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Two Jackasses from California


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This week's "Alpha Jackass" award:

"[President Bush recently] spoke of Iraq and Afghanistan as 'major fronts' in the war on terrorism, but it was his war of choice in Iraq that removed the focus from Afghanistan and the real war on terror. The President's decision to divert attention and resources to Iraq has allowed the Taliban and their al-Qa'ida allies to continue to attack our troops. President Bush also failed to admit that a lack of post-war planning in Iraq has allowed the insurgents to remain a threat nearly three years after the invasion. We are not where we should be at the start of yet another year of war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our troops and the American people would be better served if the President understood this and put forth a real plan for success." — House Demo Leader Nancy Pelosi

This week's "Braying Jenny" award:

"I was very pleased that you responded so quickly to the news regarding warrantless surveillance being conducted on American citizens by announcing that the Judiciary Committee will hold hearings on the matter. I really believe it is important to have those hearings as soon as possible, and I ask you to consider holding them before the hearings on Judge Alito. Because Justice O'Connor has graciously agreed to stay on the Court until her successor is confirmed, the importance of this matter should take precedence, especially since the President has vowed to continue this warrantless surveillance." — Barbara Boxer in a letter to Arlen Specter

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