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:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:  :banghead:

Well there ya go.. Cecil newton is driving a new truck.. Better run him out of town. Sorry but this is the epitome of this story.. Cecil newtons new truck= guilty... did he have 2 more new trucks parked in the driveway, because he still have 120k to spend.. maybe Mark checked under their mattress for the cash :-\

At least we will know what the headline at 12;00 tomorrow night on ESPN will be  :laugh:

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If he rolled up in a Ferrari i would be nervous, but if it's an escalade, you can find those parked in the poorest sections of Bessemer.  

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Thanks Rednilla.

It does worry me because I heard the info directly from Mark's mouth. He had enough journalistic integrity in his article not to mention it. It was none of his concern. But it made enough of an impression on his to bring it up with friends "off the record".

Let's hope there is nothing to it. I know lots of families that spend way too high of a percentage of their income on a car. I lived in Memphis for awhile. I've seen tons of Hummers and Escalades pulling into Government Subsidized Ghetto housing. I mean no negatives to any stereotype I may potentially offend. Just saying I've seen it.

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I mean that's just damming on Mark's part.. we live in a crappy part of town, our church needs work, but since we got this 200k, we should get a new truck.... :dunno:

Thanks for the info Timmeg.. Not making fun of you, in a way it serves us right for hanging onto any nugget of info we can get

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Here it is...personally, I think it sounds pretty bogus:

Mark ScLabach (ESPN writer that broke the story) went to the Newtons house and church as part of the story before it went national.

He inspected the church and it was a dump. No way big money was pumped into it. No way.

He rolled up to the Newton's house unannounced. Moderate house by the airport. No way money bought them a house. As a sterotypical southern home it had old junked out cars all over the lawn.

Mrs. Newton was not too happy that Mark had come unannounced so she called Cecil. Mr. Newton arrived 5 mins later in a brand new truck that in Mark's opinion cost in the 60,000 range.

When I heard that; my heart sunk. I was told that story the day Mark broke his story.

Take it however you want, but it certainly made me extremely nervous how a lower middle class home is driving around in a ride like that. I'm eager for the NCAA to examine all of the documents. I want a resolution asap.


Here you go no d^ ^^n PM for this                                                                                               http://www.nesn.com/2010/11/gene-chizik-fires-back-calls-latest-cam-newton-allegations-pure-garbage.html

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Cam's brother drives a Range Rover and it is a possibility that he drove up in that. Or maybe Cam's brother bought his dad a new car...I mean he did play in the NFL.

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Great Point. Who knows? I just found it an interesting fact.

We will get thru all of this. Our Athletic Department is way too smart not to thoroughly vette these issues. Until something concrete comes out, I'm planning my trip to NC

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Well goodnight everybody.. I'm off to fantasy land. I got about 200k in my mattress i need to count. ;)

So YOU'RE the missing middle man who disappeared with dough, huh!? :tease:

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Lets just start talking about Georgia. Thats all that can be controlled anyway

NO, The info you reported is every bit as important as the sources the media claim. The info is out there and people on this site know. They're just not going to post it and that's the opposite of what we need.

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last zinger,.... but it didn't say range rover of montgomery on the back did it? :laugh: ... I think I'm gonna become a journalist tomorrow. :-\

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Well goodnight everybody.. I'm off to fantasy land. I got about 200k in my mattress i need to count. ;)

So YOU'RE the missing middle man who disappeared with dough, huh!? :tease:

maybe. :laugh: :laugh: i gotta DB in idaho I will give sell to you at 10% off the going price.. 180k :laugh: :laugh:

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Any way I'm out.. gotta count my money.. Me and Cecil are going truck shopping tomorrow. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

sorry but I needed to lighten up the room

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I have been thinking about this alot. This reminds me of when Jeff Burger was QB at AU. I don't know ho many of you remember, but there were several attempts at getting Burger declared ineligible. None of it came to pass, but for several months Burger walked around with a Bulls-Eye on his back. I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't think for a minute Chizik, Jacobs, the Athletic Dept., the compliance dept, would play Cam if they sensed everything was not on the up and up. And, I don't think they would adamantly defend Cam if they knew for a fact this was true. I just hate it for Cam, his family and of course for AU. Whatever happens, I have been an Auburn fan all my life and will continue to yell WAR EAGLE until I kick.


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If the story is true, we have the AD and the head coach lying to us.  I'd be surprised if that's the case, given what that would mean for their careers, esp. Jacobs.

Also, a major hole with the story.  If that's true, MSU should have stopped the recruitment right then.  They didn't. 

I'm gonna sit and wait.  No friggin clue what's true.

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This is all BS.Mullenators are throwing everything they can out there because this is all blowing up in thekr face.If it Is true and it did happen Cam and his family did/are doing a damn good job of hiding that big block of cheese.

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This is all BS.Mullenators are throwing everything they can out there because this is all blowing up in thekr face.If it Is true and it did happen Cam and his family did/are doing a damn good job of hiding that big block of cheese.

Dude I'm sorry but as of now, this is not blowing up in MSU's face. More to a point: It is blowing up in AU's face. I'm all for AU being innocent in all this but one can not ignore the situation. I can see one reporter having a vendetta(evans). Multiple media outlets having a vendetta is hard to believe. I have no doubt that Meyer and Mullen are butthurt over not having Cam(I would be as well) but if there is audio recordings linking Cam and or Cecil Newton to the pay-to-play scheme, that is not good.

Auburn's past has/is throwing a jaded light on the matter. It's really no secret that Auburn has some shady boosters. A lot of people have complained about them in the past. They've also gotten AU put on probation. So it's a little hard at this point to not understand the counter point. I hope that it's fabricated but I'm now in the wait and see mode.

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More rumor and innuendo...."An unnamed source said.."  If this came out so long ago, and was looked into, why is everyone running scared?  I am certain our compliance dept has vetted all these stories long ago.  Chizik and Jacobs are not going to put their reputations on the line on camera if there was anything to this.  It is just more mud slinging by the press. 

This story has developed a life of it's own, and everyone is trying to bandwagon it so that they can get viewers/readers/internet hits.

Calm down.


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A $60, 0000 truck?!?!?!  That is the bombshell?  Crickey, WHAT a stretch!!  Especially considering that most cars cost $40,000 and up.

I thought he already had a son playing in the NFL who probably gave him the truck.  But then again, depending upon his denomination, he should be able to afford a vehicle of this kind.

There is absolutely nothing here.  Your mate isn't too bright in my opinion.  Absurd.

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