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As an Alumnus


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I expect all people associated with/representing Auburn to live by the Auburn Creed.

I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn.

Therefore, I believe in work, hard work.

I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind

and my hands to work skillfully.

I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect

and confidence of my fellow men.

I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid,

and in clean sports that develop these qualities.

I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all.

I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men

and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all.

I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is

my own home, and that I can best serve that country by

"doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God."

And because Auburn men and women believe in these things,

I believe in Auburn and love it.

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True, but the reality is all of us went to school with people at Auburn that had to mental capacity to be productive  students that had some screwed up views and did NOT live by the CREED. Plenty of that starts at home with the parents. A professor would be going above and beyond the call of duty to try to reach out to a student like a parent and attempt to mold them or guide them toward what the creed represents. When you take this same scenario and apply it to a student athlete it takes on a whole new life. Our coaches become surrogate parents whether they like it or not because it will impact their “performance review”. Some coaches embrace it and truly care and I am sure some tolerate it as part of the job. There is no doubt in my mind Chizik wants to make a difference in young men’s lives. He takes a chance giving some kids a chance, but I am sure it is challenging with some players that did not come from a background, neighborhood that embraced much in the CREED. He needs the talent to succeed, but he is determined to do his best to mold them, parent them, help them get their degree and go on to being productive members of society. In the end it is their choice on whether they embrace the support system and opportunity Chizik, his staff and Auburn provide them. I spoke with Eric Smith’s mom at the NC game and a few other parents and I can tell you she thinks the world of Chizik, what he stands for and how he handles this program from a parent’s perspective.

War Eagle !

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Good post, NC.  Freedom of choice is one of the most important God-given gifts...and our military worldwide are dying as we speak freely tonight to have that choice.  Thanks for sharing!

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We're hurting pretty bad right now.

Keep all of us in your prayers please. A lot of tears have been shed today.

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We're hurting pretty bad right now.

Keep all of us in your prayers please. A lot of tears have been shed today.

Robin I am so sorry for your pain, and for Kiehl....

I feel awful for everyone, and  I'm very saddened by what's happened. Prayers will be sent, and the hope that something good can be salvaged for the future of those young men.

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This has to be especially hard for you, and for Kiehl, then. Again...I am so sorry.

My goodness...this has been a really awful day all around the world.

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AU Family...goes w/out saying but I will anyway...let us who believe in the power of prayer to be ALL IN for it now and in the days to come.  My heart aches for the team, and the coaches who have regretfully done what had to be done as it now appears.  So much has been invested in mentorships and friendships.  Waiting to see the ultimate good that will come from the sad choice of a few.  May it only bring our coaches, their families, our team and their families, fanbase, and faithfuls closer together.  My deepest concern is for those who are living up close what most of us are seeing from afar.  Pray.

Romans 8:28

War Eagle!

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We're hurting pretty bad right now.

Keep all of us in your prayers please. A lot of tears have been shed today.

Robin I am so sorry for your pain, and for Kiehl....

I feel awful for everyone, and  I'm very saddened by what's happened. Prayers will be sent, and the hope that something good can be salvaged for the future of those young men.

Prayers sent.  I am so sorry for your pain.
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We're hurting pretty bad right now.

Keep all of us in your prayers please. A lot of tears have been shed today.

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."  Rom 8:28!

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Does anyone know if Chizik has called a team meeting yet ? Chizik has obviously proven himself, but I think we need to regroup as a team and restate the obvious: Auburn man, rules, tolerance, media climate, hater’s ammo, Auburn image protection, etc. I mean......my God.......besides striving to live the CREED can we please stop giving all the haters more ammo ? For example, on the Bleacher Report the twist is what you would expect in that Chizik had NO CHOICE but to dismiss these players. Oh really? Sure the guy doing the piece is a crimson midget worshiper, but our players KNOW the AL media and national media have one agenda and that is to take Auburn down. There should be some healthy paranoia in that our boys handle themselves like a PI is following them to class, practice, personal time, etc. looking for dirt and/or anything they can twist into something dirty. They have been at it all year.

I hate it for these players making bad decisions and hate it even more for their parents. We have got to circle the wagons and stop the bleeding. We need to let the media have more idle time to focus on other programs that NEED some monitoring (like across the state) and not Auburn.

War Eagle ! 

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Thank you. We love the Mosely's very much. Been good friends for over 10 years.

Thoughts and prayers have been going out to the Mosley family.  Please let them know that all the AU family feels the pain.  I, as a parent, know the heartache. 

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Thank you. We love the Mosely's very much. Been good friends for over 10 years.

Thoughts and prayers have been going out to the Mosley family.  Please let them know that all the AU family feels the pain.  I, as a parent, know the heartache. 

Very true

If I remember correctly I think Moseley's dad also gave Dyer a ride to Auburn a couple times. As a parent your emotions would be all over the board. This is a household game changer for the Moseley's future opportunities for their son. Brutal ! Parents get angry, but still feel some guilt asking themselves where they went wrong when they did all they could.  I know these parents have to be great people and will pray for them. 

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Praying for all! This is truly sad for all concerned. Just goes to show you how one bad apple(if this is the case) can ruin it all for everyone.  We as the Auburn family need to really pray for our coaches, players and administrators in the following days and months.    :'(  :'(

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We are still family. Families stick together through great times and very rough times. This will show us and everyone else that this will help the Auburn family grow that much stronger with our love and support for one another.

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And though I never went to school @ Auburn, my love, respect and support for Auburn has run very deep since 1967. I have been and will continue prayering for these 5 guys and their families and friends.

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We're hurting pretty bad right now.

Keep all of us in your prayers please. A lot of tears have been shed today.

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."  Rom 8:28!

But when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her" John 8:7

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“Therefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” (James 1:19)

“He who is slow to wrath has great understanding, but he who is impulsive exalts folly.” (Proverbs 14:29)

“He who is quick-tempered acts foolishly …” (Proverbs 14:17)

There are many things on this site that I will fire off at will about. But this happens to have directly destoyed the lives of 4 people and indirectly of countless family members, therefore I cannot just argue with someone that has a different opinion about this matter than mine. 

As DJ stated on another thread there are many family members of those involved that get on this site. The only thing I can say to you is I truly pray for peace for you and your family as you have to handle this most horrible situation in your life. I am sure it is very hard for the players and recruits that are friends with these 4. We would be fooling ourselves to even know what they are thinking right now.

Please remember that this is not about a W or L on the schedule.....it is a Loss for countless people and lets all please handle ourselves in the manner that we would want to be treated in at this time.

War Eagle

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