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Impossible question to answer


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What would you do if your son played football at Alabama?

1. I would support my kid.

2. I would go to the games.  

3. Crimpson and white would never be on my body.

4. I would hope he had great stats, but would still hope the turds lost. Can't change that.

5. I would wear my Auburn gear and pull for Auburn on iron bowl day.

6. I would have headphones on every game listening to the Auburn Football Network.

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What would you do if your son played football at Alabama?

i have had that question asked to me before and the response i always give is the same.

if my son is being recruited by alabama there is a 99% chance that he is being recruited by Auburn, so the decision is in his hands and he will always make the right choice (to be with the family cause once you get in you can never get out)


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I agree with Weegle.  I would fully support my son, brag about his great play, bemoan his bad ones, but at the end of the day I would still proudly shout War Eagle to my fellow Auburn family members.

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What would you do if your son played football at Alabama?

1. I would support my kid.

2. I would go to the games.  

3. Crimpson and white would never be on my body.

4. I would hope he had great stats, but would still hope the turds lost. Can't change that.

5. I would wear my Auburn gear and pull for Auburn on iron bowl day.

6. I would have headphones on every game listening to the Auburn Football Network.

7. Saban would no longer be at bammer.

No way my kid plays for that man!
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Easy question.

I would borrow his Dodge Charger, take all of his free suits from TTMW, put them in the trunk, and drive up to the NCAA administration building and ask to speak to the person who handles rules violations.

After they went on prohbation, he could transfer to AU without having to sit out a year.

I think any father would/should do this for his son. :laugh:

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Easy question.

I would borrow his Dodge Charger, take all of his free suits from TTMW, put them in the trunk, and drive up to the NCAA administration building and ask to speak to the person who handles rules violations.

After they went on prohbation, he could transfer to AU without having to sit out a year.

I think any father would/should do this for his son. :laugh:

Priceless !!


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Easy question.

I would borrow his Dodge Charger, take all of his free suits from TTMW, put them in the trunk, and drive up to the NCAA administration building and ask to speak to the person who handles rules violations.

After they went on prohbation, he could transfer to AU without having to sit out a year.

I think any father would/should do this for his son. :laugh:

Amen to that! :thumbsup:

Priceless !!


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Easy question.

I would borrow his Dodge Charger, take all of his free suits from TTMW, put them in the trunk, and drive up to the NCAA administration building and ask to speak to the person who handles rules violations.

After they went on prohbation, he could transfer to AU without having to sit out a year.

I think any father would/should do this for his son. :laugh:

I think we have a winner! :thumbsup:

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I have always said that their is fine line between being a great fan and a pathetic human being. I know this because I have crossed that line a time or two. I will always be an Auburn fan, but I would be ALL IN for my son.  :wareagle:

This!  I love auburn and would still continue but nothing on earth should come before your child!

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I was offered an academic scholarship to Alabama out of high school.  I joined the US Navy instead.  If I had a son, and he WANTED to play for Alabama and could, I would proudly wear those colors and even cheer against my beloved Tigers when my son played them.  Some things are more important than others.

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Easy question.

I would borrow his Dodge Charger, take all of his free suits from TTMW, put them in the trunk, and drive up to the NCAA administration building and ask to speak to the person who handles rules violations.

After they went on prohbation, he could transfer to AU without having to sit out a year.

I think any father would/should do this for his son. :laugh:

That is pretty much the same thing my dad said when I asked him this question my senior year in high school.


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I told both of my sons the same thing in their senior year of high school, that they could go to college anywhere they wanted and study whatever they wanted, and I would pay foe it, with two conditions:

1. They could NOT attend the university of alabama

2. They had to graduate in a field where they made enough money that they would not be living in my basement when they are forty.

One asked "What if I did go to alabama?"  (JOKING)  I told him if he did, that was his decision, but not to come home for Christmas. (kinda joking)

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I would schedule an intervention. Enroll him in a 12-step program. And tell him that I love him too much watch him ruin his life, and that one day he would look back and thank me. 

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