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D.J. Fluker and 4 other SEC players took benefits with SABAN VIDEO NOW


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At the gym this morning, watched ESPN for the entire hour, and saw the "ticker" across the bottom of the screen mention bammer's troubles TWICE!!!! The did a full 5-minute report on Ok State, and then another 2 minutes on Les Miles, as well as the ticker about every 8 minutes. I have hated ESPN every since 2010, and have avoided watching anything other than games. I wouldn't watch those if I could see them anywhere else, but they seem to have all the coverage locked up.

Anywho, bammer should be worried about this one, since there is ACTUAL proof that Fluker and the other guy were involved, and that money was changing hands, and that this happened to them while they were still on probation. The bammers can say they aren't worried at all, but you could see it in Saban's body language and quick temper last night that he is concerned.

The only thing that I can think of that would make this better is if Mark Ingrum turns out to be involved, and they have to give the Heisman Trophy back, along with 2 NC's.

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These schools are not being tried in a court of law by a jury of ther peers. The NCAA doesn't need to prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt and if people don't comply with their request or they're uncooperative, it's no big deal. Here's what will happen: Alabama will do their investigation and either they'll find something (doubt it) and self-impose penalties or they'll report "nothing to see here, move along." The NCAA has enough info and allegations to investigate on its own so if Alabama comes back and says they found nothing, the NCAA will give them a harsher penalty for not reporting things once they are found. DJ Fluker and Barron have no obligation to speak with the NCAA or UAT compliance but current players, such as Ed Stinson, has knowledge of what happened and he is less likely to say "no comment" to internal investigators. Plus the NCAA might see the failure of those involved to comply with an interview request as an admission of guilt.

As was mentioned earlier, they are in the 5 year range for repeat offender status, so that could also play a big role. They are, by far, the most corrupt team in college football for the past twenty years.

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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A Yahoo! Sports investigation connects Jacksonville attorney John Phillips to a scandal involving Alabama All-American tackle D.J. Fluker

Fluker allegedly violated NCAA rules by taking money and benefits while still attending college.

Yahoo! Sports alleges former Alabama defensive end Luther Davis, who played at the University of Alabama from 2007 to 2010, funneled more than $45,000 to Fluker and four other SEC football players.

The Yahoo! article includes an image of a $10,000 check from the Law Offices of John M. Phillips to Luther Davis dated September, 28, 2012.

Phillips declined to talk on-camera Wednesday, but in text messages to First Coast News he wrote: The story is completely and libelously out of context. The check concerned a book I was working on. I haven't even had a chance to read the story yet or talk to yahoo about its mistruths. [sic]

Phillips went on to write: Luther was basically my last client and convinced me stay in the dirty business. Meanwhile, I worked on the book and was paying him as a consultant and to help me get some contacts. [sic]

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One question I have to ask is how can a place like Yahoo Sports get all this info and the NCAA can't find their way out of a t-shirt.

Yes, my question exactly! The NCAA and BSPN! Somehow Yahoo Sports can get real solid evidence, which took how long to acquire? During that time, no mention from BSPN.

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The fact that several obnoxious bammers at work are amazingly silent today is music to my ears. That perk is not lost on me. But I have some good friends who are bama fans too and it's always the fans that suffer over crap like this. So I feel bad for them if this ends up being substantiated by the NCAA. Not for Saban or bama but for them.

All that said, regardless of school, John Phillips is scum. He was already scum because of that video hack job he did on Kristi Malzahn. That was a douchebag move. He confirmed his scumminess by trying to pimp the Johnny Manziel photos to Deadspin and other places. So the fact that he's involved has a certain amount of karma attached to it. Now his scummy ways have put his own beloved team in jeopardy of forfeiting games and at least one BCS championship. Guys like him never learn.

Titan even though we don't always agree 100% (we do agree allot) you are one of my favorites!! I agree with everything you said 110%! "Write" on Sir!
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Here's the real problem, without a legitimate enforcement arm in college ball the sport as we know it is doomed. We will end up with a couple of dozen programs with a strong enough booster base and enough cash to cheat, lie steal or whatever anybody sees fit to do. Chaos will reign. Agents will run amuck. Not that they haven't already. This may be the death of the NCAA. Mark Emmerit has been asleep at the wheel. His blind eye to all things Saban, his botched Miami investigation, his inconsistant leadership, his misplaced Penn State action, his total incompetence and his failure to keep a tight lid on this boiling cauldron that has become big time college football will ultimately cause the total collapse of the NCAA. There are more investigators working for my local sherrifs office than currently works for the NCAA. Many of you may think that's a good thing. You better think again. We must have a legitimate and strong enforcement agency. Without one College Football as we know it is gone. Perhaps some other agency will take it's place. I don't know. But my initial glee over Alabama's potential problems has been replaced by the somber realization of what lies in the wake of this. Nothing about this is good. The NCAA will have to bring the hammer on this or they are history. Personally I think they are history. We, and by that I mean all of us that love college football have allowed this mess. Without fans there is no bigtime football. It wiill take the power of the fans to demand a fair and level playing field for all in the sport, because you can bet your last dollar that the universities will not fix the problem. Heck, half of them are the problem. We now have a win at all cost mentailty across the board. Without serious pressure from you the fan this will get worse, a lot worse. Now before you think I'm chicken little, take a moment to contemplate what happens next with little or no punishment. Why shouldn't every street agent and scumbag in the world not come out of the woodwork.. Why not? If you are a scumbag, street agent or even bigtime agent it makes good business sense to get your piece of the pie. It makes good business sense to get all you can. Get yours before someone else does right?

After all it is a gold rush and millions are there for the taking. We need to all take back college football while we still can.

You nailed it!! My concerns and predictions exactly.
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My favorite line from Forde's article on Yahoo..."So, yeah, this is serious. Especially for a fan base that is as intense (and unbalanced) as any in America." Did the media just come around to seeing this? We have known this for years!

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At the gym this morning, watched ESPN for the entire hour, and saw the "ticker" across the bottom of the screen mention bammer's troubles TWICE!!!! The did a full 5-minute report on Ok State, and then another 2 minutes on Les Miles, as well as the ticker about every 8 minutes. I have hated ESPN every since 2010, and have avoided watching anything other than games. I wouldn't watch those if I could see them anywhere else, but they seem to have all the coverage locked up.

Anywho, bammer should be worried about this one, since there is ACTUAL proof that Fluker and the other guy were involved, and that money was changing hands, and that this happened to them while they were still on probation. The bammers can say they aren't worried at all, but you could see it in Saban's body language and quick temper last night that he is concerned.

The only thing that I can think of that would make this better is if Mark Ingrum turns out to be involved, and they have to give the Heisman Trophy back, along with 2 NC's.

The more clicks this story gets, the better:


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"Poor DJ Fluker....he was disadvantaged what do you expect him to do. Say no to this money when he did not have 2 nickels to rub together.".......please the excuses are rolling out all over sports radio today.....they fail to mention he was a junior, had a caddy with rims, full scholly, meals, lodging - paid for. He had way more in college than I did....

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Since in our society the rule is "innocent until proven guilty" I will not say with any degree of certainty that Alabama, UT, and Miss St did anything Illegal, but if they did it is going to be hilarious to watch the entire state lose their mind.

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We are a popular site for "guests" today.

In all honesty. Is anybody really surprised at this? They are recruiting quality talent like no school has ever recruited, that I can think of. A player can go to any school, and if they ball out, will end up in the NFL. Yet somehow bama is getting players at positions they are already loaded at. They have so much talent that saban has to process out quality talent every year. Here is the dirty little secret..........bama isn't just paying them AFTER they get on campus.

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We are a popular site for "guests" today.

In all honesty. Is anybody really surprised at this? They are recruiting quality talent like no school has ever recruited, that I can think of. A player can go to any school, and if they ball out, will end up in the NFL. Yet somehow bama is getting players at positions they are already loaded at. They have so much talent that saban has to process out quality talent every year. Here is the dirty little secret..........bama isn't just paying them AFTER they get on campus.


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Where, oh where, is little old BG when we all need ANSWERS? :jossun:

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Man. This is FUN......"BG, please report to isle one".....No wait, he will think he is at Walmart.....

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