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"We Can't Win On Anger"

Jenny AU-92

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Finally a lib understands that "BUSH IS EVIL!" will not get them the White House back. Too bad he is gonna get beat like a redheaded stepchild.

Toiling in Howard Dean's political shadow, Democratic presidential rival John Edwards said Friday he's offering voters a campaign of optimism, inclusion and substance -- a far cry, he suggests, from the fiery rhetoric and partisanship that have fueled the front-runner's ascent.

"If all we are in 2004 is a party of anger, we can't win," Edwards said in remarks prepared for delivery Friday to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco.

"If all we are is divisive and angry and if all we do is attack President Bush and each other, then we will not win the White House in 2004," he said in a speech that aides billed as a critique of Dean's campaign methods. "And we won't deserve to."

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Finally a lib understands that "BUSH IS EVIL!" will not get them the White House back. Too bad he is gonna get beat like a redheaded stepchild.
Toiling in Howard Dean's political shadow, Democratic presidential rival John Edwards said Friday he's offering voters a campaign of optimism, inclusion and substance -- a far cry, he suggests, from the fiery rhetoric and partisanship that have fueled the front-runner's ascent.

"If all we are in 2004 is a party of anger, we can't win," Edwards said in remarks prepared for delivery Friday to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco.

"If all we are is divisive and angry and if all we do is attack President Bush and each other, then we will not win the White House in 2004," he said in a speech that aides billed as a critique of Dean's campaign methods. "And we won't deserve to."

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Maybe Edwards lack of anger is why he trails so badly in the polls. Anger has been used by the Republicans successfully for the past decade. Why are the conservatives so upset that the Democrats are merely using the same strategy for their own campaigns. Edwards saying that anger doesn't work is akin to Terry Bowden saying a strong passing game is the best way to win in the SEC.

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i'm not too sure the republicans are too worried about the dems right now, db...

should they ever find that missing issue they don't seem to have, then might some of the pubs worry... but not as they fight amongst themselves.

i was at a party last night w/ a bunch of dems... and they were predicting a '72 debacle for the democratics... 'we may carry only 3-4 states'. i asked them, incredulously, how they thought that could be *because i don't believe it...i believe it'll be a close race*, but got no reply. maybe they're just trying to set their expectations low in order to be pleasantly surprised next fall....


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Maybe Edwards lack of anger is why he trails so badly in the polls. Anger has been used by the Republicans successfully for the past decade. Why are the conservatives so upset that the Democrats are merely using the same strategy for their own campaigns. Edwards saying that anger doesn't work is akin to Terry Bowden saying a strong passing game is the best way to win in the SEC.

You are the one missing the mark. Conservatives are not upset that you people use "anger", we just don't understand it. I for one have no idea where the rancor comes from. But that is all you have.

Why are the conservatives so upset that the Democrats are merely using the same strategy for their own campaigns.
Edwards saying that anger doesn't work is akin to Terry Bowden saying a strong passing game is the best way to win in the SEC.

BTW, I wish :au: had a strong passing game to go with the strong running game. :D

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Maybe Edwards lack of anger is why he trails so badly in the polls. Anger has been used by the Republicans successfully for the past decade. Why are the conservatives so upset that the Democrats are merely using the same strategy for their own campaigns. Edwards saying that anger doesn't work is akin to Terry Bowden saying a strong passing game is the best way to win in the SEC.

You are the one missing the mark. Conservatives are not upset that you people use "anger", we just don't understand it. I for one have no idea where the rancor comes from. But that is all you have.

Let's see, daily talk from NPR is usually about "feminazis, tree huggers, leftwing pinkos, etc..." For the entire Clinton administration, the Republicans kept special investigators, the FBI and their own private investigators using every method possible to try and get Clinton. They finally settled on a sex charge and lying to the American people, something that doesn't seem to bother them today. Let's see, we had to live through haircutgate, the Vince Foster suicide that many conservatives still consider just one of many Clinton homicides, Hillary purported insider trading (see Bush and Harken Oil) and an entire litany of non-issues that were used as nothing but political fodder for the Republicans. I just can't understand why you guys are so angry about a little political payback. This administration is the most corrupt since the Richard Nixon years. It's sad but I have to wade through what I post each day to keep the volumes down. The accesses of this administration are so great that you can choose from a new set of topics every day.

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So what you are saying Donut, is that you want revenge. I still say you missed the point of the thread. Anger will not win it for you. But you guys can't let go, cause that's all you got. :D

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So what you are saying Donut, is that you want revenge.  I still say you missed the point of the thread.  Anger will not win it for you.   But you guys can't let go, cause that's all you got.  :D


If the course were one that would insure failure, why even broach the issue? It'd seem that Republicans would WANT us to continue this certain course of failure, wouldn't it? BTW, for an adminstration that isn't worried about the negative being spread around, they sure do seem to be worried about Moveon.org/.


MoveOn moves up

By Michelle Goldberg

O'Reilly, DeLay and the GOP have declared war on it. But the online citizen movement grows richer and stronger by the day.

Dec. 1, 2003  |  Bill O'Reilly wants its nonprofit status revoked. Republican National Committee chairman Ed Gillespie sees it as part of the "Democrat plan to subvert campaign finance laws." House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's office plays phone pranks on its staffers. A piece in David Horowitz's FrontPage Magazine worries: "It could bypass the mainstream media, sneak around campaign spending limits, and become its own powerful channel for Leftist communication, indoctrination and mobilization."

Clearly, MoveOn.org has arrived.

MoveOn moves up

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BTW, for an adminstration that isn't worried about the negative being spread around, they sure do seem to be worried about Moveon.org/.


MoveOn moves up

By Michelle Goldberg

O'Reilly, DeLay and the GOP have declared war on it. But the online citizen movement grows richer and stronger by the day.

Dec. 1, 2003  |  Bill O'Reilly wants its nonprofit status revoked. Republican National Committee chairman Ed Gillespie sees it as part of the "Democrat plan to subvert campaign finance laws." House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's office plays phone pranks on its staffers. A piece in David Horowitz's FrontPage Magazine worries: "It could bypass the mainstream media, sneak around campaign spending limits, and become its own powerful channel for Leftist communication, indoctrination and mobilization."

Clearly, MoveOn.org has arrived.

MoveOn moves up

It's not just this post I was referring to CT. I've noticed a definite trend where a topic that the conservatives don't want to be discussed seems to always end up being twisted to another subject. They debate just like the presidential candidates where a moderator can ask one question and after barely touching on it, the candidate ends up giving their stance on a political issue that wasn't even part of the question.
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BTW, for an adminstration that isn't worried about the negative being spread around, they sure do seem to be worried about Moveon.org/.


MoveOn moves up

By Michelle Goldberg

O'Reilly, DeLay and the GOP have declared war on it. But the online citizen movement grows richer and stronger by the day.

Dec. 1, 2003  |  Bill O'Reilly wants its nonprofit status revoked. Republican National Committee chairman Ed Gillespie sees it as part of the "Democrat plan to subvert campaign finance laws." House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's office plays phone pranks on its staffers. A piece in David Horowitz's FrontPage Magazine worries: "It could bypass the mainstream media, sneak around campaign spending limits, and become its own powerful channel for Leftist communication, indoctrination and mobilization."

Clearly, MoveOn.org has arrived.

MoveOn moves up

It's not just this post I was referring to CT. I've noticed a definite trend where a topic that the conservatives don't want to be discussed seems to always end up being twisted to another subject. They debate just like the presidential candidates where a moderator can ask one question and after barely touching on it, the candidate ends up giving their stance on a political issue that wasn't even part of the question.

Your point? Did I miss something? Is it not pertinent to the topic we were discussing? Please tell me how my response to the issue of the Democrats using anger shouldn't include the White House and Republican respoinse to such? Unlike changing an issue of Republican pork-barrel politics to one of someone's signature, I have stayed within the content of the original message and string.

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This administration is the most corrupt since the Richard Nixon years. It's sad but I have to wade through what I post each day to keep the volumes down. The accesses of this administration are so great that you can choose from a new set of topics every day.

That's because the items you post every day about the so-called EXcesses (pet grammar peeve of mine) of this administration are a load of frantic left-wing spewings about NOTHING - you are so busy trying DESPERATELY to find something legitimately worth getting upset about, that the tactic has become SHEER VOLUME - if we print enough crap, people will start to believe it. And even that is not working with regular Americans, just people like you who already drink their Kool-Aid. You would all like to believe that GWB is more corrupt than your beloved Clintons (pardons on the eve of the Inauguration - COME ON), but there is NO WAY. All your rancor and hatred is "payback"? At least the Republicans in the Clinton years didn't have to look so hard to find something to investigate - it was all under the desk.

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For the entire Clinton administration, the Republicans kept special investigators, the FBI and their own private investigators using every method possible to try and get Clinton. They finally settled on a sex charge and lying to the American people, something that doesn't seem to bother them today. Let's see, we had to live through haircutgate, the Vince Foster suicide that many conservatives still consider just one of many Clinton homicides, Hillary purported insider trading (see Bush and Harken Oil) and an entire litany of non-issues that were used as nothing but political fodder for the Republicans.

For the entire Reagan administration we got the same. $41M on Iran-Contra for what two convictions? Lawrence Walsh set the forever standard on money wasted and no results produced. We had the Ed Meese affair that ended in nothing. We had the blah balh blah, affair. My God back then we even had George Bush the first investigated for keeping the hostages held until Reagan Swearing in ceremony for God's Sakes!

It is political payback and we should all just chill both ways.

Two thoughts,

Why was Watergate so important? It was a two bit burglary that had no impact on the 72 Election at all. It was because it was directed from inside the White House. Liddy talks about leaving pictures of the Democratic Party leaderships' wives in the hooker file. There was a file in the office for Hookers for Dem supporters visiting DC. It included pics etc. Liddy left pictures of their wives in the file as a calling card. They were broadcasting that they were breaking in to everyone.

The Filegate Scandal was similiar. There is enough dirt on every pol in DC as public knowledge to really destroy everyone of them. Why did the Clinton Adm have to invade the private FBI files to gather more? Why did they trash the Constitution? Why do Democratic Operatives drive around with cell phone call recording devices?

These are dirty tricks in Watergate. This is totally trashing any shred of the notion of privacy in file gate.

I am really afraid of the longterm consequences for privacy with Dems in office.

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This administration is the most corrupt since the Richard Nixon years. It's sad but I have to wade through what I post each day to keep the volumes down. The accesses of this administration are so great that you can choose from a new set of topics every day.

That's because the items you post every day about the so-called EXcesses (pet grammar peeve of mine) .....

Hee-e-e-r-r-e--e-es Jenny!!! ;)


Grammarian usually has little to contribute to a discussion and possesses few effective

weapons. To compensate, he will point out minor errors in spelling and grammar.

Because of Grammarian's obvious weakness most Warriors ignore him.

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This administration is the most corrupt since the Richard Nixon years. It's sad but I have to wade through what I post each day to keep the volumes down. The accesses of this administration are so great that you can choose from a new set of topics every day.

That's because the items you post every day about the so-called EXcesses (pet grammar peeve of mine) .....

Hee-e-e-r-r-e--e-es Jenny!!! ;)


Grammarian usually has little to contribute to a discussion and possesses few effective

weapons. To compensate, he will point out minor errors in spelling and grammar.

Because of Grammarian's obvious weakness most Warriors ignore him.

Dude, it's bad to mess with a pregnant woman...

Remember you were warned!!!

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Oh Great!! NOW you tell me she's pregnant!! I had to try and walk on egg shells around my wife for a nine month stretch twice.

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Oh Great!! NOW you tell me she's pregnant!! I had to try and walk on egg shells around my wife for a nine month stretch twice.

**GASP** did he use the word "stretch" and "pregnant" in the same post!

doth the man have no fear!

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Oh Great!! NOW you tell me she's pregnant!! I had to try and walk on egg shells around my wife for a nine month stretch twice.

**GASP** did he use the word "stretch" and "pregnant" in the same post!

doth the man have no fear!

I noticed that but decided not to say anything! :o:o:o

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Oh Great!! NOW you tell me she's pregnant!! I had to try and walk on egg shells around my wife for a nine month stretch twice.

**GASP** did he use the word "stretch" and "pregnant" in the same post!

doth the man have no fear!

Donutboy had better hope his name isn't "Mark," huh???

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That is the FIRST time I have EVER corrected your attrocious grammar, so you should just be grateful that other comments remained unwritten. There was a post on another thread just last Friday where I mentioned that was my WORST grammar peeve of all time, and lo and behold if you didn't turn right around and do it. Initially I wondered if it was on purpose to push my buttons, but then I figured you would wouldn't want to look even more stupid than your post content was already making you look, so it must be for real. :rolleyes:

And considering that in that listing of Web Warriors, you would be considered The Ferrous Cranus, you probably shouldn't have gone there either.

But that is okay - I am in a magnanimous mood today, despite the fact that yes, I am nearly seven months pregnant.

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