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SIAP--Thayer's latest, most desperate, pathetic garbage...


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Gregg Doyle tweets:

@AuburnGal98 Neither do I. Cam's got nothing to gain, talking to a jury that's already convicted him

Dumbath Thayer Evanth from Iron Bowl: Nice comeback, Cam Newton's decent, but he won't talk to media SO HE MUTHT BE EVIL

Downtown Athletic Club should save 3-4 schools the airfare and just invite Cam Newton to the Heisman ceremony

Where's my Auburn beanie? I want one. I need one. And I want Cam Newton to sign that bad boy

@ThayerEvansFox Your followers are way up because of me. You're welcome. And if you think I need a beanie, please try to put one on my head

Wondering: Since Thayer Evans' series of Cam Newton cheap shots for Fox, he hasn't written. In two weeks. Suspension?

So yeah, someone is calling thayer on his crap.

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There is a huge Auburn-hating fanbase out there, (All the SEC school fanbases that we whipped, Non-SEC schools that hate the SEC, etc.)  He is going to hang his hat on this story and run with it till it has been beaten like the proverbial dead horse.  People who hate Auburn will read anything that might hint that we have to vacate victories, so he will keep writing them.  There is nothing new to report, so he just puts a different spin on the same story.  Cam won't talk...(insert same old Thayer garbage)...etc.  Really sad when one thinks about it.  He went from the NYT, to essentially an internet blogger no different from the retards like that UA fan who always calls into Finebaum and touts his internet site.  :laugh:

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Yes this is my first post, I have been on here for several weeks, after not wanting to use the BSPN board. I do not know why the heck I decided to read this article. Anywho, I sent this pr!ck a message after I read this one, he is out of control. I hope the Newton lawyer rips him to peices and his career is ruined. Here is my short message to him:

You sir make a mockary of the constitutional right to free speech. That right should not be used to defame a person without knowing all FACTS. By continuously attacking the character of a young man based on rumor and inuendo for the goal of sensationalizm, only defames your own charactor as a man. Good luck with that.

I would also like to say thanks for helping me sort all this out. It has been nice having a place to go to where others share my love for Auburn. War Eagle!!


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Sent this to his coments section - but they did't post it! :-X

Evans's work is better suited for Nation Enquirer, wait - this is FOX Sports - no difference. He'd headline "Queen Elizabeth is and Alien!" and have an article about her trip to Aruba. He's such a hack that anyone who can read and do their research would think him a cat with a hairball.

Controversy around Auburn and Newton is manufactured by clowns like Evans. There is no controversy. Newton owes nothing to hacks like this guy because there is nothing to say. Keep dreaming up scenarios and conspiracy theories. Another qualified sports reporter has said that one coach, one reporter and one agent will likely go to jail over this incident. How about reporting on that Evans? You seem to like to report on yourself soooo much anyway .. . .

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The best way to shut him up is to contact the companies who advertise on Fox Sports.  I have done that.  If enough people complain to advertisers and threaten to boycot their business, it will stop.  I contacted Zaxby's yesterday and received two phone calls from the regional manager stating that he will pass my concerns on to the corporate office.  He said he had received a ton of complaints already.  War Eagle.

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Also, the fewer hits his article gets, the more Fox will realize how irrelevant he actually is...

I suggest not giving him the time of day = ignore him... this garbage without substance will come back on him...

Whatever you sow, you reap...

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Yes, stop reading his blogs.  You are supporting his cause when you open them.  Ignore him.  His jobis to get people to read his blog.  He knows he has struck a nerve and as long as he writes something negative about Auburn it will get thousands of hits.  Stop helping him!!!

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By not talking, Cam is driving this fool crazy.  I hope he walks up to the heisman trophy presentation, picks up the trophy, says "Thank you", and walks off with it.  hahaha

Just keep the silence and continue to drive this fool crazy.

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