different people coming to different conclusions about how everything we see was originally created. Believing that a God or deity did it is certainly a popular opinion that a vast majority of the earths population believes and that that most people throughout history have believed. There have been hundreds. If not thousands of different gods throughout human history that have been believed in and credited by humans as being the creator of the world and universe. Which deity and religion that is has always depending heavily on the culture, geographic area, and time period they lived in. You grew up in the modern United States, so predictably, the God of the Bible is the one you choose to believe to be the creator. Other people like Homer choose to believe that there are non-religious elements at play in the creation. That science and human understanding can/may eventually find the real explanation for our existence that doesn't lead back to an organized religion. Perhaps the truth is in the middle? Maybe there IS an almighty intelligent worldly creator that simply hasn't shown themselves to humanity and has not sought worship or recognition, and that we are not aware of the existence of.
  12. I know tech companies regularly operate on yearly losses, but only $5million of revenue seems insanely low to me.
  13. I think it's good we're growing up past the culture where we bragging about whipping kids bloody with tree limbs/belts/etc and how that made them 'good kids' or something. Plenty of ways you can punish and discipline children without intentionally causing physical pain making children afraid of their own parents. Spanking children with your hands is whatever, In my opinion. I wouldn't choose to use it as a form of discipline, but I don't think it should be 'illegal' or anything.
  14. Interesting WASHPO article following some small time MAGA investors who bought into Trumps Truth social stock because of their fandom of Donald Trump, and are now dealing with staggering financial losses as the stock continues to plunge. Some choose to stay optimistic, saying they trust Trump/God to turn everything around, some blame the Deep State and liberals for manipulating the stock prices and making it go down to harm Trump and his followers, while a select few are starting to worry that they may have bought into a sham stock that has no hope for success. As funny as what some of these people say and do is...it's kind of sad at the same time, especially that Oklahoma Tree removal guy they interviewed. Now the guy probably has never made very good financial decisions throughout his life which would explain how $25,000 is apparently his entire "nest egg" at 70 years old...yikes. Feel sorry for his family when they learn their dumbass dad/uncle/grand-dad/etc lost everything he had on the stock market because he thinks God and Trump will make it successful. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/04/14/truth-social-investors-faith-trump/
  15. 2022 was a down year, but recovered pretty well since then. The S&P500 is up 9.5% from Jan 2022 to today.
  16. France and Britain seem to be in agreement with the Biden Administration. “The attack was a failure,” British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said repeatedly in a BBC television interview Monday morning, describing it as a “double defeat” for Tehran in both military and geopolitical terms. “The right thing to do is not to escalate,” he said, when asked how Israel should respond. “We are urging them as friends to think with head as well as heart, to be smart as well as tough, and to recognize that Iran suffered this defeat, because the attack was a failure.” Instead, Cameron said, he supported considering sanctions and other pressure tactics to keep Iran from conducting further attacks against Israel and to “rein in their proxies.” In a television interview Monday morning, French President Emmanuel Macron also hailed the immediate response to Iran’s attack as a “victory for Israel,” emphasizing how it was largely thwarted — including with assistance from French air forces in Jordan. Macron said that the situation remained “very unstable” but that he was doing everything he could to avoid further escalation. “It’s about convincing against a response that escalates,” Macron said. “Isolate Iran, succeed in persuading the countries of the region that Iran is a threat, build up sanctions, strengthen pressures against nuclear activity,” he said. “Then we can find a path to peace for the region.”
  17. In particular, for much of its history The Muslim Ottoman Empire was uniquely tolerant of other religions and cultures within its boundaries compared to most other nations in existence at that time. They used an Islamic concept called Dhimmi that guaranteed property, life, and religious rights to Christians, Jews, (basically any non-Muslim), as long as that person swore loyalty to the State and paid a tribute/poll tax. It wasn't full religious freedom or anything, but non-Muslims living in the Ottoman Empire were in many times better off than non-Christians living in most European States, and of course Christians became pretty violent against each other by the time the Reformation rolled around. The Islamic middle east is of course among the least religious tolerant place in todays world though.
  18. I also didn't help that the LA police department and Prosecutors were wildly incompetent in proving the case. You had one of the lead detectives take the stand and invoked his 5th amendment rights when asked point blank if he planted evidence against OJ. Money and jury biases may have played a part, but horrible police work was ever present as well.
  19. Welcome back. You see, if a person dies because of a lack of food or healthcare then it's their own damn fault for not working hard enough to afford to purchase those things. God would never expect any self respecting Christian to give their own wealth or resources to pay for the healthcare of the weak and lazy among us.
  20. Apparently this guy came out with this book and these "Bombshell allegations" late in 2023. Why is Right wing media just now picking it up and reporting on it 4 months later? I'd say it looks like him and his publisher are probably paying these right wing sites to "report" on it as advertisements, as it doesn't appear the book sold very well on it's own merits...
  21. Right...because nothing worth impeachment has been found. That's why it's not going anywhere in the GOP controlled house and why it's politically dead.
  22. I don't see why Biden/Democrats would care. I'd be more than happy for Donald Trump to drain his and the entire RNC's campaign accounts for his legal defense. Have Trump Bankrupt the GOP like he does his own businesses. (which makes sense since the GOP is essentially owned by Donald Trumps family at this point)
  23. Except there isn't overwhelming evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegal. I know YOU believe there is and that you blame Democrats for not letting the case move forward, but the reality is that even the House Republicans can't all agree that Biden did anything illegal or impeachment worthy.
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