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"Unguarded" last night


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:banghead:  CRAP!!  I forgot about it being on.  I have met Chris.  His uncle was a customer of mine before he passed away.  Chris created a very difficult road for himself.  I am so glad he has turned his life around and helping others, too.  I will catch the replay. 
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:banghead:  CRAP!!  I forgot about it being on.   I have met Chris.  His uncle was a customer of mine before he passed away.  Chris created a very difficult road for himself.  I am so glad he has turned his life around and helping others, too.  I will catch the replay. 

It's worth it. Gettting traded to Boston sent him back downhill.

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ESPN2 replayed it tonight.  I got to see it.  WOW!!  What a powerful piece.  I commend ESPN Films and Jon Hock on a very well done documentary.  Every High School athlete, for that matter every HS student, should be forced to sit down and watch this.  It is that powerful.  If you get a chance, watch it. 

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Agree...an excellent program...recommended it to my son for his twin 13 year olds....not quite G rated but every teen should see it.  A major "life lesson" and a well told story.

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This excellent show will be replayed on ESPN2 on Thursday, 11/10 at 7PM CST.  It is a must see.  If you have teenagers force them to sit down and watch it.  If you are in your teens or early 20s watch this show.

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The story of Chris Herren, former NBA player.  He is an addict.  He was addicted to alcohol and many different drugs during his college and NBA careers.  It ruined a very promising career.  He is clean now and teaches basketball to youths and tells his story to groups.  His story is very inspiring and touching.  It is a very well done program by ESPN. 

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