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Are any of you hunters?


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sKerry's election to the presidency would have a major impact on gun ownership in the US. He is a weak minded fool who has already proven that he sides against the american people when it comes to their protection. The presidency has a lot of impact on gun control and confiscation. He is the one responsible for nominating SC justices. And weak mindied sKerry would difinitely appoint whoever his anti-gun buddies want for him to nominate. Fully automatic weapons have nothing to do with hunting, they have to do with the second amendment. But all of these anti-gun groups do not care about the fully automatic weapos (these are already scritnized thouroughly) They want semi-auto shotguns, rifles, AND ALL HANDGUNS.

sKerry is in league with these guys and will be defeated by a large number of gun owners and hunters.

LE, if you want to give up your second amendment rights, go ahead. But to believe it can't happen???????

Look at the UK.

Look at Australia.

So what you ar really saying is that the rest of the gun owners in america are fighting for your rights, but you aren't fighting for theirs?

I told you this on the other board, John sKerry is the most anti-gun presidential cnadidate in the history of the U.S.

And like I said before, if the Republicans had a decent candidate, I'd vote for him or her. What good is having a gun going to be when the nuclear bombs start explodin'?

Ah yeah. OK. You need to start letting a little air at a time out of your ballon. You are starting to get WWWAAAAAYYYYYY out there.

Didn't they say that Reagan would do the same thing?

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Al, that is the current code, not the proposed changes...

What are the proposed changes? They'd better hurry because the current laws expire on 9/13.

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