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Republican ViewPoint only: Do you believe Biden's victory is legitimate?


Republicans: Do you Think Joe Biden legitimately won the presidency?   

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Republicans: Do you Think Joe Biden legitimately won the presidency?

    • Yes- He is the legitimate winner of the presidency
    • No- Fraudulent President elect

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1 hour ago, TitanTiger said:

QAnonMAGATrumplandia weighs in.  

"tHa eElekShUn wUz sToLen, PaWL!"

Dis stoo pid!

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On 11/12/2020 at 12:23 PM, shabby said:

This isn't asking whether or not Biden will win. Its asking Trump supporters if they feel the election results were genuine 9r fraudulent as mentioned a yougov poll found that it percent of Trump supporters didn't believe Biden really won the election and it was fraudulent. 

Good luck getting Dems to mind their own business and let conservatives enjoy a post to ourselves.

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1 hour ago, ArgoEagle said:

Good luck getting Dems to mind their own business and let conservatives enjoy a post to ourselves.

 I'm always amazed that Republicans like to refer to democrats as snowflakes while posting like this. feel free to discuss whatever you like. I was just clarifying the topic presented,

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2 hours ago, bigbird said:


You can search any state to see the cases.

Not trying to join the debate, just thought y'all might like it.

Disappointed not to see Brian Kemp's name on there but otherwise very useful, and it really should help even the most insane sleep at night. 


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38 minutes ago, shabby said:

 I'm always amazed that Republicans like to refer to democrats as snowflakes while posting like this. feel free to discuss whatever you like. I was just clarifying the topic presented,

I was being sarcastic; though it is true. There is evidence piling up in the form of affidavits from poll workers and postal workers. Then you have the five States where the huge Democratic run cities in which I went to bed at 12:30 a.m. Tuesday night of the elections in which Trump had humongous leads in Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia,and PA. They claim"we are halting our vote counting for the night and will resume Wed. Morning.   All of a sudden, overnight, Trump has lost his lead in Michigan and Wisconsin. His lead has greatly diminished in Georgia and PA. And you want me to believe this was legit. NO WAY Jose! This did not happen legitimately!

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40 minutes ago, shabby said:

 I'm always amazed that Republicans like to refer to democrats as snowflakes while posting like this. feel free to discuss whatever you like. I was just clarifying the topic presented,

Gee, I figured you were soliciting Republicans to vote in the poll. I didn't realize "Dems" weren't suppose to even post comments in the thread. ;)

Maybe Argo would be happier spending his time in opposition-free venues.  I can fully understand that.  ;D

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8 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Gee, I figured you were soliciting Republicans to vote in the poll. I didn't realize "Dems" weren't suppose to even post comments in the thread. ;)

Maybe Argo would be happier spending his time in opposition-free venues.  I can fully understand that.  ;D

Whatever you do, don't tell him that the alt-right's new favorite social media platform is literally the French word for what everybody's doing on there. He might not be able to hold down his freedom fries, much less go over there full time and leave the grownups alone. 

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7 hours ago, Brad_ATX said:

For the tin foil hats here, Trump's own appointees are now calling out his BS.



Don't be a hypocrite. The Democrats had already sent teams of lawyers to various states to do exactly what the Pubbie's lawyers are now doing. Sadly, the Dems didn't have cause to put their guys into action. Had the results been opposite of what they were, we'd be held up all the same. Ask Hillary, she's the one who publicly told Biden not to concede and let the law suits play out.

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14 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Don't be a hypocrite. The Democrats had already sent teams of lawyers to various states to do exactly what the Pubbie's lawyers are now doing. Sadly, the Dems didn't have cause to put their guys into action. Had the results been opposite of what they were, we'd be held up all the same. Ask Hillary, she's the one who publicly told Biden not to concede and let the law suits play out.

Not sure how I'm being hypocritical for showing you that Trump's own appointees are calling out this BS for what it is.  Not talking about campaign lawyers.  Talking about folks who were appointed by this President to ensure safe and secure elections.

But please, keep donating to Trump to fund his stupid lawsuits.  Makes me laugh hysterically every time they get thrown out of court (14 and counting by the way).

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I dont know. On the one hand I think its over get over it. On the other I wonder how many votes were fabricated. No im not a tin foil hat person, but to sit back and think that a sitting president received 10m more votes than previous and lost is hard to fathom. Additionally, to think Joe Biden received more votes than Obama is also hard to fathom.

I dont believe the socialistic policies that the Democratic party headlines is one that the central majority of the US agree with. And yes i understand that we have socialist systems in the US already- systems that I believe many see flaws in and ones that some want completely overhauled. What I think some fail to see is that while some “socialist“ aspects of our society are necessary theyre only possible because of a largely capitalist environment. 

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If the Dems did try to sway an election, I cant see them NOT taking care of the HOR, the Senate, and No State Legislatures. 

The evidence of the Blue Tsunami is that there wasnt one. 
If they went to the trouble to stack votes against Trump, then they would have taken care of the rest of the agenda.

Pretty clear that:
The nation wanted Trump gone.
The nation also wanted nothing to do with Defund the Police, and Identity Politics. 

Biden managed to get so many votes, yet have no coattails. Need to look at the details of the Election.
The Dems lost Minority Voters TO Trump. Chew on that for a while...
Largest Number of Voters in decades, yet lost seats in the HOR, did not take the Senate, did not flip one state legislature. 

Trump is gone. Finally. Should NEVER have been there. But the validation the DNC was looking for from the voters did not come either. 

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39 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

the validation the DNC was looking for from the voters did not come

But are claiming it anyway

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2 hours ago, Auhud08 said:

I dont know. On the one hand I think its over get over it. On the other I wonder how many votes were fabricated. No im not a tin foil hat person, but to sit back and think that a sitting president received 10m more votes than previous and lost is hard to fathom. Additionally, to think Joe Biden received more votes than Obama is also hard to fathom....



You don't see how the last four years of a reality-show-host presidency, along with his ingrained fascist racism could generate such a response?

What's hard for me to accept that 70 million people in this country wanted more. 

We are not the country I (naively) thought we are.  Probably never were.

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33 minutes ago, bigbird said:

But are claiming it anyway

I don’t know. The Twitterati are not talking about it. I guarantee you everyone worth listening to is indeed talking about it. Please note I did not say they were going TO DO anything about it. 

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14 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

I don’t know. The Twitterati are not talking about it. I guarantee you everyone worth listening to is indeed talking about it. Please note I did not say they were going TO DO anything about it. 

Oh you aren't wrong. If the down ballot results aren't a massive wake up call, I don't know what will be.  But I do think they were killed by letting the R's dictate messaging.  Getting saddled with "socialist" and "anti police" without doing anything to fight back was awful from the DNC.

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7 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Could you not see that coming?

I saw it coming. Take away the pandemic and he probably wins again. 70 million people still thought he was better than Biden. 

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10 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Could you not see that coming?


I understand 2016.  But after 4 years of demonstrated incompetence, lying, racism, corruption and cynical self-promotion at the countries expense, I expected far more people to see Trump for what he is. 

Silly me.


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56 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

Oh you aren't wrong. If the down ballot results aren't a massive wake up call, I don't know what will be.  But I do think they were killed by letting the R's dictate messaging.  Getting saddled with "socialist" and "anti police" without doing anything to fight back was awful from the DNC.

But Brad, the DNC Crowd seemed to EMBRACE it. They werent worried about it. They werent upset by  it. They, in large part, ran to it. 

So much so that when they actually tried to break with DTP, they found they couldnt. 

PHOTO: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer kneel with Congressional Democrats during a moment of silence at the Capitol in Washington, June 8, 2020.


Democrats, seizing the moment, unveil sweeping policing reform bill.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi dismissed calls to "Defund the Police."

If you asked anyone in the Public about that day, i bet all you hear is "Dems want to Defund the Police." 
You did not hear about the actual specifics of the Bill. Look, the American Public are not by and large stupid. They are busy raising kids and doing school at home, and working, and etc. They dont have time for a lot of details. This turned into not only an easily recognizable photo op, it turned into "Defund the Police" even though they went out of their way to say otherwise. Brad is correct, it is the messaging. 

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54 minutes ago, homersapien said:


I understand 2016.  But after 4 years of demonstrated incompetence, lying, racism, corruption and cynical self-promotion at the countries expense, I expected far more people to see Trump for what he is. 

Silly me.


Then you are naïve. What you have are roughly half of voting America  sick and tired of a broken Washington that encapsulates everything you espouse Trump to be. Whine all you want but a lot of people see Trump as their best option. Not all are a bunch of idiots. President elect Biden and the likes have spent decades working to get us to the divided point we are now 

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2 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Then you are naïve. What you have are roughly half of voting America  sick and tired of a broken Washington that encapsulates everything you espouse Trump to be. Whine all you want but a lot of people see Trump as their best option. Not all are a bunch of idiots. President elect Biden and the likes have spent decades working to get us to the divided point we are now 

That's delusional.  Trump is what he is.  You have been duped.


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1 hour ago, SaltyTiger said:

Could you not see that coming?

It's hard to see with your eyes tightly shut!

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33 minutes ago, homersapien said:

That's delusional.  Trump is what he is.  You have been duped.


Delusional and duped? Just stated an opinion on 70m votes. You are the king of posting opinions so it should be appreciated. 

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