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The Run Offense (Personnel Breakdown)


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As was previously mentioned, for the running game in Gus’s offense to be effective, there must be options. Whether they are running options or passing options (or a combo) does not matter, all that matters is that you force the defense to take the time to make a decision. Whether the option is run or pass does matter when you are considering personnel, as one may be more effective than the other.

Offense #1: Run/Pass offense

This offensive setup will cater more toward throwing being second threat.

QB: Sean White OR Jeremy Johnson

RB: Jovon Robinson

HB: Kamryn Pettway (short yardage situations)

LT: Austin Golson

LG: Alex Kozan

C: Xavier Dampeer

RG: Braden Smith

RT: Robert Leff OR Darius James

WR: Marcus Davis OR Tony Stevens

WR: Kyle Davis OR Darius Slayton

Slot: Jason Smith OR Roc Thomas

As has been covered more times than you can shake a stick at on this board, the big question mark here is the QB position and how effective each of these guys can be. In order to run effectively with this personnel, I would come out almost exclusively in 4-WR sets. The threat of the QB pass will force the defense to spread out with us, leaving either 5 men in the box or a single safety over the top, either of which gives the offense an advantage. In short yardage situations, I propose that Pettway comes in as a runner. He showed promise in the spring game, and I think he could be a valuable asset by pounding the ball up the middle (for more info, see Mike Tolbert of the Carolina Panthers).

Offense #2: Run/Run Offense

This offense would be more suited to a read option or triple option attack.

QB: JF3 OR Jason Smith OR Kerryon Johnson

RB: Jovon Robinson OR Kerryon Johnson

HB: Kamryn Pettway OR Chandler Cox

LT: Austin Golson

LG: Alex Kozan

C: Xavier Dampeer

RG: Braden Smith

RT: Robert Leff OR Darius James

WR: Kyle Davis

WR: Marcus Davis

Slot: Roc Thomas OR Jason Smith

This offensive setup is interesting because it focuses all of the attention on the running game. Can we still throw the ball? Of course, but this offense would be predicated on the inside zone read. You may note that there are 3 names listed at QB - that is because while this offense has the potential to be effective, it doesn’t exactly lend itself to protecting a QB. Having 3 names listed makes it harder for defenses to scheme around the attack because all 3 have different running styles. To run effectively in this offense, the offense needs to perfect the zone read, the same way that Marshall and Mason perfected it in 2013. Pettway and Cox also need to be very effective at sealing the edge and opening up holes for Robinson to run through, aka do their best Jay Prosch impersonation.

The big question mark with this personnel is Austin Golson. He has proven that he can be effective at multiple positions on the line, but can he be an effective road grating tackle when we run 40, 50 times a game? That remains to be seen.

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We have more than a couple guys like Jovon that are talented receivers (and not just in the wheel route) and also legit runners out of the backfield such that defenses have to respect the play action to them. Huge asset in the repertoire I hope to see more this season.

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