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UT @ uga - Who do you like?


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I hope UT beats the brakes off of uga. 

But it will probably be close.

If UT can win this game, then uga is almost certainly out of the SECCG. Their only path would require UT to lose 2 out of Mizzou, USCe and Vandy. LOL. That ain't happening.

Then uga's chance at the playoffs would be in serious jeopardy as well. 

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42 minutes ago, AUFightingSoldiers said:

If there is one thing for certain we can take away from this game so far its that Gary Danielson will never need Viagra. Whisper "Stetson Bennett" in his ear and you're good to go.

These commentators are HORRIBLE. Aside from the slurping, they say a bunch of stupid stuff. 

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Since there is no way that both of them could lose, I'm happy with the DullDawgs beating Rotten Crotch. Tennessee is my second most disliked SEC team, right behind the Tuskalosers. That goes back a good many years, back to when the AU/UT game was the first big game every season. Lots of memories of Neyland Stadium and Legion Field games. You who came along after the Voles fell from power don't know haw nasty they can be when they are at or near the top.

Sign written on a sheet that was hanging from a dorm on the Vandy campus the day of the Vandy/UT game, way back when: " Orange on back, red on neck, ain't worth a sheet".

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