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5 days have passed . . .


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5 days have passed since we lost to Georgia Tech. Here are my thoughts on the game now that my passion is under control:

* Brandon Cox is going to be amazing. 2 of his ints were off of tips - take those away and he was fantastic numbers for a debut against a quailty opponent.

* The stud receiver from GT was unstoppable for nearly a quarter but once the defensive backfield settled down they shut him out. Irons, Pitts, and Lee all took him on man-to-man and each of them got the better. Too bad he had the great first quarter.

* We are sitting on a very potent offense that is just a few miscues away from being truly great.

* The defense, too, is just a tune-up away from being memorable.

* Officiating in college football is about as honest as Phil Fulmer is thin.

* I still hate beating the crap out of a team on the field but not having the scoreboard reflect it - that being said, congrats to Tech and good luck this year.

* We are very, VERY, VERY talented but we need experience which was the main thing that kept us from notching a W last week.

* McGlover is already feeling the backlash from all of the pub he gets. It started in the Iron Bowl last year when Wesley Britt was given free reign to slow the Predator anyway possible (watch Bama's TD drive if you are not sure what I am talking about). :ut: held him from the first snap to the last as did Va Tech. I counted three times that Georgia Tech's tackles dove for his knees and wrapped them up just as #75 was taking aim. The same thing happened to David Pollack and Tommy Harris in their senior years. They are just so good that the officials refuse to call holding otherwise they would rack up 5 or 6 sacks a game.

* When we are celebrating our 2006 national championship let's all remember back to September 3, 2005 when we actually began that climb.

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5 days have passed since we lost to Georgia Tech.  Here are my thoughts on the game now that my passion is under control:

* Brandon Cox is going to be amazing.  2 of his ints were off of tips - take those away and he was fantastic numbers for a debut against a quailty opponent.

* The stud receiver from GT was unstoppable for nearly a quarter but once the defensive backfield settled down they shut him out.  Irons, Pitts, and Lee all took him on man-to-man and each of them got the better.  Too bad he had the great first quarter.

* We are sitting on a very potent offense that is just a few miscues away from being truly great.

* The defense, too, is just a tune-up away from being memorable.

* Officiating in college football is about as honest as Phil Fulmer is thin.

* I still hate beating the crap out of a team on the field but not having the scoreboard reflect it - that being said, congrats to Tech and good luck this year.

* We are very, VERY, VERY talented but we need experience which was the main thing that kept us from notching a W last week.

* McGlover is already feeling the backlash from all of the pub he gets.  It started in the Iron Bowl last year when Wesley Britt was given free reign to slow the Predator anyway possible (watch Bama's TD drive if you are not sure what I am talking about).  :ut: held him from the first snap to the last as did Va Tech.  I counted three times that Georgia Tech's tackles dove for his knees and wrapped them up just as #75 was taking aim.  The same thing happened to David Pollack and Tommy Harris in their senior years.  They are just so good that the officials refuse to call holding otherwise they would rack up 5 or 6 sacks a game.

* When we are celebrating our 2006 national championship let's all remember back to September 3, 2005 when we actually began that climb.


IF U REMEMBER....THE PREDATOR WAS TACKLED FROM BEHIND BY BAMA'S RT ON THE THIRD AND 11 play after he was one step from decking Pennington..NO call of course!!

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