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2006 Elections, what if...

DKW 86

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1) The Dems win both houses.

This is kind of a hollow victory for the Dems. The Conservatives stay home because they are sick of the Democratic-like spending by the Republicans. This election year for the Conservatives is a "Damned if you do, Damned if you dont" year. We take out our being very upset at the Republicans by STAYING HOME. We feel betrayed. But we only stay home for ONE CYCLE. We purge our own ranks of free spenders.

The Dems win both Houses. The Left wing extremists claim victory and leadership of the Dem Party. What then? We HATE BUSH! Isnt a platform. The Dems dont have anything but hate for Bush to talk about. We will immediately get two years of nothing but congressional hearings and nothing in Washington will get done. Deadlock-Gridlock, whatever you want to talk about, will be THE order of the day. America will get fed up with the pompous do nothing Dems just like we are fed up with the idiotic do nothing Republicans.

2008, the Republicans will unite behind Guiliani or McCain. We will likely get another turn around and the Republicans get the upperhand back in the House. The Senate comes around later on due to 6 year terms. The Democratic Candidate for President will be another McGovern or Carter. The MoveOn, DailyKos, Michael Moore bunch will claim to be winning for the party when in reality it was nothing more than The Reps staying home for ONE term. They will take the Dems over the cliff for a long while. The Dem Candidate will be a Lamont/Carter/McGovern/Mondale clone and they lose as usual in a legendary landslide. The Dem party will be in a tailspin for at least another 8-12 years. The MoveOn, DailyKos, Michael Moore bunch wil clam gross election fraud in 30+ states and will believe it. They will move even further to the Left and drive even more Centrist Dems out of the party.

2) The Dems get one house.

Gridlock for everything. The War over Impeachment has to go on because the MoveOn, DailyKos, Michael Moore bunch will demand it happen. 2008 Comes and the Republicans take the Presidency again because no one not leaning heavily LEFT will survive the Democrats' primaries. The winner then has to run against one of two certified American heroes. The Dem candidate will be TOO LEFT and be unelectable by the majority of Americans. The Republicans take back a HOR or almost even the Senate. Republicans back in control after a purge of spend thrifts.

3) Indecisive and Inconclusive Shifts happen.

Both parties lose Right and Left Extremists in both houses. The mesage gets clearer that America wont have the extremes of either party in power. The Dems finally start to notice that Bush is indeed a lame duck and that screaming "We Hate Bush" for six years hasnt gotten them anywhere. They move back toward the center and back to relevancy. America re-emerges with a true two party system again. Te Left wing whackadoos keep screaming but Bill Clinton and the DLC takes them up to Martha's Vineyard and shuts their mouths. He tells them, "you have to win elections to gain power." Some finally listen because he is an election winner. We get back to a more normal Political cycle. Everybody wins.

I pick Three myself.

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Barack Obama 2008

BF, I dont think he will be LEFT enough to suit the MoveOn, DailyKos, Michael Moore bunch.

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That's why I like him. He's smart, fresh and full of hope. Four years a junior US Senator should be enough. We don't need anymore far left or right candidates for Pres. or VP. We all see what that has led to.

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We don't need anymore far left or right candidates for Pres. or VP. We all see what that has led to.


George Wl Bush

The Dots are always with us.

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