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SO MAD!!!!!!!!

Bro Johnny Mac

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Agree. Apologies are simple. And from what I've heard about it, it sounds like it was the half a$$ type of apology you "explained" above. Having not seen his sportscast, that's why I asked the question for anyone who did.

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I saw his apology which was not much of an apology- just sorry that Auburn fans were offended over his remarks. I sent an email to the general manager at ABC33/40 yesterday morning which is still unanswered as of now. No surprise there.  Still as a life long Bham resident I think it is time for Auburn to let the media know how we feel everytime they get a dig in at Auburn.  And yes the never to yield foundation has it right as to how Auburn is portrayed in the media at least here in Bham.

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Well, having been around the media connected with my career, I can tell you they don't care about the truth ,they want to shock their viewers so whatever half truth they can get they will create what they need to make a splash. I never watch a news report without saying to myself I wonder what part of that story was the truth and what was embellishment. They are almost impossible to sue so there is no accountability, that is why most intelligent people say no comment when these idiots arrive because silence can't be misinterpreted.

Most of the time they are forced to talk with the eyewitnesses- you know the people I'm talking about- the toothless unwashed or the street thug, all they need is a sentence and they will spin it however they need to, its almost become like they are trying to be a reality entertainment show not an information news program.


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The funny thing to me is that no matter how much these people try to hurt Auburn, we still are succeeding. What did the onslaught of media bias in 2010 get us? Did it kill recruiting? Did it make our team go into a deep depression?

Absolutely not!

We came out on top with a National title, SEC Championship, Heisman Trophy winner, Coach of the year award, and.....


This crap with Speegle won't hurt us, it will only make Auburn stronger because obviously our recruiting hasn't been damaged.

If God is for you, who can stand against you?

Answer: NOONE. End of story.

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The funny thing to me is that no matter how much these people try to hurt Auburn, we still are succeeding. What did the onslaught of media bias in 2010 get us? Did it kill recruiting? Did it make our team go into a deep depression?

Absolutely not!

We came out on top with a National title, SEC Championship, Heisman Trophy winner, Coach of the year award, and.....


This crap with Speegle won't hurt us, it will only make Auburn stronger because obviously our recruiting hasn't been damaged.

If God is for you, who can stand against you?

Answer: NOONE. End of story.


I feel exactly like you do Weegle.  Talk is cheap, words are cheap.  If a kid and his parents want him to play at Auburn University, then they will play at AU - plain and simple.  No amount of media bias is gonna sway their opinion.  If a kid and his parents want their kid to play at Florida, then he will play at Florida.  etc. etc. etc

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Please for the love of all that is Auburn, don't get the bama enablers started.

Too late. That's why I posted that.
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The funny thing to me is that no matter how much these people try to hurt Auburn, we still are succeeding. What did the onslaught of media bias in 2010 get us? Did it kill recruiting? Did it make our team go into a deep depression?

Absolutely not!

We came out on top with a National title, SEC Championship, Heisman Trophy winner, Coach of the year award, and.....


This crap with Speegle won't hurt us, it will only make Auburn stronger because obviously our recruiting hasn't been damaged.

If God is for you, who can stand against you?

Answer: NOONE. End of story.

Awesome post, Weegs. Awesome.

War Eagle

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Since we have gotten 2 commitments since then, Jeff needs to be asked if he wants to retract his stupid statement?His question would have been legit a month after the fact, if 2 or 3 current commits had decommitted, and no new commitments. Have been Fox 6, Jox free of sports for a while, and never listened to Finebaum. Quit listening to Jox after email back and forth with Jim Dunaway, which he basically said I was stupid, and must have never listened to their show(even though I listened every day.) Listen to 97.3 The Zone, and it is not perfect, but they do try to do a good job covering sports.

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Has anyone heard him talk about how the Tuscaloosa shootings will effect bama's recruiting yet?

What's sad is that shows less a media bias against Auburn and more how little the media cares that 17 people are shot when none of them happen to play football.

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No but $aban has commented:

Nick Saban: Bar shooting 'not really a reflection of Tuscaloosa' and "We're just fortunate that nothing happened"

Published: Thursday, July 19, 2012, 10:33 AM Updated: Thursday, July 19, 2012, 12:27 PM

Andrew Gribble/Tuscaloosa Bureau, Mobile Press-Register, Birmingham News, and The Huntsville Times By Andrew Gribble/Tuscaloosa Bureau, Mobile Press-Register, Birmingham News, and The Huntsville Times

Saban offered his thoughts on the incident, which he stressed should not be used as a reason to negatively judge Tuscaloosa's safety.

"The thing about that whole incident is it's not really a reflection of Tuscaloosa," he said during a meeting with reporters before his time behind the podium at Day 3 of SEC Media Days.

"The guy's kind of a little bit one of those crazies out there. You have those kinds of people everywhere. We're just fortunate that nothing happened. And it could have happened anywhere."

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Last I saw 1 was still in Fair condition and 1 in Serious or Critical can't remember which.

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Lord Saban is about to speak


Did he part the crimson sea before him and was he carrying some tablets?

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