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After Attending a Trump Rally,...


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15 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

In what sense? I’m not saying she fabricated her experience. But what’s its purpose? Was her prior experience of Trump folks so incredibly limited that she was shocked she found people who were not total caricatures? And that experience somehow led her to specifically and repeatedly advocate the #walkaway movement, complete with hashtag? Attending a Trump rally was such a spiritual experience that she immediately decided to leave the Democratic Party? Why exactly? What was that party choice based on? I don’t feel any real connection to the Democratic Party other than it’s less crazy than the Republican Party, so I understand why people are independents aside from this fabricated textbook propaganda #walkaway movement. If she was somehow motivated to be an independent, that’s easy enough to understand. But why plug this Republican fabricated “movement.” It’s targeting a few different audiences, not least of which are those that may not be wholeheartedly MAGA, but continue to lean that way because they caricature Democrats as hateful TDS fanatics. 

I think her point is after meeting Trump supporters they are not deplorable, they are not racist, and they respect the views of people on the other side but disagree with them. Homer blames Trump for the divisiveness and he deserves some of the blame. He is narcissistic and his tweeting is very un-Presidential  but a lot of what he is doing is good for the country.  He got a bi-partisan criminal reform bill passed he got the new trade bill between Canada Mexico and the US passed, our economy is booming my 401K is going to help me retire in 4 years feeling safer than before he was President.

Having politicians on the left and many in the mainstream media describe people who support Trump as dumb, deplorable racists tends to anger people.  So yes Trump is part of the problem in dividing the Nation but he is getting an awful lot of help from the Democrats and the main stream media. It is hard to like somebody who is calling you dumb and a racist. 

The biggest point of the article is when she actually met the people she found out that they were nice people and did not fit the stereotype that they are portrayed by the politicians on the left and by the media.  

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1 minute ago, AuburnNTexas said:

I think her point is after meeting Trump supporters they are not deplorable, they are not racist, and they respect the views of people on the other side but disagree with them. Homer blames Trump for the divisiveness and he deserves some of the blame. He is narcissistic and his tweeting is very un-Presidential  but a lot of what he is doing is good for the country.  He got a bi-partisan criminal reform bill passed he got the new trade bill between Canada Mexico and the US passed, our economy is booming my 401K is going to help me retire in 4 years feeling safer than before he was President.

Having politicians on the left and many in the mainstream media describe people who support Trump as dumb, deplorable racists tends to anger people.  So yes Trump is part of the problem in dividing the Nation but he is getting an awful lot of help from the Democrats and the main stream media. It is hard to like somebody who is calling you dumb and a racist. 

The biggest point of the article is when she actually met the people she found out that they were nice people and did not fit the stereotype that they are portrayed by the politicians on the left and by the media.  

It’s pretty clear the article’s purpose was more than that. One can make that case without feeding the competing caricature that Democrats do actually fit the stereotype portrayed by politicians on the right and conservative media. Her conclusion was to push the #walkway propaganda because one side is far more reasonable than the other and to reinforce the stereotypes of Democrats that keeps less enthusiastic Trumpers in the fold.

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21 hours ago, homersapien said:

It's ridiculous to blame the media for the divisiveness of the country, when we have a president who spews out more than 25 tweets per day consisting of hateful lies, insults, baseless accusations and challenges to our democracy. 

In fact, Trump's venality, corruption and hatefulness are a feature of his political strategy.  They are designed to appeal to the worst instincts of his followers.  There is no way we will come together as a country as long as this demagogue holds office.

Yes, it is true that much of what divides us existed before Trump assumed office - the widening gap in wealth, an unequal justice system that favors the rich, the shrinking middle class, the difficulty of rising out of poverty. 

But Trump is doing nothing to address those issues.  He is actually making them worse. He is a narcissistic psychopath who bases his political power on pitting Americans against each other. Meanwhile he is doing his best to corrupt the democratic principles that differentiate us from failed and undemocratic countries, all in the interests of increasing his personal power.

While there is no guarantee the next administration will effect actual progress on our problems and help unite the country, there is absolutely no chance of improvement until this vile man leaves office.

That's the simple truth.

Yea, because there was absolutely no diviseness before 2015 and DJT. Nope. Not one bit. We were living in the Unity Utopia. We can certainly blame 100% of this on DJT..

I mean, the MSM havent been dividing us for decades or years, etc. IT is all on Trump...


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1 minute ago, DKW 86 said:

Yea, because there was absolutely no diviseness before 2015 and DJT. Nope. Not one bit. We were living in the Unity Utopia. We can certainly blame 100% of this on DJT..

I mean, the MSM havent been dividing us for decades or years, etc. IT is all on Trump...


You think it’s more MSM media than Fox, Rush, Michael Savage, etc.?

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4 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

You think it’s more MSM media than Fox, Rush, Michael Savage, etc.?

Absolutely!!!! RusHannity, Savage, LEVIN :blink:, Anyone on the Yellowhammer network...

Throw in some hopelessly lost MSNBC, and some wantonly sycophantic coverage from CNN and voila' there you have it. 

In reading back over that, MSM may be defined as ABC, CBS, and NBC exclusive I guess. But I am using the more popular Cable news outlets too.


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2 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

It’s pretty clear the article’s purpose was more than that. One can make that case without feeding the competing caricature that Democrats do actually fit the stereotype portrayed by politicians on the right and conservative media. Her conclusion was to push the #walkway propaganda because one side is far more reasonable than the other and to reinforce the stereotypes of Democrats that keeps less enthusiastic Trumpers in the fold.

The articles purpose was to tell the truth, not some MSM conspiracy theory. Truth in journalism, a lost art.

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5 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Yea, because there was absolutely no diviseness before 2015 and DJT. Nope. Not one bit. We were living in the Unity Utopia. We can certainly blame 100% of this on DJT..

I mean, the MSM havent been dividing us for decades or years, etc. IT is all on Trump...


Including me.   :-\

You just cannot help but misrepresent and opposing argument.  But anyone who blames the press for how the country reacts to what the president actually says, tweets and does - on a daily basis - is delusional.

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5 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

You think it’s more MSM media than Fox, Rush, Michael Savage, etc.?

Its not a question of more its a question of both. I am honest enough to see where my side is not perfect and is part of the problem. My problem is you don't seem to see any of the fault on your side. Apparently in your eyes the left is perfect. Hillary did not declare that anybody who supported Trump is a deplorable and Cuomo and other CNN anchors not to mention people like Rachel Maddow at MSNBC  have been choir boys and girls and have not displayed any prejudice.

At some point it would be nice for you to admit that the issue is on both sides. 


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3 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Including me.   :-\

You just cannot help but misrepresent and opposing argument.  But anyone who blames the press for how the country reacts to what the president actually says, tweets and does - on a daily basis - is delusional.

The Good Doctor that wrote the article said that. :blink:

The press in this country is off the chain biased and just plain out and out factually wrong. 
Wrong about the 2016 Election, Wrong about Russians!!!!!!, Wrong about Collusion!!!, Wrong about Mueller, Wrong about Impeachment, etc, ad nauseum.

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2 minutes ago, AuburnNTexas said:

Its not a question of more its a question of both. I am honest enough to see where my side is not perfect and is part of the problem. My problem is you don't seem to see any of the fault on your side. Apparently in your eyes the left is perfect. Hillary did not declare that anybody who supported Trump is a deplorable and Cuomo and other CNN anchors not to mention people like Rachel Maddow at MSNBC  have been choir boys and girls and have not displayed any prejudice.

At some point it would be nice for you to admit that the issue is on both sides. 

THAT is never gonna happen with the TPM crowd. 

Image result for brainwashed meme

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1 minute ago, AuburnNTexas said:

Its not a question of more its a question of both. I am honest enough to see where my side is not perfect and is part of the problem. My problem is you don't seem to see any of the fault on your side. Apparently in your eyes the left is perfect. Hillary did not declare that anybody who supported Trump is a deplorable and Cuomo and other CNN anchors not to mention people like Rachel Maddow at MSNBC  have been choir boys and girls and have not displayed any prejudice.

At some point it would be nice for you to admit that the issue is on both sides. 


You’re attributing a “side” to me because I’m not on yours. That’s how you frame the world. I’m not a Hillary fan. I wish she’d shut up.

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9 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

The Good Doctor that wrote the article said that. :blink:

The press in this country is off the chain biased and just plain out and out factually wrong. 
Wrong about the 2016 Election, Wrong about Russians!!!!!!, Wrong about Collusion!!!, Wrong about Mueller, Wrong about Impeachment, etc, ad nauseum.

  • Actually, the outcome of the 2016 election fell within the margin of error of the polls
  • The Trump campaign did indicate they would welcome Russian help.  And while the "conspiracy" charge was apparently not met legally, the issue of Trump obstructing justice during the investigation was left open, as the Mueller report indicated.
  • How could the press be "wrong" about impeachment???  What did they do or say that was "wrong"?

You seem to have a basic misunderstanding of the function of the "press".  Perhaps it's because you are confusing reporting with opinion. 

I suggest you drop the cable habit and focus on the so called "main stream media" (PBS, CBS, NBC, ABC) and respected newspapers).

And keep in mind these MSM outlets also feature (well-reasoned) opinion pieces, from both sides of the political spectrum as part of their services. 

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3 minutes ago, homersapien said:
  • Actually, the outcome of the 2016 election fell within the margin of error of the polls
  • The Trump campaign did indicate they would welcome Russian help.  And while the "conspiracy" charge was apparently not met legally, the issue of Trump obstructing justice during the investigation was left open, as the Mueller report indicated.
  • How could the press be "wrong" about impeachment???  What did they do or say that was "wrong"?

You seem to have a basic misunderstanding of the function of the "press".  Perhaps it's because you are confusing reporting with opinion. 

I suggest you drop the cable habit and focus on the so called "main stream media" (PBS, CBS, NBC, ABC) and respected newspapers).

And keep in mind these MSM outlets also feature (well-reasoned) opinion pieces, from both sides of the political spectrum as part of their services. 

I dont need a lecture from the TPM Crowd.
I am making fun of a press corps that has laughingly failed the citizens. 
I am the one that accurately predicted all but the 2016 Election. 
I am making one last prediction on this, or better agreeing with the Good Doctor.
If the rest of Left doesnt wake up, they may find themselves sorely disappointed in November.

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1 hour ago, AuburnNTexas said:

At some point it would be nice for you to admit that the issue is on both sides. 

Most centrist do, don't they?

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1 hour ago, bigbird said:

Most centrist do, don't they?

There is similar behavior on the left and right. Some Bernie Bro leftists just left a coffin outside a Biden event supposedly addressing the state of his campaign. Classless. I see a lot of non-compromising Bernie supporters on Twitter who remind me of the zealous MAGA types. But I don’t know any in real life. They’re not on my FB feed. Zealous MAGA types are. If I had grown up in another part of the country that might not be the case, but that’s my experience. I’ve had some obnoxious MAGA neighbors. If I have the extreme leftists neighbors I haven’t met them yet, but I know some folks have them.

As far as media,  conservative talk radio has been around a long time and has deteriorated greatly toward extremes in the last 30 years. It didn’t used to be nearly so extreme. Neither did Fox News. Leftist radio failed miserably due to a lack of a sufficient sized audience. 

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On 2/16/2020 at 2:41 PM, bigbird said:

Interesting to see who agreed and who pushed back against the article

I agree with @AuburnNTexas that there might be something there in the idea of actually talking to the other side.

Other than that, it reinforces negative stereotypes more than anything. Lefties are just a bunch of ranting Trump-haters. Righties support the candidate who throws fun parties. I'm not sure this passage came across as intended:


Once we got inside, the atmosphere was jubilant. It was more like attending a rock concert than a political rally. People were genuinely enjoying themselves. Some were even dancing to music being played over the loudspeakers. It was so different than any other political event I had ever attended. Even the energy around Barack Obama in 2008 didn’t feel like this.

I had attended an event with all the Democratic contenders just two days prior in exactly the same arena, and the contrast was stark. First, Trump completely filled the arena all the way up to the top. Even with every major Democratic candidate in attendance the other night, and the campaigns giving away free tickets, the Democrats did not do that. With Trump, every single person was unified around a singular goal. With the Democrats, the audience booed over candidates they didn’t like and got into literal shouting matches with each other. With Trump, there was a genuinely optimistic view of the future. With the Democrats, it was doom and gloom. With Trump, there was a genuine feeling of pride of being an American. With the Democrats, they emphasized that the country was a racist place from top to bottom.

"Democrats are just boring and grumpy. Trump makes me dance!" Not exactly a ringing endorsement for Trump's careful, reasoned approach to policy and diplomacy. Quite the opposite of a blow against the cult concept. Which is hardly addressed by this, either:


The reality is that many people I spoke to do disagree with Trump on things. They don’t always like his attitude. They wish he wouldn’t tweet so much. People who are in cults don’t question their leaders.

Massive, massive difference between disagreeing with how a leader communicates and disagreeing with what he's communicating. This speaks for the former a little and not to the latter at all. 

Like I said, there's probably value in saying, "Hey, I went and hung out with these people." Minus that, though, and it reads very much like pro-Trump/anti-Dem propaganda. 

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On 2/16/2020 at 1:41 PM, bigbird said:

Interesting to see who agreed and who pushed back against the article

Fascinating! 😆 The primary intended audience agreed with the person feeding the stereotypes they held! Whodathunk it?

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33 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Fascinating! 😆 The primary intended audience agreed with the person feeding the stereotypes they held! Whodathunk it?

And the TPM Crowd, as usual, agreed with their Prejudices. 

SSDD, and this means anything to you?

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On 2/16/2020 at 1:41 PM, bigbird said:

Interesting to see who agreed and who pushed back against the article

Annnnnnnnnd... PREDICTABLE. 😁🦋

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2 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Fascinating! 😆 The primary intended audience agreed with the person feeding the stereotypes they held! Whodathunk it?

Interesting you found that comment incendiary or provocative in any way.

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19 minutes ago, bigbird said:

Interesting you found that comment incendiary or provocative in any way.

Interesting you found it interesting. Does that make me sound deep, too? ;)

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47 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Interesting you found it interesting. Does that make me sound deep, too? ;)

I find a lot of the things you say quite deep

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9 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Your TPM obsession is truly weird.

It is not an obsession. I just find it funny when:

Stupid, ill informed, people will believe anything that is told them by others.
What they are told fails over and over and over and over and over again. (2016 Election, Russians!!!!, Collusion!!!, Mueller, Impeachment, Kavanaugh, Avenatti, etc, etc, etc)
And yet these same Stupid, ill informed, people will STILL believe anything that is told them by these same people.
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over an over again expecting different results. 

I just find it HILARIOUS watching these same people waiting to fail the next time...

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