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Richest Cabinet ever?


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So when exactly did "Drain the swamp!" become "Add more snakes and alligators"?




Donald Trump's Cabinet richest in U.S. history, historians say

As he traveled the country on his thank you tour, President-elect Donald Trump touted his choices for his Cabinet and inner circle, a group historians say is the richest in U.S. history.

“And one newspaper criticized me, ‘Why can’t they have people of modest means?’” Trump said at a Des Moines, Iowa rally. “Because I want people that made a fortune. Because now they’re negotiating with you, okay?”

How rich? CBS News estimates seven of Trump’s picks are worth a combined $11 billion.

Betsy DeVos, nominated for secretary of education, comes from a family worth more than $5 billion; Linda McMahon, picked for small business administrator, has family wealth worth $1.2 billion; And Vincent Viola, the choice for Army secretary, is worth $1.77 billion.

“I guess they have a few poor millionaires on it, but mostly it’s billionaires,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Critics like Sanders say Trump’s choices fly in the face of his populist campaign message. “You don’t appoint a Cabinet of billionaires to be taking on the establishment,” he said on Sunday’s “Face The Nation.”

Steve Mnuchin, Trump’s Treasury pick has been estimated to be worth as much as $655 million. He and commerce secretary nominee Wilbur Ross, worth $2.5 billion, recently said they were attuned to the plight of working Americans.  [As if...  :glare:   That's like me claiming I'm attune to the problems of billionaires or royalty.]

“It’s also not true all jobs are created equal. A guy that used to work in the steel mill, now flipping hamburgers, he knows it’s not the same,” Ross said in an appearance on CNBC.

Having millionaire and billionaire cabinet secretaries is not unprecedented. They tend to attract slots at Treasury and Commerce. But neither President Obama nor President George W. Bush had a single billionaire in their first Cabinets.


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After campaigning on a promise to clean up Washington and rid it of special interests, Donald Trump has stacked his team with the likes of former Goldman Sachs banker Steven Mnuchin and ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson

Now, just weeks before taking office, Trump has decided to sideline his pledge to “drain the swamp,” his ally Newt Gingrich said Wednesday.

I’m told he now just disclaims that,” Gingrich (R-Ga.) the former House speaker, told NPR’s “Morning Edition.” “He now says it was cute, but he doesn’t want to use it anymore.”

Gingrich posted to Twitter this week what he described to NPR as “a very cute tweet” about the alligators in Washington. But someone ― Gingrich didn’t disclose who ― sent him a note saying they were tired of hearing such talk.


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10 hours ago, quietfan said:

So when exactly did "Drain the swamp!" become "Add more snakes and alligators"?




did not see hillary's name. how much is she worth from nothing more than a life in public service?

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It is a strange country we live in when successful people become villains simply because they are successful. I remember when Americans wanted to emulate successful people to become like them. Now, we just want to make the successful people unsuccessful so they will be like us.

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4 hours ago, Grumps said:

It is a strange country we live in when successful people become villains simply because they are successful. I remember when Americans wanted to emulate successful people to become like them. Now, we just want to make the successful people unsuccessful so they will be like us.

Speak for yourself. <_<

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