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Cotton Bowl Itinerary Announced


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The Auburn University Marching Band will be headed to Dallas, Texas for the Cotton Bowl this December 29th through January 1st. A tentative schedule of events, including flight times and hotel details, has been made available to members in our members only section. Fans who want to know times for parades, pep rallies, and more should visit our Game-Day page at http://www.auburn.edu/auband/gameday. WAR EAGLE!

NOTE: Schedule is subject to revision and changes will be announced as necessary.

FRIDAY, December 29

* 2:00-4:00 PM Band departs Montgomery Airport to Dallas Love Airport

* 5:00 PM Band arrives at hotel in Dallas for check-in

SATURDAY, December 30

* 8:30 AM Band departs for rehearsal

* 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Rehearsal at Standridge Stadium in Carrollton.

SUNDAY, December 31

* 8:30 AM Band departs for rehearsal

* 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Rehearsal at Standridge Stadium in Carrollton.

* 2:00 PM Band departs for the Cotton Bowl Parade.

* 3:00 PM Parade steps off

* 4:00-4:45 PM Pep rally at the end of the parade route

* 5:30 PM Band Bowl Banquet Dinner

MONDAY, January 1

* 7:15 AM Band checks out and depart for Cotton Bowl stadium

* 8:00 AM Arrive at the Cotton Bowl

* 8:30 AM Tiger Walk (location TBA)

* 8:50 AM Band moves into stadium (sections 9 and 10)

* 10:20 AM Band plays the Auburn Alma Mater from the stands

* 10:40 AM Kick-off, Auburn vs. Nebraska, FOX-TV

o Since the SEC is considered the away team for this game, the Auburn band will perform their halftime show first before the University of Nebraska Band

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I'll be there with my dad and uncle who lives in Texas

I'll be there with my father as well (and he's trying to get my uncle to come down from omaha.)

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My family will be there, myself, sister, daughter and son-in-law, (who live in Dallas), his parents from

Montgomery, his sister is in the band, and hopefully! my youngest daughter and her husband from

Opelika. We are hoping for a great family get together and watching a much better game than we

did last year in Orlando! Does anyone have the football teams itinerary? We went and watched the

team practice last year and enjoyed it alot. I would appreciate any info!

WAR EAGLE!!!!! :cheer::au::cheer:

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I'll be there.

I was going to miss my first game in a long time because of the costs associated with flying out there...but my girlfriends dad stepped up big time and bought me a plane ticket and hotel room as my christmas present! I tried to turn him down, as that is a huge christmas present, but he wouldn't take no for an answer.

So heck yes I'm going to be their screaming my head off, as usual.

I just hope I don't annoy his wife too much as all four of us will be sitting together...and I have a tendancy to take Auburn games a little serious. I know he'll understand though.

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i remember when i was in high school my freshman year our marching band was one of the ones invited to play in the halftime show in the peach bowl (auburn vs clemson 98-99 season in the georgia dome). they had like i think 20 different high school bands there and we all performed together during halftime. we didn't get to do anything fun really, just wake up a the crack of dawn every morning to rehearse for some competitions. ate chik-fil-a EVERY day for EVERY meal for like 4 days straight. it sucked. i think the only thing we went out and did was go to the lennox mall a couple of times, and on the way to ATL we stopped at the gallaria

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I'll be there at the game and the day before the game in Dallas.

Yes, there are some activities planned for the band. :big:


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well nebraska reported having sold around 9000, which means auburn is most likely well under that number seeing as how they haven't release the number.

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