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Eric Moate


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I used the search function, but couldn't find anything about this RB recruit.  Mods (anybody) know anything about him? 


11 yards per carry... Thats all?  :rolleyes:

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Sounds to me like a replacement for OMAC.

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I'm confused. (Bird and golf, please ignore).  The article mentioned him as a rising junior, but the profile says 2013 class.  Is he 2013 0r 2014?

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I'm confused. (Bird and golf, please ignore).  The article mentioned him as a rising junior, but the profile says 2013 class.  Is he 2013 0r 2014?


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Wow, this kid is definitely interesting in a lot of ways including overcoming a tremendous amount of adversity (both his parents are in prison) to distinguish himself both in the classroom and on the field.  God bless his aunt and good luck to Eric wherever he ends up!


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I'm confused. (Bird and golf, please ignore).  The article mentioned him as a rising junior, but the profile says 2013 class.  Is he 2013 0r 2014?

The recruits for this next class are just finishing their junior year.

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Giving this 164# guy the ball 25 times a game seems a little dangerous but at 11 yds a carry, quite productive. Hope he holds up to the pounding, if they catch him.

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This may be a little bit of a stretch, but he reminds me a little of former WVU RB Noel Devine--not very big, but very fast and tough as nails.  I still remember Devine shredding us on a cold night in Morgantown a few years back.  Though I'm not sure Moate is as fast, he could be close.  And while he is 15 pounds lighter now, he is only a rising senior in HS and has 3 inches in height on ND to fill out and can still remain fast.  One huge difference with ND, Moate is a strong student.  I had heard rumors the entire time ND was at WVU that he was decidedly NOT there to be a student.  Moate apparently has an offer from us, but probably not a "commitable" offer at this point. dunno.gif That said, I suspect in the end he will make someone like...West Virginia very happy.

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