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Putin laughs off barry


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19 minutes ago, AUUSN said:


Sorry, but you're wrong, John. No proof any democracy was 'hacked'.  Just the DNC. And we don't know by who.  #getoveritalready


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23 minutes ago, AUUSN said:


Dude.. the 80's called. They want their foreign policy back !! :roflol:


Still funny as when Barack said that to Mitt ? Is it ? 

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23 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Dude.. the 80's called. They want their foreign policy back !! :roflol:


Still funny as when Barack said that to Mitt ? Is it ? 

Fox News talking point. Heard it all day...

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10 minutes ago, AUUSN said:

Fox News talking point. Heard it all day...

Didn't answer the question. 

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10 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

I understand.  Still, and it has been a while but, there used to be the occasional hint of objectivity, original thought, the desire to genuinely/respectfully discuss.

But yes, here and now, he offers very little to the forum, very little.  In fact, he is nothing but rude, angry, disingenuous, disruptive, deceitful.  All while, projecting this incredible arrogance.  You have to admit though, on some twisted level, it is a little entertaining.

Oh, I agree.  It's absolutely fascinating from a purely psychological standpoint.


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10 hours ago, AUUSN said:

To make this statement either means you have chosen to wipe any memory of Russian hacking or are just seeking attention.

I think it's the latter.

I disagree.  While raptor is obviously an attention whore, he's completely and honestly delusional.

He absolutely believes everything he posts. He's never disavowed anything,no matter how crazy.

No one is that disciplined.  He believes. 

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5 hours ago, AUUSN said:

You, the Russian boot licker, thanked Putting for doing what the media should have done. That's recognizing that Putin was behind the hacks on the DNC.

Raptor doesn't "do" logic.  You should know that by now.

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3 hours ago, AUUSN said:

I didn't vote for Hillary. I receive an Intel brief every morning so my views aren't partisan. Yours are.

So that's why you haven't been that critical of Obama since you've been posting in the political forum. :-\

And that's sarcasm by the way, just to be clear.

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About the first real logical review of this process that I have seen...from an unlikely source....

Something About This Russia Story Stinks

Nearly a decade and a half after the Iraq-WMD faceplant, the American press is again asked to co-sign a dubious intelligence assessment


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8 minutes ago, Auburnfan91 said:

So that's why you haven't been that critical of Obama since you've been posting in the political forum. :-\

And that's sarcasm by the way, just to be clear.

You might want to go a little deeper into my post history skippy.

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The way people act on here now about what Trump says about Russia you'd think they've always been critical of political candidates that weren't vocally against Russia but I bet several on here bashing Trump about Russia were silent 4 years ago on Obama's mixed signals. 

FLASHBACK Third presidential debate October, 22 2012:


FAST FOWARD TO December 2016: Why did the Obama administration wait until after the 2016 election to do something? They've claimed to have known about the the Russians hacking us since July but waited until Obama's last month in office to actually do something. You can't honestly believe that the Obama administration wasn't politically calculating what to do? They waited so they could undercut Trump in case he won.

I have serious doubts that Obama would have actually done something to Russia had Clinton been elected and probably would have let Clinton deal with Russia in 2017 or if Obama had actually done something, he would have at least allowed a president-elect Clinton to have some say on the punishment towards Russia. But since Trump won the election, Obama decided do it himself without Trump having any say in it. 

I don't really like Trump talking nice to Putin. But I'm going to wait and see if Trump's praise of Putin is really genuine(which I will have a problem with) or if he's actually got a politically calculated strategy that's not just talking nice to Putin.

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3 hours ago, AUUSN said:

I didn't vote for Hillary. I receive an Intel brief every morning so my views aren't partisan. Yours are.

Lol, wut?


I receive a briefing everyday too I guess.

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10 hours ago, Mims44 said:

Lol, wut?


I receive a briefing everyday too I guess.

I think what he's saying is, he still has a clearance that the rest of us don't.

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19 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

I think what he's saying is, he still has a clearance that the rest of us don't.

My TS clearance didn't come with briefings at home once I got out. Waste of tax dollars! :lol:

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22 hours ago, quietfan said:

Personally, I put much more stock in the findings of 17 different federal intelligence agencies and many Congressional leaders than in the words of Vladimir Putin.

I also recognize that often those agencies cannot always reveal their evidence or the sources of their intelligence because doing so would also reveal to our enemies top secret information about our methods or sources.


18 hours ago, AURaptor said:

And have any of those " 17 agencies " released ANY evidence for this claim to the public ? Or even Congress ? :gofig: 

Please read my second sentence.  They seem to have released more to members of Congress with the proper security clearances.

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3 minutes ago, quietfan said:

Please read my second sentence.  They seem to have released more to members of Congress with the proper security clearances.

Can you not at least appreciate the optics of all this ? BEFORE the election, when Trump was behind by double digits ( allegedly ) both Hilary and Obama flat out stated that ti was impossible for anyone to ' hack ' our election. In fact, Hillary declared that anyone who would suggest that any shenanigans could go on and that anyone who didn't accept the results was " horrific " . 

FF to after the election, it's all of a sudden a foregone conclusion that , some how, some way, we're not allowed to know HOW, but we damn well know for certain that it was, and the Russians did it.... we just can't tell anyone HOW.



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11 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Can you not at least appreciate the optics of all this ? BEFORE the election, when Trump was behind by double digits ( allegedly ) both Hilary and Obama flat out stated that ti was impossible for anyone to ' hack ' our election. In fact, Hillary declared that anyone who would suggest that any shenanigans could go on and that anyone who didn't accept the results was " horrific " . 

FF to after the election, it's all of a sudden a foregone conclusion that , some how, some way, we're not allowed to know HOW, but we damn well know for certain that it was, and the Russians did it.... we just can't tell anyone HOW.



You're not following . Obama has still said he doesn't believe votes were tampered with. You're so busy denying you can't take in info objectively.

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1 minute ago, TexasTiger said:

You're not following . Obama has still said he doesn't believe votes were tampered with. You're so busy denying you can't take in info objectively.

I freely admit, I'm NOT following. Do tell, please.. what  EXACTLY is Obama claiming happened ? Why are we punishing the Russians ? For getting Podesta's password , which was p-a-s-s-w-o-r-d ? :laugh:  Or for hacking Hillary's unhackable closet home brew server ? 

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6 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

I freely admit, I'm NOT following. Do tell, please.. what  EXACTLY is Obama claiming happened ? Why are we punishing the Russians ? For getting Podesta's password , which was p-a-s-s-w-o-r-d ? :laugh:  Or for hacking Hillary's unhackable closet home brew server ? 

I can't make you learn what you are uninterested in.

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3 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

I can't make you learn what you are uninterested in.

I just asked, and now you're not saying ? <_<

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11 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

I'm not going to waste my time regurgitating common news. You'll dismiss it any way.

So common, you can't even say it ? Wow... you've wasted more time  NOT telling me than simply coming right out and saying it ! 





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1 hour ago, Mims44 said:

My TS clearance didn't come with briefings at home once I got out. Waste of tax dollars! :lol:

I talking about my current post retirement job.

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