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Karl Rove on the "Liberal" Media


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Rove's Reading: Not So Liberal as Leery

By Dana Milbank

Wednesday, April 20, 2005; Page A04

CHESTERTOWN, Md., April 18 -- Karl Rove was out of his element. He left the security of his West Wing office and the Republican fundraising circuit to face an audience of smart-alecky students on a college campus -- a liberal arts college, no less -- here in this reliably blue state. A show of hands found two-thirds of the audience opposed President Bush's plans for Social Security.

What lured Bush's most trusted adviser to this locale was an irresistible invitation: a chance to play media critic. For more than an hour, he lectured about everything that is wrong with journalism, and his conclusion may surprise conservatives such as Tom DeLay, who has been complaining in recent days about a "liberal media" smear campaign.

"I'm not sure I've talked about the liberal media," Rove said when a student inquired -- a decision he said he made "consciously." The press is generally liberal, he argued, but "I think it's less liberal than it is oppositional."

The argument -- similar to the one that former Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer made in his recent book -- is nuanced, nonpartisan and, to the ears of many journalists, right on target. "Reporters now see their role less as discovering facts and fair-mindedly reporting the truth and more as being put on the earth to afflict the comfortable, to be a constant thorn of those in power, whether they are Republican or Democrat," Rove said.


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It's funny to watch as liberals continue to grasp for straws.

Funny, but it does get old, after a while.

Since that's all the Libs tend to do these days.

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It's funny to watch as liberals continue to grasp for straws.

Funny, but it does get old, after a while.

Since that's all the Libs tend to do these days.


So you're calling Rove a libbie now that he's off the reservation on your favorite conspiracy theory to whine about? Sad, sad.

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Karl Rove is a political hack who's about as credible as Michael Moore. Anything he says is just posturing.

You want to know the media's real bias? It isn't liberal or conservative. It's PRO-SENSATIONALISM, and PRO-CORPORATE SPONSORS. That is, they'll print whatever is gonna catch everybody's eye or raise a big controversy, except they won't print anything that makes the companies who advertise with them (or which own them, like GE owns NBC Network) look bad.

Which is why they overcover the Schiavos and Levys and Chandra and Elian and all that mess, and you'll never see Time's movie critic pan a film made by Warner Bros. And they'll be like sharks in the water over any politician anywhere on the spectrum, whether it's Delay or Gary Condit or Clinton, Bush or that Governor who had the gay lover or whoever, as long as it's controversial.

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You want to know the media's real bias?


I have it on good authority that the New York Times was changing their name to The New York Times Democrat!


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