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ESPN=No accountability


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ESPN was reporting last night that Miles woul take the Mich job if offered. Was he not offered the job, or were they just wrong yet again?

I think Jimmy Sexton is his agent that is really all that needs to be said.

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At this point they don't really have to be credible. They have no competition. Their numbers continue to be high because people continue to watch and visit their website. As much as you hate them sometimes you still turn them on. The viewers keep watching so the advertisers keep coming and as long as the money keeps coming in they couldn't care less. It's that simple.

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Maybe I just haven't noticed until this year but I've come to the realization that ESPN isn't credible at all anymore.

I noticed in 2004.

I can understand that. I hate it and its really made me second guess everything they report now. I have to wait and see if what they report actually turns out to be true or not.

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If you look back through ESPiN's history they have become less and less credible through the years. To many opionion makers and talking heads rather than journalist. There is not enough time to gather all the facts in todays fast pace, gotta have it now world. Better first than right might as well be their motto. It's become more tabliod than anything else. I remember a time when it was about sports, lol. I mean look at the Brett Favre/ Jenn Sturger thing. Does anyone really care.

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I hate Joe Schad with a fire and loathing that should only go to the most vile of individuals. I hate that guy and I really don't like ESPN. Robert Smith said that the FBI is still investigating Auburn and that he expected Auburn to have things come out that aren't so good. This isn't a Bammer this time, it's Robert Smith. It's like the whole network is caught under Saban's spell and Schad is there to report everything wrong. He's like the Bizarro of reporters, whatever he says is backwards.

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One thing (out of many) that makes me mad about ESPN is that even though they treated Auburn poorly all year with lies and irresponsible journalism they sure cashed in on the game. Have you ever watched a game with that many commercials? Not only were the commercial breaks plentiful they were long as well. ( seemed that way to me )

It was worse than any Superbowl..........I would be glad if we never had to see Auburn on ESPN again, especially with the addition of Direct Tv as a sponsor. Maybe the networks will step up.

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I stopped going to ESPN's website. I go to SI.com now. Unfortunately I can't turn the TV to SI channel because to my knowledg there isn't one. It's a damn shame.

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I cancelled my ESPN the Mag subscription and Insider account about 2 months ago, but I still have to watch their stations when they're carrying a sporting event I want to see  :-\

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