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As if refusing to secure the border wasn’t bad enough…..

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Now the Biden administration is flying illegal immigrants directly into our country.  Failing to enforce a law is bad enough, but how is this not being an accessory, and therefore another impeachable offense?

Anyone on the left care to defend this?


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The elite-left wants to transform this country both internally and externally. Ticking time bomb. 

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15 hours ago, GoAU said:

Now the Biden administration is flying illegal immigrants directly into our country.  Failing to enforce a law is bad enough, but how is this not being an accessory, and therefore another impeachable offense?

Anyone on the left care to defend this?


homer/Can't be real. Not on CNN & MSNBC/homer

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Certainly politically inept considering the current environment, but may not be the scandal ya'll making it out to be:


Biden’s ‘Secret’ Flights of Migrants Debunked as a Routine Part of the US Immigration System

Posted by Aaron Reichlin-Melnick | Feb 2, 2022 | How the Immigration System Works, Immigration 101

Some media outlets have reached a fever pitch over what they have deemed President Biden’s “secret flights of migrants.” They claim that the Biden administration is covertly flying migrants into communities around the country. But these flights are a regular, decades-old practice used for transporting migrants.

The Government Often Transports Migrants by Plane

For generations, some migrants arriving at the border who are apprehended by the Border Patrol have been released into the United States and permitted to attend court hearings outside of detention. And the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has occasionally assisted migrants with transportation. DHS will sometimes arrange flights to the location they will wait in before attending court or help their family members purchase plane tickets for them before they’re released. This process has occurred under Republican and Democratic presidents alike, including Bush, Obama, and Trump.

Even though this practice has been carried out across multiple administrations, people have claimed that the Biden administration is trying to keep these flights off the radar. But migrant releases and transportation under the Biden administration have been not very different than under the Trump administration. And even though DHS has never provided public notice of such flights before they occur, they are hardly a secret; the agency will readily acknowledge the flights and explain their destination and purpose when asked.

Stories of secret flights carrying migrant adults or children are often fueled by ignorance of the operation of federal immigration agencies. For example, some people have recently seized on a video of children being flown into an airport late at night in Westchester County, New York to claim that Biden is helping migrants “invade” the country. However, these flights are easily explained.

A Longstanding Process to Get Migrants to Shelters or Court

For decades, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) has had a national network of shelters for migrant children who arrive at the border. If a child arrives at the border and the only space available is a shelter far from the border, ORR will put the child on a plane rather than a multi-day bus trip. Rather than being a conspiracy, the flights are simply normal practice for ORR across multiple administrations. The shelter in Westchester has been there for years and there are even videos from 2018 of similar flights carrying migrant children into the New York area.

In recent years, ORR has also sometimes helped transport children to their family members after they get sponsored out of government custody. This common-sense measure has allowed children to get into the arms of a loved one faster than if the parent drove across the country to come pick them up. In all those cases, the child has a right to remain in the United States while they go through the court process. The government agency is simply smoothing out the process for them.

Similar situations with adult migrants have also occurred for years. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) often chooses to release some percent of people at the border or from a detention center on bond or an “alternatives to detention” program such as electronic monitoring.

If the person is being released far from their ultimate destination, then ICE will make sure the person’s sponsor (usually a family member) has bought them a plane or bus ticket so they can get to their destination in safety. Under both Obama and Trump, it was routine to see migrants being dropped off at the San Antonio bus station with Greyhound tickets. Even in 2019, during the height of Trump’s anti-asylum policies, ICE was contracting with private companies to drop migrants off at shelters.

Those who are loudly attacking the Biden administration for longstanding practices that predate his time in office are doing the public a disservice and spreading fear and xenophobia. Unfortunately, their actions are already having severe consequences.

The Dangerous Consequences of Misinformation

On January 31, right-wing activists—including Proud Boyssurrounded a hotel in Maitland, Florida after seeing a viral video of Latino men being dropped off in busses. The group believed the men had been taken there directly from the border. One member of Congress even accused the men of being undocumented immigrants (in harsher terms) and demanded that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis arrest them all.

In fact, the men were farmworkers on H-2A visas, legally in the United States to pick crops and help feed Americans. Those who had called for their deportations apparently presumed they were undocumented immigrants because they were Latino—nothing else. This kind of dangerous situation occurs when political leaders mislead and spread xenophobia and misinformation.

Migrants arriving at the border have the right to seek asylum. And for decades, that right has often been exercised after a person leaves detention and is allowed to reside in the United States during their court process. And while they go through that court process, they are residing legally in the United States and have the right to live where they want, unless ICE has set restrictions on their movement.

There is nothing nefarious or illegal about the government helping people get to their ultimate destination to await court hearings, nor is there anything secret about ORR bringing children from the border to a shelter. Before embracing fear and xenophobia, those clamoring about secret flights and a migrant invasion should take the time to educate themselves on the basic operation of immigration law.

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7 minutes ago, Cardin Drake said:

homer/Can't be real. Not on CNN & MSNBC/homer

I'm pretty sure there's more to this than you'll learn from the right-wing news machine.  (As if you cared to know.)

Edited by homersapien
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And here's another aspect of flying immigrants ya'll are ignoring:


Biden admin again flying migrants who cross border in one place to another place before expelling them

Advocates say migrants on the flights often think they're being allowed to stay in the U.S., only to be expelled into an unfamiliar part of Mexico.
FWIW, I don't agree with this either.  Maybe it would be a good thing for Congress to weigh in with revised legislation?  Maybe with a bipartisan law?
Oh wait.......

Republicans kill border bill in a sign of Trump's strength and McConnell's waning influence

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell encouraged GOP senators to pass an immigration and Ukraine aid deal. Just four of them supported it. In the end, even he voted no.
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On 3/6/2024 at 4:28 PM, AU9377 said:

Considering how effective simple propaganda lies are with the gullible, AI will be the death knell for our democracy. 

Edited by homersapien
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1 hour ago, AU9377 said:

You and homer are *debunking* this newest revelation with articles that are from 2022 about moving migrants WITHIN the US, this new allegation is that he is flying immigrants in from other countries and processing them with an APP instead of going through our border facilities.  You and homer really need to keep up.

By the way; if there we’re 320,000 immigrants transported into the US in a years time, that would be over 4 flight a day on an aircraft that holds 200 pax.  That is a heck of an operation there, all on taxpayer money.

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21 hours ago, GoAU said:

Now the Biden administration is flying illegal immigrants directly into our country.  Failing to enforce a law is bad enough, but how is this not being an accessory, and therefore another impeachable offense?

Anyone on the left care to defend this?


As any major outlet verified this (including Fox)?  Crickets thus far.

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1. Daily Mail is a right wing tabloid.

2. Daily Mail is a British right wing tabloid, not U.S.

There is zero factual info to even hint at this kind of stuff. Just more wingnut conspiracy theory crap.


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and another, in case Fox Business isn’t credible to you.  

But, I also assume you think Biden’s doing a great job securing the border, right?

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9 hours ago, GoAU said:

But, I also assume you think Biden’s doing a great job securing the border, right?

Biden is the dictator they say Trump is.  Biden doesn’t care about the rule of law he just runs things the way he thinks they should run, citizens be damned. 

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It’s not impeachable b/c neither the GOP or Dems want to impeach him, and the White Hats are still letting the commies put the nooses over their necks.  It’s all going to change soon.

All for show - don’t let it upset you.

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9 hours ago, AUApostle said:

It’s not impeachable b/c neither the GOP or Dems want to impeach him, and the White Hats are still letting the commies put the nooses over their necks.  It’s all going to change soon.

All for show - don’t let it upset you.

10-35 million illegal aliens (depending on which estimates you look at) is something everyone should be concerned with.  Whether it’s the burden on border and law enforcement, the financial burden on everyone for supporting them, the impact they would illegally have on elections (for states that don’t have voter ID or for the children of the illegal immigrants that are born here, or the drug and human trafficking that surrounds the border, and the crime that some of these migrants bring - the list of problems is never ending…..

The real “threat to democracy” is currently residing in the White House, but it shouldn’t be much longer.  

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2 hours ago, GoAU said:

10-35 million illegal aliens (depending on which estimates you look at) is something everyone should be concerned with.  Whether it’s the burden on border and law enforcement, the financial burden on everyone for supporting them, the impact they would illegally have on elections (for states that don’t have voter ID or for the children of the illegal immigrants that are born here, or the drug and human trafficking that surrounds the border, and the crime that some of these migrants bring - the list of problems is never ending…..

The real “threat to democracy” is currently residing in the White House, but it shouldn’t be much longer.  

Future socialists. We call it a force multiplier 

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11 hours ago, Cardin Drake said:

Elon has brass balls:


Elon can't handle being questioned.  I hardly call that having brass balls.

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On 3/6/2024 at 6:30 PM, I_M4_AU said:

You and homer are *debunking* this newest revelation with articles that are from 2022 about moving migrants WITHIN the US, this new allegation is that he is flying immigrants in from other countries and processing them with an APP instead of going through our border facilities.  You and homer really need to keep up.

By the way; if there we’re 320,000 immigrants transported into the US in a years time, that would be over 4 flight a day on an aircraft that holds 200 pax.  That is a heck of an operation there, all on taxpayer money.



The FACT is that right wing media will lie and most right wing Republicans will believe anything.

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8 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

From the ABC article:

Here's a closer look. CLAIM: The Biden administration has secretly flown more than 300,000 unvetted migrants into the country.

THE FACTS: An article published on Monday by the Center for Immigration Studies examined a major example of how Biden has exercised his parole authority for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans. 

Each month, U.S. Customs and Border Protection discloses how many people from these four countries were allowed to enter the country. On Jan. 26, the agency reported 327,000 were vetted and authorized for travel. There were more than 67,000 Cubans, 126,000 Haitians, 53,000 Nicaraguans and 81,000 Venezuelans.

The Center for Immigration Studies article says CBP approved flights that brought 320,000 to the United States last year. The author, Todd Bensman, learned they came to 43 airports but the government refused to divulge which ones, citing an exemption under the Freedom of Information Act for law enforcement-sensitive information. 

Bensman said Wednesday that he doesn't consider the program secretive, but finds it “enigmatic" and lacking in transparency.”

So, you say the right wing media is lying because they were vetted by an APP?   It is obvious that 327,000 illegals were flown into the U.S. and Biden’s admin was not transparent about it, similar to his *volunteering* to turn over his classified files he took but waited four months to do it.  Of course the Politico article deems it false only because they are not coming over on the taxpayer tab, but they have to pay for it themselves. Love how the left wing media like to split hairs on their favorite political party.

If Biden was more transparent the right wing media wouldn’t have to guess how this thing works.  They’ve been doing this for a year before the public found out about it.  If it was so legal; why the secrecy?

You are willing to fall on your sword for this guy?

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4 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

They’ve been doing this for a year before the public found out about it.  If it was so legal; why the secrecy?

I’m very much not a Biden fan, and hate his border ineptitude. I’’m sick about our two choices in November.  But there’s something else at play here.

One day, Biden is not fit because he’s demented, doesn’t know where he is, is constantly tripping, and can’t string together coherent sentences. The next day, he’s able to lead a massive international scheme involving millions of immigrants to undermine our 250 year old democracy and keep it completely secret, while also serving as a crime family boss that would make the Gambinos blush. Hard to make those things mesh. 

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5 hours ago, AU9377 said:

LOL, here's the ABC link that ABC uses to label the story false. It pretty much conclusively shows that what Trump is saying about the flights is true:

SAN DIEGO -- In his Super Tuesday victory speech, former President Donald Trump elevated false information that had gone viral on social media, claiming the Biden administration secretly flew hundreds of thousands of migrants into the United States.

Many post sharing the claim referred to a report by the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that advocates for immigration restrictions. It said the administration refused to list individual airports where people arrived under a Biden “parole” program that allows Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans to stay in the U.S. for two years.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection each month publishes the number of migrants admitted under the program by nationality. This information is available on its website and in press releases. It does not list arriving airports.

Trump said during his speech, “Today it was announced that 325,000 people were flown in from parts unknown - migrants were flown in airplane, not going through borders ... It was unbelievable. I said that must be a mistake. They flew 325,000 migrants. Flew them in over the borders and into our country."

But migrants are not being flown into the U.S. randomly. Under a Biden policy in effect since January 2023, up to 30,000 people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela can enter the country monthly if they apply online with a financial sponsor and arrive at a specified airport, paying their own way. Biden exercised his “parole” authority, which, under a 1952 law, allows him to admit people “only on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.”


Here's a closer look. CLAIM: The Biden administration has secretly flown more than 300,000 unvetted migrants into the country.

THE FACTS: An article published on Monday by the Center for Immigration Studies examined a major example of how Biden has exercised his parole authority for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans.

Each month, U.S. Customs and Border Protection discloses how many people from these four countries were allowed to enter the country. On Jan. 26, the agency reported 327,000 were vetted and authorized for travel. There were more than 67,000 Cubans, 126,000 Haitians, 53,000 Nicaraguans and 81,000 Venezuelans.

The Center for Immigration Studies article says CBP approved flights that brought 320,000 to the United States last year. The author, Todd Bensman, learned they came to 43 airports but the government refused to divulge which ones, citing an exemption under the Freedom of Information Act for law enforcement-sensitive information.

Bensman said Wednesday that he doesn't consider the program secretive, but finds it “enigmatic" and lacking in transparency.”


The migrants are not coming in from “parts unknown,” as Trump charged. CBP vets each one for eligibility and publishes the number of airport arrivals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

Social media posts, including one by Elon Musk's, charge that the administration is doing this to bring in voters.

But people admitted into the country under parole have no path to citizenship. They can obtain work permits for a limited time but voters must be U.S. citizens.

Biden has exercised parole authority far more than any of his predecessors, which Trump calls “an outrageous abuse” that he will end if returned to the White House. Biden has granted entry — by land or air — to at least 1 million people using parole, not just the 327,000 who flew from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua or Venezuela though December.

Angelo Fernández Hernández, a White House spokesperson, said Wednesday that reports of secretly flying people into the country were “categorically false” and that Cubans, Haitian, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans were “thoroughly screened.”


The Trump campaign and Musk representatives did not immediately respond to requests for comment Wednesday.

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20 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

I’m very much not a Biden fan, and hate his border ineptitude. I’’m sick about our two choices in November.  But there’s something else at play here.

One day, Biden is not fit because he’s demented, doesn’t know where he is, is constantly tripping, and can’t string together coherent sentences. The next day, he’s able to lead a massive international scheme involving millions of immigrants to undermine our 250 year old democracy and keep it completely secret, while also serving as a crime family boss that would make the Gambinos blush. Hard to make those things mesh. 

It really isn’t.  Joe is feeble as anybody can see, he is also old and cantankerous and, as we have seen, he has a tremendous ego.  In his first 100 days he destroyed the border, had the back of the trans kids, made DEI the focal point of his government, set in motion Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (allowed the completion of Nord Stream 2 which took all the leverage away from Ukraine) and set the stage for the disaster that was the Afghan withdrawal.  Nothing he has touched has turned out.  Lets not forget giving Iran $billions and lifting oil sanctions.  He is now siding with Hamas because of his base.

It took Joe and his adminstration 3 years to admit the border was an issue and only because his poll numbers started to suffer.  So what does he do?  Blame it on the Republicans because they didn’t bring the border bill up for a vote.  Hint: it wasn’t bipartisan.

As for the crime family, they have been lying low ever since he was elected.  If it wasn’t for his crack head son leaving his laptop at the repair shop we wouldn’t have known any of this.

Congress is holding hearing today on the crime fiamily and it is fascinating.  The most transparent administration we have ever had.

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35 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

It really isn’t.  Joe is feeble as anybody can see, he is also old and cantankerous and, as we have seen, he has a tremendous ego.  In his first 100 days he destroyed the border, had the back of the trans kids, made DEI the focal point of his government, set in motion Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (allowed the completion of Nord Stream 2 which took all the leverage away from Ukraine) and set the stage for the disaster that was the Afghan withdrawal.  Nothing he has touched has turned out.  Lets not forget giving Iran $billions and lifting oil sanctions.  He is now siding with Hamas because of his base.

It took Joe and his adminstration 3 years to admit the border was an issue and only because his poll numbers started to suffer.  So what does he do?  Blame it on the Republicans because they didn’t bring the border bill up for a vote.  Hint: it wasn’t bipartisan.

As for the crime family, they have been lying low ever since he was elected.  If it wasn’t for his crack head son leaving his laptop at the repair shop we wouldn’t have known any of this.

Congress is holding hearing today on the crime fiamily and it is fascinating.  The most transparent administration we have ever had.

I definitely have issues with his first 100 days.  Especially the border and Afghanistan planning  (btw for a decade trump whined about it but accomplished nothing). However for a “feeble as anyone can be” guy… he sure did an awful lot of actions that you disagree with. 

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