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Everything posted by Hank2020

  1. aTm has a first year coach with complete new coaching staff. If he’s not just looking for more NiL, I think we compete well against them in this case. Texas is different though.
  2. A little off topic but Bama retooling entire coaching staff will raise the going tate for all of them. They will have to open up the checkbook to get any good ones to come on board with historical data on coaching staffs following great coaching staffs thT retire. Nobody wants to be that staff.
  3. It’s obvious to me that who is tougher is directly related to who is coaching. If you go back to Spurrier days (tough), if you are in Smart days (tough).
  4. Your correct. We are still at 4 in QB room so number of plays for him ate very limited. He will be penciled in at 3rd so difficult to break through.
  5. If he was scout team QB they had plenty of opportunities. Scout team goes against the ones but only defensive coaches are watching at that time.
  6. Thats 1 leadership quality I understand.
  7. Plus they both have tight control over coach interaction with anybody else.
  8. Probably double the money too.
  9. The trouble I see with that is most AU fans want home-run hires. Freeze’s experience is only at Ole Miss from a SEC perspective. That greatly limits the possibilities.
  10. Maybe Roberts created the list bc Freeze tried to keep McGriff on staff!! I don’t know and believe only few do know. I definitely know posting that as Roberts did was certainly not an outcome from his extreme leadership position. He missed it by a long shot but maybe Freeze did too.
  11. I understood that 2023 offense was a mesh of Freeze system and OC system so maybe not as many changes.
  12. Understand, I realize HC leadership ultimately owns all of these if they are real. Caveat to the situation is that apparently a very experienced, well thought of coach walked away from an extremely high paying job (most assign to Roberts). It did not seem like he would have taken the off the field role working extremely close with Freeze if Freeze was his original thorn in his side so to speak. I am speculating also.
  13. You make a great deal of assumptions when assigning ownership to list of supposed problems by Roberts.
  14. Saban seems to give them time to find a spot vs. firing most of the time. Sometimes they just retire.
  15. Kiffin has only been DC at FAU for his brother. All other roles have been within defensive side of the ball but apparently none calling defensive plays except at FAU. Arnette would definitely be regarded as equal or better than Roberts. Might be telling that HC Kiffin never got him to be DC at any of his other stops.
  16. Apparently Roberts got him playing time. Looked like the right choice too as he was mostly a high spot for us.
  17. He’s in the play-offs. He wouldn’t stay with his brother (or come back), doubt he comes to AU.
  18. You must start a new thread on these type statements!!! Lol
  19. I think they beat us for their NC. Not sure if he was there then though. Kelly also coached db’s along side Saban. Probably picked up something!!
  20. Agree he seems to be a great team-mate.
  21. Arnette has been mentioned. Don’t know if the two systems mesh very well (not that smart Lol), but he had good success for the 2years he was DC at MSU.
  22. Gotcha, I assumed it was meant negatively but understand I missed it. Thx
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