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Honest assessment


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Auburn's not a top ten team. Maybe not a top twenty team.

Everyone's bitching about Muschamp, but for the season, the D is certainly no worse than the O.

I respect Brandon's grit, but I doubt he takes almost any supporting cast to the BCS title.

AU has been flat since LSU. That ultimately falls on CTT.

Like I said earlier, I'm not interested in impressing pollsters at this point. Unless you win, it doesn't matter. If this team beats Bama, I'll be happy. No game on our schedule looks like a foregone conclusion at this point. CTT has his work cut out for him on both sides of the ball. He has not shown a talent for managing expectations in his tenure and this year is no different.

I hope this team can turn it around, win 10 games and play in a decent bowl.

Kodi, if you're thinking about your future, which place do you think you may have the biggest shot?

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One, thats why you don't worry about or play for the polls.

Two, we don't have any wide-recievers and Arkansas was able to demonstrate that. Was several times that I sat there and counted and got to 4 seconds before Cox got sacked or tried to dump it off short. Got so fed up I left early so I could watch OU/Texas.

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One, thats why you don't worry about or play for the polls.

Two, we don't have any wide-recievers and Arkansas was able to demonstrate that. Was several times that I sat there and counted and got to 4 seconds before Cox got sacked or tried to dump it off short. Got so fed up I left early so I could watch OU/Texas.

I agree completly about the recievers, I don't think its Cox's fault as I think we have really young recievers and even CT looked bad today. They had a lot of coverage sacks and when you are playing from behind Ark defense knows we are gonna throw.

As for todays game the only player that looked like he cared was B. Lester, the rest of the team Offense and Defense looked horrible. Arkansas and CHN = Tuberville's Kryptonite

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Pretty sad loss, but is anyone really surprised that this happened. It is like the season was over after the

LSU game. Below is my mid season assesment by positions. Average means average for the SEC.

QB- below average. Seems to have regressed this year.

RB- Above average. Still around the top in the SEC. KI, BL, and CS run hard.

Receivers- May be the biggest underperformers on this team. Only one that shows up is CT and he was not good today. Mis judged TD pass.

OL-Somewhat above average. We still move the football and pass protect. Sacks are coming from holding the ball to long.

DL- Below average. IMO the 2004 team was so good on defense because of the size of the DE. Those guys could play the run. We have not had that since and it has been by design. Since LSU, we cannot stop anybody. In fact Buffalo had a couple of long drives.

LB- Average to below average. Too small to bring down backs by themselves. Yes they are fast, but if a lineman gets a body on them it is over. To me the WH project is a mistake.

Corners- Above average. Only because of DI. He plays good ball.

Safety- Below average. I wonder how they would be if WH would have stayed at safety.

Kicking- Even though not good today, it did not cost them them game. Still top in the SEC.

Coaching- Below average and I don't mean game coaching. I mean preparation coaching. It is easy to look back, but now it is easy to understand the SC game. Even though it doesn't happen as often, TT history has always to give them impression that when thing are going good that the coaching slacks off. AU was not ready today pure and simple and please don't talk about how we were still banged up from LSU games.

Outlook- This team can still win out. The funny thing about that, is that ARK controls their own destiny. We could win out and still not go to SEC championship. All of sudden all SEC games are in play (even Ole Miss to some degree). Nothing is given at this point. Could win them all, could lose 3 more.

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We have only come out 'ready to play' for 2 games....Washington State and LSU....today we thougth all we had to do was show up and win....I still think the biggest play early in the game was the HB pass with Tre...we just had picked up 3 first downs...their defense was on their heels and then that play put us in a 2-17.....should have keep the pressure on with Kenny off the tackle with the stretch play....

I am hoping we will come to play next week and get back into the race....win out and we still will be their in the end...there is a lot of football left....

I have faith in CTT and his staff.....because there hasn't been too many loses in the last several years we're all spolied.....

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I think after this game it's safe to say that, no, South Carolina and Steve Spurrier were not that special that our D just wasn't up to snuff against Spurrier's offensive mind. The problem is clear now, our D has not been playing up to its potential. What can you say about a D that cannot contain the running game? We know coming in Mustain was not going to be throwing many passes, the most important thing was to stop the run and we fail to do that, and ended up giving 250 yards on the ground. The gameplan couldn't have been clearer and we fail to execute on D.

Last week's our Offense carried us to the W, this week it just didn't show up to play. I am dead afraid of what Florida is going to do to us next week, seeing the way they are manhandling the LSU squad that we barely beat, and let's face it, our team has been underperforming since LSU. This will get ugly soon.

That's my honest assessment.

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Heck no, I want Tubby to stay with us as long as he continues to coach. He runs a classy program and is a great man from top to bottom.

One bad game doesn't justify calling for his head

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One question.

Why was a post, that I typed, deleted... when it infact had more sense than this "honest assessment." No vulgar language... nothing. Basically just stated why a member here for a long time would say such things as:

I respect Brandon's grit, but I doubt he takes almost any supporting cast to the BCS title.

Noting CTT:

He has not shown a talent for managing expectations in his tenure and this year is no different.

This is nothing but a thread posted with anger. Unlike most, I'm not gonna sit here and play "lets kiss," just because one may have been on this board awhile.

It'd be quite the showing of class if a mod simply just stated why and gave me the reasons. Then maybe one could learn from the mistake... instead... this joke.

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Forgot this jewel... my bad:

Referring to one of the best players on this year's team:

Kodi, if you're thinking about your future, which place do you think you may have the biggest shot?
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Forgot this jewel... my bad:

Referring to one of the best players on this year's team:

Kodi, if you're thinking about your future, which place do you think you may have the biggest shot?

Uh Vatz, I think he was talking about Kodi Burns, the QB prosepct from Arkansas who had AU and Arkansas listed as his favorites (probably until yesterday). Not Kody Bliss.

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I was truly disappointed in how flat the team was. For some reason, I had a bad feeling about this game...

QB - Just because no one is open doesn't mean that you have to take a sack. BC needs to get rid of the ball quicker.

RB - Thought they did fine.

WR - CT had his worst game that I can remember. RS stepped in once or twice, others were absent.

OL - Did OK, a few more holes for the RBs would have been nice. New center problems showed up a couple of times.

DL - Hard to say, but definitely didn't help out with the run game.

LB - Absent. Few good plays, many bad.

DB - Hard to say, but would have been nice to see some run support.

ST - Bad day except JV.

Coaching - I felt that we lost the SC game when it was over because I knew that if we played like that against a better team, we'd lose...and we did. :(

Gotta get it turned around this week boys. I surely hope we get up for UF.

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so....has anyone created firetubberville.com yet?

Don't even say things like that. It is time to circle the wagons, not attack a coach who took us from 3-8 to 13-0 and respectability. This loss is a blip on the radar. Circle the wagons I say!

Tommy is still my coach!

War Eagle!!

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One question.

Why was a post, that I typed, deleted... when it infact had more sense than this "honest assessment." No vulgar language... nothing. Basically just stated why a member here for a long time would say such things as:

I respect Brandon's grit, but I doubt he takes almost any supporting cast to the BCS title.

Noting CTT:

He has not shown a talent for managing expectations in his tenure and this year is no different.

This is nothing but a thread posted with anger. Unlike most, I'm not gonna sit here and play "lets kiss," just because one may have been on this board awhile.

It'd be quite the showing of class if a mod simply just stated why and gave me the reasons. Then maybe one could learn from the mistake... instead... this joke.

This post double posted when I was having trouble getting on the board yesterday after the game. I was going to delete one, but someone had already posted on both threads. Look downthread and you will find it with you irrational post intact and a reply. BTW, your reply critiqued my with conclusions without backing your criticisms up with any substance. You're the same little hothead girl you've always been, so I don't know if you learn from mistakes. It would be quite the showing of class if you would this time.

For the record, I like Brandon, said I respected his grit, but doubt whether he is a national championship level QB. Few are. That is not a condemnation, just an assessment.

I like CTT, think he has built a top-notch program and have never called for his head-- even back when others were. But any observer of AU football knows that the higher the expectations on this program-- which at times he has contributed to, we tend not to live up them.

Wasn't much anger in my post. Other than being irritated at you whining chatter, I'm not angry now and don't disagree with any thing I posted. There are some angry posts from yesterday. Go and obssess over those if you want. Oh, and grow up.

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You're the same little hothead girl you've always been, so I don't know if you learn from mistakes. It would be quite the showing of class if you would this time.

Name calling. Thats cute.

For the record, I like Brandon, said I respected his grit, but doubt whether he is a national championship level QB. Few are. That is not a condemnation, just an assessment.

And for the record, someone may disagree with you on that point. Maybe, someone might think that statement is a little bit delusional and was typed out frustration. Brandon has lost 4 games in his total career as of right now. I know a certain other qb across the state that is about to break that lost total in just his first year.

At times yesterday, Brandon didn't look close to a national championship level QB. I agree with you on that. But to note that his career now and in the future might show that he isn't on that level or I guess might not have the capability, I dont agree.

I like CTT, think he has built a top-notch program and have never called for his head-- even back when others were. But any observer of AU football knows that the higher the expectations on this program-- which at times he has contributed to, we tend not to live up them.

A couple years back, I would be rowing in the same boat. I dont think this is the case anymore. Losing about 80+ million worth of backfield talent last year, we were one O.T. loss from a repeat showing in the SECCG and received a bowl bid to the best bowl game outside the BCS. I believe we EXCEEDED expectations last year, as well in '04.

This year, the expectations are pretty high but he has yet to stray away from that. Yes, we lost. Yes, we can still go to Atlanta, BCS Sugar Bowl, etc. There are still lots of football to be played and many scenarios to witness.

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You're the same little hothead girl you've always been, so I don't know if you learn from mistakes. It would be quite the showing of class if you would this time.

Name calling. Thats cute.

If you don't think your post that I was responding to wasn't repeatedly insulting, your delusional. If you dish it out, expect it.

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Why don't we, instead of taking the negatives, look to see how we can improve for the rest of this season...

We are a team built for speed, and yesterday Arkansas exploited that. They used tons of misdirections in the 2nd half and our deffense overpursued and then was punished by their huge lineman. I think that if anything, it was the coaching/recruiting that can be blamed (or praised) for our showing this year. We are fast and small, by design, and without the correct gameplan (and adjustments) we are going to be able to be figured out.

Arkansas was a good team and IMO our defense was the reason that we lost the game. We put ourselves in a situation that took away the run, we had to play something that was not Auburn football. Our offense isn't designed to have Brandon Cox throw 30+ times, our offensive linemen aren't good enough to make gamebreaking holes late in the game, and our wide receivers are too slow to outrun zone (or any) coverage. Our bread and butter is a steady, intermediate running game that wears down the opposition...we didn't have that. I am not saying that I have the answers to these questions, and i don't think that any of us can pretend to, but if our coaching staff is half the staff that I believe it is, they are going to be able to make the necessary adjutments....

But also don't forget, the two big TDs that Arkansas had (McFadden's run an Mustain/Monk's TD pass) came off of safety blitzes that left no help in the secondary. In our first 5 games we were known to bend but not break...had those two blitzes had happened at different times, we would be talking about a much different game. IMO we wouldn't have broken and we would have been in "our game" after, at worst, a couple field goals.

And although we could have (and arguably should have) won that game, let's get real. Going undefeated in the SEC is impossible...in 2004 we did the impossible...we cannot get spoiled and expect it every year.

Our talent this year is nothing compared to what we had in 2004, and setting the bar at the National championship every year just isn't practical...

Also, we have had a target on our back this season and honestly I don't think that we could handle it. Auburn football is playing as the underdog, the team that has a chip on their shoulder, something to prove. Since the LSU game we have been playing not to lose, which is a lot harder to do then playing to win. I would expect that from here on out we will see a much more relaxed squad now that the ominous "BCS championship" is off of our shoulders.

WAR EAGLE!! Here's to getting to and winning the SEC championship!

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Pretty sad loss, but is anyone really surprised that this happened. It is like the season was over after the

LSU game. Below is my mid season assesment by positions. Average means average for the SEC.

QB- below average. Seems to have regressed this year.

RB- Above average. Still around the top in the SEC. KI, BL, and CS run hard.

Receivers- May be the biggest underperformers on this team. Only one that shows up is CT and he was not good today. Mis judged TD pass.

OL-Somewhat above average. We still move the football and pass protect. Sacks are coming from holding the ball to long.

DL- Below average. IMO the 2004 team was so good on defense because of the size of the DE. Those guys could play the run. We have not had that since and it has been by design. Since LSU, we cannot stop anybody. In fact Buffalo had a couple of long drives.

LB- Average to below average. Too small to bring down backs by themselves. Yes they are fast, but if a lineman gets a body on them it is over. To me the WH project is a mistake.

Corners- Above average. Only because of DI. He plays good ball.

Safety- Below average. I wonder how they would be if WH would have stayed at safety.

Kicking- Even though not good today, it did not cost them them game. Still top in the SEC.

Coaching- Below average and I don't mean game coaching. I mean preparation coaching. It is easy to look back, but now it is easy to understand the SC game. Even though it doesn't happen as often, TT history has always to give them impression that when thing are going good that the coaching slacks off. AU was not ready today pure and simple and please don't talk about how we were still banged up from LSU games.

Outlook- This team can still win out. The funny thing about that, is that ARK controls their own destiny. We could win out and still not go to SEC championship. All of sudden all SEC games are in play (even Ole Miss to some degree). Nothing is given at this point. Could win them all, could lose 3 more.

I would argue with you on a lot of these points. I've thought our LB play has been pretty good. Our D-line is getting blown off the ball and getting no pressure on 4 man rushes. That puts a lot of pressure on your line backers. The line is responsible for 4 run gaps, linebackers the other 2-3. Most of the time they cover more. Games are won and lost on the line of scrimmage. We get blown off the line on both sides. I've thought our safety play has been good considering they are young. I put most of our blame on our lineman and recievers. We can't stretch the field by throwing the ball and most of our sacks have been coverage sacks. I do think Cox needs a sense of urgency but I'd rather him take a sack than throw an int like he was when he couldn't find a reciever against Georgia Tech. I've been saying to those around me we aren't a top 2 team, and I haven't thought so since the LSU game. I thought that even though we won, we didn't play that well on offense. We just have some line issues to resolve.

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It is like the season was over after the LSU game

I had an eerie thought as I left the JHS Saturday. The 2001 season came to mind. Do you guys remember all the hype surrounding the showdown with the #1 ranked Florida Gators? It was a game that was circled on the schedule and the Tigers played like champions and came away with a 23-20 victory. After the monumental victory they went on to barely avoid an upset in OT to La. Tech the following week. That win was followed by an absolute 42-17 tail whipping in Fayetteville. They rebounded the following game with a 24-17 win at Athens only to end the season on three game loosing streak. (7-31 vs. UA, 14-27 vs. LSU, and 10-16 vs. UNC)

I’m not saying that this year will be just like 2001 but it does concern me. Auburn has progressively gotten worse since the LSU game. I know it’s different players and several different coaches but I hope they get things corrected. As history has shown things can definitely get out of control.


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If anyone has really taken a long hard look at this team for an honest assessment then they should realize this.....We haven't played well on either side of the ball since the second half of the Bammer game last year. That is an honest assessment. We have been pathetic. We won with emotion only against Wash. St. Yes it was a blowout but they moved the ball at times...esp running...we were excited to play that was it. Same as LSU...got lucky that they decided to pass more late or perhaps CWM new what Jimbo was going to throw at him. Everyone else has moved the ball except :msu: and that is because they absolutely suck. Buffalo moved it all day on us ...We obviously learned NOTHING from the Wisconsin game...because we still look exactly the same.

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