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Gosh. My kids love Harry Potter. Yet somehow, they love going to church twice a week. They haven't drawn pentagrams on their bodies, they haven't killed anybody, and they haven't sacrificed a goat on our front lawn. Go figure.


Ga. mother seeks Harry Potter ban

52 minutes ago

ATLANTA - A suburban county that sparked a public outcry when its libraries temporarily eliminated funding for Spanish-language fiction is now being asked to ban Harry Potter books from its schools.

Laura Mallory, a mother of four, told a hearing officer for the Gwinnett County Board of Education on Tuesday that the popular fiction series is an "evil" attempt to indoctrinate children in the Wicca religion.

Board of Education attorney Victoria Sweeny said that if schools were to remove all books containing reference to witches, they would have to ban "Macbeth" and "Cinderella."

"There's a mountain of evidence for keeping Harry Potter," she said, adding that the books don't support any particular religion but present instead universal themes of friendship and overcoming adversity.

In June, the county's library board eliminated the $3,000 that had been set aside to buy Spanish-language fiction in the coming fiscal year. One board member said the move came after some residents objected to using taxpayer dollars to entertain readers who might be illegal immigrants.

Days later, the board reversed its decision amid accusations that the move was anti-Hispanic.

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I saw this last night and said to my wife, "There are so many more important things in this world to worry about than a Harry Potter book! If parents are doing their job at home it won't matter what books are in the school library or even if your kid reads it."

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True it does not matter what books are in the library. But it damn well matters if the kid reads it. Harry Potter is not on our reading or viewing list. To think that Harry Potter is acceptable reading for any Bible believing individual is a contradiction. HP is not fantasy but a well written manuscript based on witchcraft. And the Bible clearly states that these things are real and we should have nothing to do with them.

I don't think it should be banned. But I would never accept a teacher assigning, reading, or showing (the movies) it to any of my children.

Tha being said, it is a parent's choice. And I will not try to force my view on you if you give me the same respect.

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True it does not matter what books are in the library. But it damn well matters if the kid reads it. Harry Potter is not on our reading or viewing list. To think that Harry Potter is acceptable reading for any Bible believing individual is a contradiction. HP is not fantasy but a well written manuscript based on witchcraft. And the Bible clearly states that these things are real and we should have nothing to do with them.

I don't think it should be banned. But I would never accept a teacher assigning, reading, or showing (the movies) it to any of my children.

Tha being said, it is a parent's choice. And I will not try to force my view on you if you give me the same respect.

Well, CCTAU, this may be a first. We actually agree on people's freedom to read whatever they damn well please and be able to find it at the local library. My only differing opinion is that it should be allowed as optional reading for kids.

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True it does not matter what books are in the library. But it damn well matters if the kid reads it. Harry Potter is not on our reading or viewing list. To think that Harry Potter is acceptable reading for any Bible believing individual is a contradiction. HP is not fantasy but a well written manuscript based on witchcraft. And the Bible clearly states that these things are real and we should have nothing to do with them.

I don't think it should be banned. But I would never accept a teacher assigning, reading, or showing (the movies) it to any of my children.

Tha being said, it is a parent's choice. And I will not try to force my view on you if you give me the same respect.

Well, CCTAU, this may be a first. We actually agree on people's freedom to read whatever they damn well please and be able to find it at the local library. My only differing opinion is that it should be allowed as optional reading for kids.

There should be no optional reading for kids. All things must be approved by the parent first. We as parents must make sure that our children are well supervised. Do not trust the teachers to do this. Most are wondeerful, some are not. Does that mean that I agree that a parent's choice is always better than the kids? No. But they are responsible for that kid. They have to make the decision. That, I have to respect. Maybe not like, but still respect. Unless an action causes physical or emotional damage, I have to allow people to live free and make their own decisions. Does it mean I have to be quiet about it? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! but I can't FORCE them to see it my way.

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Well, I for one have no problem with the Harry Potter books, having read every one of them. And my church actually has a teaching program based on the series. So we have a serious difference of opinion on that, one what will not be resolved here.

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This otherwise normal looking lady had lost appeal after appeal, and yet she she still keeps on trying to ban Harry. It's said that she hasn't even read the books, yet knows the characters lie and cheat. She has no clue about the context, and yet .......

Good gravy, I've wasted too much time on this nut case. What time's kickoff?

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True it does not matter what books are in the library. But it damn well matters if the kid reads it. Harry Potter is not on our reading or viewing list. To think that Harry Potter is acceptable reading for any Bible believing individual is a contradiction. HP is not fantasy but a well written manuscript based on witchcraft. And the Bible clearly states that these things are real and we should have nothing to do with them.

I don't think it should be banned. But I would never accept a teacher assigning, reading, or showing (the movies) it to any of my children.

Tha being said, it is a parent's choice. And I will not try to force my view on you if you give me the same respect.

Well, CCTAU, this may be a first. We actually agree on people's freedom to read whatever they damn well please and be able to find it at the local library. My only differing opinion is that it should be allowed as optional reading for kids.

There should be no optional reading for kids. All things must be approved by the parent first. We as parents must make sure that our children are well supervised. Do not trust the teachers to do this. Most are wondeerful, some are not. Does that mean that I agree that a parent's choice is always better than the kids? No. But they are responsible for that kid. They have to make the decision. That, I have to respect. Maybe not like, but still respect. Unless an action causes physical or emotional damage, I have to allow people to live free and make their own decisions. Does it mean I have to be quiet about it? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! but I can't FORCE them to see it my way.

I don't want to speak for otter, but I'd view the term "optional" to mean that, with the knowledge/consent of the parents, a child could read whatever he/she liked for outside or independent reading--book reports & the like. If a child, under parental supervision, chooses a religious book of sufficient academic rigor for individual projects such as book reports, I don't see why a teacher should have a problem. However, in a public, i.e., state school I don't want a teacher endorsing or attacking any religion: Christian, Wiccan, Buddhist, Muslim, whatever.

I also think a broad well-versed education in this age includes knowledge of such classics as Macbeth, The Wizard of Oz, and, yes, classic Biblical stories as literature, regardless of any religious subtexts. I'd say it's too premature to say Harry Potter has reached that level of "classic", but who knows how they'll be viewed in another 100-200 years? Much of Charles Dicken's works were viewed as "pulp fiction" in penny novels at the time of their publication, but are considered "classics" today.

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As a Bible-thumping Christian, here is my view on HP:

I use to be vocally against the HP books. I thought they were evil and promoted witchcraft and sorcery. Not to go until details, but I have did alot of street witnessing in my time and in some rough areas. I have dealt with those that practice it or say they did. I have seen some pretty "out there" stuff. So, I was naturally against the HP books and anything that looked like it promoted witchcraft, such as the show "Charmed" and some witch movies that came out that made it look cool.

However, since then, I decided that if I am going to be against something, I need to educate myself about it. I read a book and then watched one of the movies. I then realized it was no different then some of the other fantasy books and movies I deemed okay. The Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia, which many Christians give a thumbs up too, contains sorcery and magic in them. There have been other movies too that I have approved of, like the Star Wars movies. I realized I was being hypocritical and had fell into the trap of overzealous people (not pointed at you CCTAU, but at some of these "activist groups") who have nothing better to do but complain and cry for boycotts instead of carrying out the Great Commission, and I took those people at their word. The HP books are far from what you hear some of these people claim they are. They don't even get close to occultic things. They do the same thing that alot of other fantasy movies I have approved of does, it tells of the battle between good and evil in a manner that makes it interesting for children. I child can't understand that in realistic terms unless they see or read it with something that sparks their imagination. HP is on the same level as many "good truimphing over evil" stories we all have read before. As a parent, one should let the child know the difference between the real world and fantasy and how in the real world, witchcraft does exist, but it is not a good thing.

I just look at things a little different now. While people want to lead boycotts of Target for saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas, I now ask them when is the last time the ministered to a person when the Holy Spirit led them. I think you will find, if truthfully answered, that most would disappoint you. Who cares what Target has on their banner? I don't think a banner saying "Merry Christmas" is going to lead anybody to Christ. What is going to lead them to Christ is to quit crying about such trivial things and instead tell the person about Christ, don't rely on Target or any other business to do it for you! If more would do as Jesus instructed, rather then complain, then maybe we would not even worry about what is said in an advertisement or banner.

Like I said and you can take it for what its worth, but this opinion comes from a charismatic, conservative, street witnessing, Bible-thumping Christian...not somebody that likes to water down the Gosple.

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I find the seeker-friendly approach to be a little dangerous in and of itself. But that's just me. I think my issue is not so much the end product but how it was concieved. We all know that LOTR and Narnia both were written by professed christians. The HP series relied heavily on witchcraft history as a basis. That is where I have the most issues with this series. Therefore, I feel anything based on witchcraft need not be allowed in my home. What others allow in their homes is their business. And I am certainly not gonna picket or take anyone to court. But I do suggest reading material written by those who have studied the origin of the HP series and how it relates to the bible.

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I find the seeker-friendly approach to be a little dangerous in and of itself. But that's just me. I think my issue is not so much the end product but how it was concieved. We all know that LOTR and Narnia both were written by professed christians. The HP series relied heavily on witchcraft history as a basis. That is where I have the most issues with this series. Therefore, I feel anything based on witchcraft need not be allowed in my home. What others allow in their homes is their business. And I am certainly not gonna picket or take anyone to court. But I do suggest reading material written by those who have studied the origin of the HP series and how it relates to the bible.

But wait. J.K. Rowling is a professed Christian, too. She's stated as much in interviews.

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But wait. J.K. Rowling is a professed Christian, too. She's stated as much in interviews.

That is what I have read also, several times. However, saying you are and living like one is two different things. However, I am not her judge, so when she says she is, then I take her at her word. Besides, if you ask me, it does not matter who wrote LOR, Narnia, or HP. Basically, they all have the same content with the good vs. evil battle and magic is used on both sides. The writer being a Christian or not, does not make one story that uses magic better over the other, if you go by the Bible.

CCTAU, I actually know the material you are referring too. I read alot of the same stuff before I gave HP a chance. But alot of that stuff, unfortunately was made up by some idiot just to get people fired up and for him to have a pulpit. I forgot about what all was made up, because it has been so long ago, but I remember that supposedly some of the phrases they used when casting a spell were supposedly real phrases used in witchcraft and that was proven false. I wish I could remember some of the other stuff, but I can tell you that alot of the info about the "origins" of the HP books was so inaccurate, the our pastor had to quit using that info and apologized to the church for giving it out without verifying the accuracy of it. What I have found in the past is that too many get overzealous about certain things while not focusing on the right things. Heck there are those "Christians" out there that write books and articles on how Christian rock is from the pits of hell, though I am careful about who I listen to because I do think some of them are in it for the money and the fame and not the ministry. I have also read a book that basically condemned every Saturday morning cartoon I watched as a kid. This guy attacked He-Man, Smurfs, Transfomers, etc. I just think some get a power trip out of telling others what they need to see or believe. Don't get me wrong, there are those that do expose things for what they are and they do a good job doing it. But there are those that pick some of the dumbest fights because they are too scared to pick the fights that count. They think they can tell us what we need to do and try to be the Holy Spirit for us. Keep in mind, I am talking about all these book writers and "religious" heads, not regular guys like you and me.

The Bible says that we need to abstain from all appearances of evil. If you really think about that and then look at all the things that we allow into our lives or household, there are alot of things that have the potential for evil if it is not kept in check (alcohol, TV, idoltary, pride, etc.). That is why I make sure I don't focus on things that I don't think will impact my kids as others things may. Take HP for instance...after reading the books and watching the movies, I see no way that my kids will show a interest in witchcraft or the occult. My daughter has read the books and both of my kids of saw the movies. Neither shows any interest in witchcraft. However, with my daughter being a teenager, I am more worried about the kind of friends she hangs out with and that some of them may be into Wicca, which the HP books really don't even go into at all. The reality is that we live in a world that practicing Wiccans did not get their start from a HP book, they learned that stuff from a book you are not going to find at your kid's school library. The real concern is that these Wiccans will lie and tell you that they are not about the "witchcraft", but they are just into worshiping nature. That is the real threat and real deciet going on.

With all of that said, I don't want you to think I disagree with what you think is the right thing to do for your family. I do respect the fact that you choose to keep it out of your house. But because of some of the things I have seen street witnessing on The Strip in Tuscaloosa and also in some other crappy places, I got a whole different perspective on the "spiritual warfare" that was going on. That does not mean my perspective is better then yours, just different. We all have to follow where the Holy Spirit leads us and also what He tells us is good for each of us. If you feel led to keep HP out of your household, then nobody can question that, because that is between you and God. He knows what is best for you and your family. God also knows our weaknesses, as does the Devil and what may be potential issues for some may not be an issue for others.

But, I promise you, HP books are in no way evil as some make them out to be. If they were, my kids would have never been allowed to read the books or watch the movies. There are several more dangerous things then the HP books that I don't let them read or watch. MTV is one of those things that I think is much worse then the HP books for my kids. Heck, my daughter has teachers and the crap they teach that I worry about more then the HP books. To even go further, I don't like alot of the junk doctrine preached on TBN and I worry more about my daughter being deceived by that then I do HP books.

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"That is what I have read also, several times. However, saying you are and living like one is two different things. However, I am not her judge, so when she says she is, then I take her at her word."

As far as I can tell, the woman lives a very private life. She even declines most interviews and only appears for her movie openings and select book fairs. So I see no evidence that she's not living a good liife, and it's certainly not my right to scrutinize her, either.

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I am not concerned that my children will join in any kind of witchcraft. But I am concerned that to allow this into my home wil influence them into thinking that witchcraft is harmless just like in HP. And that is just not the case. I don't feel that witchcraft is fantasy. I feel it is real. And as a parent, I must steer my children away from anything that I feel has a evilly (word?) real application in the world today. And unlike fantasy, witchcraft is real. And as such, the bible says to stay away from it. All I can do is the best that I can to protect my children. BTW, we do not trick or treat either. But I am as far from one of the crazies as I can be. I just don't like keeping company with anything even remotely associated with satan. Better safe than sorry.

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I don't feel that witchcraft is fantasy. I feel it is real

So much for the benefits of living in the 21st century. Look, I'm not trying to stomp on anyone's garden, and I'll admit, the folks who practice witchcraft may very well think it really works, but that isn't the issue.

We're talking about witchcraft , magic and flying brooms here, for pete's sake. You think that stuff actually exists?? I'm a huge fan of Lord of the Rings and some Sci-fi stuff, but I don't for a second think that stuff is REAL. I've wondered what it would be like IF some of those things could really happen, but that's the daydreaming appeal to it all.

Our cavemen ancestors got paranoid at night because they couldn't see in the dark. While it's true that lions, tigers and bears were just beyond the camp fire ready to pounce on them, that didn't mean that every fear and imaginary monster that popped into our ancestor's mind was really out there too!

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