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The Earth was warming before global warming was cool

Tiger in Spain

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The Earth was warming before global warming was cool.

When Eric the Red led the Norwegian Vikings to Greenland in the late 900s, it was an ice-free farm country--grass for sheep and cattle, open water for fishing, a livable climate--so good a colony that by 1100 there were 3,000 people living there. Then came the Ice Age. By 1400, average temperatures had declined by 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, the glaciers had crushed southward across the farmlands and harbors, and the Vikings did not survive.

Such global temperature fluctuations are not surprising, for looking back in history we see a regular pattern of warming and cooling. From 200 B.C. to A.D. 600 saw the Roman Warming period; from 600 to 900, the cold period of the Dark Ages; from 900 to 1300 was the Medieval warming period; and 1300 to 1850, the Little Ice Age.

During the 20th century the earth did indeed warm--by 1 degree Fahrenheit. But a look at the data shows that within the century temperatures varied with time: from 1900 to 1910 the world cooled; from 1910 to 1940 it warmed; from 1940 to the late 1970s it cooled again, and since then it has been warming. Today our climate is 1/20th of a degree Fahrenheit warmer than it was in 2001.

Many things are contributing to such global temperature changes. Solar radiation is one. Sunspot activity has reached a thousand-year high, according to European astronomy institutions. Solar radiation is reducing Mars's southern icecap, which has been shrinking for three summers despite the absence of SUVS and coal-fired electrical plants anywhere on the Red Planet. Back on Earth, a NASA study reports that solar radiation has increased in each of the past two decades, and environmental scholar Bjorn Lomborg, citing a 1997 atmosphere-ocean general circulation model, observes that "the increase in direct solar irradiation over the past 30 years is responsible for about 40 percent of the observed global warming."

Statistics suggest that while there has indeed been a slight warming in the past century, much of it was neither human-induced nor geographically uniform. Half of the past century's warming occurred before 1940, when the human population and its industrial base were far smaller than now. And while global temperatures are now slightly up, in some areas they are dramatically down. According to "Climate Change and Its Impacts," a study published last spring by the National Center for Policy Analysis, the ice mass in Greenland has grown, and "average summer temperatures at the summit of the Greenland ice sheet have decreased 4 degrees Fahrenheit per decade since the late 1980s." British environmental analyst Lord Christopher Monckton says that from 1993 through 2003 the Greenland ice sheet "grew an average extra thickness of 2 inches a year," and that in the past 30 years the mass of the Antarctic ice sheet has grown as well.

Earlier this month the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a summary of its fourth five-year report. Although the full report won't be out until May, the summary has reinvigorated the global warming discussion.

While global warming alarmism has become a daily American press feature, the IPCC, in its new report, is backtracking on its warming predictions. While Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" warns of up to 20 feet of sea-level increase, the IPCC has halved its estimate of the rise in sea level by the end of this century, to 17 inches from 36. It has reduced its estimate of the impact of global greenhouse-gas emissions on global climate by more than one-third, because, it says, pollutant particles reflect sunlight back into space and this has a cooling effect.

The IPCC confirms its 2001 conclusion that global warming will have little effect on the number of typhoons or hurricanes the world will experience, but it does not note that there has been a steady decrease in the number of global hurricane days since 1970--from 600 to 400 days, according to Georgia Tech atmospheric scientist Peter Webster.

The IPCC does not explain why from 1940 to 1975, while carbon dioxide emissions were rising, global temperatures were falling, nor does it admit that its 2001 "hockey stick" graph showing a dramatic temperature increase beginning in 1970s had omitted the Little Ice Age and Medieval Warming temperature changes, apparently in order to make the new global warming increases appear more dramatic.

Sometimes the consequences of bad science can be serious. In a 2000 issue of Nature Medicine magazine, four international scientists observed that "in less than two decades, spraying of houses with DDT reduced Sri Lanka's malaria burden from 2.8 million cases and 7,000 deaths [in 1948] to 17 cases and no deaths" in 1963. Then came Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring," invigorating environmentalism and leading to outright bans of DDT in some countries. When Sri Lanka ended the use of DDT in 1968, instead of 17 malaria cases it had 480,000.

Yet the Sierra Club in 1971 demanded "a ban, not just a curb," on the use of DDT "even in the tropical countries where DDT has kept malaria under control." International environmental controls were more important than the lives of human beings. For more than three decades this view prevailed, until the restrictions were finally lifted last September.

As we have seen since the beginning of time, and from the Vikings' experience in Greenland, our world experiences cyclical climate changes. America needs to understand clearly what is happening and why before we sign onto U.N. environmental agreements, shut down our industries and power plants, and limit our economic growth.


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Time to give in, TiS. The gig is up. Everyone has already decided. It's "official" now. Global warming is real, and man is the cause. Time to conform to the overwhelming opinion, and simply accept it. Never mind that we've been recycling glass,plastics, papers, tires ( when they're not being used for doomed barrier reef projects ) for decades now. Never mind that the biggest producers of pollution get off scott free with the Kyoto Treaty. Forget all that. The Earth is doomed, there's nothing we can do about saving it now. Oh, we'll still get higher taxes and be forced to work less in the future, but it's all a moot point now.

Global warming is here

It's our fault.

Bush lied


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Here's a surefire test of whether or not a theory is correct or not: How vigorously its supporters attack its critics.

Using flawed models (The chief computer model actually used Antarctic temperatures 40 DEGREES HIGHER than actually measured atmospheric temperatures), the GW sheep have tried to bully anybody who disagree with them. Even impeccable scientific voices such as the head of Climatology at MIT who have expressed deep reservations about man-made global warming have been depicted as nothing more than stooges for the oil companies.

Really what's at the heart of all this propaganda is a back-door assault on the internal combustion engine. However, the environmental forces behind this lack the basic honesty to say that they've cooked the books, and that the historic climatological evidence undercuts their theory.

Don't get me wrong. I think, despite all the strides we've made, pollution and unchecked urban growth are absolute menaces to the long-term ecological health of the country. Unchecked, unplanned suburban sprawl in particular is unhealthy. At the same time, why don't we have an honest discussion about the problems, rather than gin up some fraudulent theory to support their laudable aims.

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I had a lib tell me the other day that 98% of ALL scientists believe in global warming. 98%. I, of course, told him he was crazy. I told him of the trends over the last 300 years etc... His response was that I could not convince him that we are better off today with pollution, etc.. I told him we were talking about global warming not pollution. I know they want to tie the two together exclusively, but there just isn't as proof that what we are doing makes that big of a difference. I then told him that the crap from all the cows produce much more gas that cars and he looked at me like I was crazy. Do these people ever study anything except their side of the story. Nobody really publishes "findings" any more. Mostly it theory spouted out as truth. And then it's gobbled up by the tree huggers and Al Gore lovers. They still feel like they owe him something for losing in 2000.

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otter, you gotta do better than that. Simply disputing a position does not make the accusers wrong. Global warming isn't a 'theory'. There is no g.w. theory. Theories are means by which FACTS are explained. To date, there are VERY few facts that point toward true global warming, and even fewer still that it has anything to do w/ man's activities. Trust me , there are impeccable voices on either side of the issue. It seems the more we do to clean up this Earth, the more we're being blamed for it being dirty. Make NO mistake. There are a VERY few on the g.w. crowd who sincerely think they're doing the right thing. Most of these folks are brain washed into thinking the US , and it's capitalistic endeavors, are what needs to be done away with. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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I'd like to add to this conversation if I may. Hang on, though, I'll be right back. I have to take these catalytic converters I just cut off my car to the trash.

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I'd like to add to this conversation if I may. Hang on, though, I'll be right back. I have to take these catalytic converters I just cut off my car to the trash.

Let me know if you need some lead gas. We stocked up on it and farm diesel.

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I'm going home and setting fire to a huge barrel of diesel fuel mixed with oil. I loves me some black smoke.

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TIS, while you're at it could I bother you take off my hands 4 old car tires and a couple of tractor tires my dad hasn't bothered to dispose of yet?

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Send them along. I promise I'll use them to help melt the copy of An Inconvenient Truth my kid drug home from school the other day.

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The global-warming hysterics strike again

By William Rusher

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The media have recently been blaring what they depict (inaccurately, by the way) as the latest grim warning from the practically unanimous ranks of the world's climatologists concerning global warming. It is time to take two aspirin, lie down and consider the matter calmly.

The global-warming controversy is powered by three mighty engines, which are almost never recognized. The first is the natural human impulse to fear allegedly forthcoming disasters, especially if they are clothed in the raiments of scientific certitude. The media can be depended on to ferret out and wildly overhype any potential negative development that any so-called scientist is willing to predict and deplore. Remember "acid rain"? The factories of the American Midwest are supposedly belching enormous quantities of sulphurous gases into the air, which then drift eastward, pollute our pristine lakes and lay waste the Appalachian forests. We had barely had time to digest this awful news when the same media introduced us to the ghastly phenomenon called the "ozone hole," a gap in the Earth's protective layer of ozone that had developed (thanks to human pollutants) over the Antarctic and threatened to increase hugely the amount of deadly interstellar radiation reaching the planet's surface, causing millions of fatal skin cancers. The subsequent news that the ozone hole was actually diminishing was lost in the gratifying burst of terror over the discovery of global warming.

The second engine (which was also influential in the flaps over acid rain and the ozone hole) is the traditional liberal hatred of "American corporations," which is mobilized whenever some new misfortune can be laid, however speciously, at their door. All sorts of manufacturing operations emit carbon dioxide, which are thus responsible for some uncertain part of the seven-tenths of one degree Celsius by which the earth's surface temperature rose in the 20th century. Actually, believe it or not, cows emit far more greenhouse gases (from their rear ends) than corporations do, but corporations are easier to hate than cows. So the ancient cry has gone up, "Stop the corporations!"

The third and final engine is, as you might expect, money. Do you have any idea how many billions of dollars the United States paid "scientists" (mostly in universities) last year to study this or that aspect of global warming? They are raiding this El Dorado with both hands, and you can imagine their attitude toward any colleague who dares to doubt their warnings.

The latest incitement to panic over global warming is the recently released summary of a 1,400-page report by the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). We won't get to see the actual report till May, but the IPCC's chairman, Rajendra Pachauri, says "I hope this report will shock people."

Given the media's hype concerning the human causes of global warming, it undoubtedly will. But the actual figures, when compared to those in the IPCC's last report in 2001, are downright encouraging. Christopher Monckton, a British analyst, points out that the new summary "more than halved its high-end best estimate of the rise in sea level by 2100 from 3 feet to just 17 inches." (Al Gore predicts 20 to 30 feet.) Monckton adds that "The U.N. has cut its estimate of (the human) net effect on climate by more than a third."

Part of the problem is that the earth's temperature is always in motion, up or down. At the moment, it is trending slightly up -- three-hundredths of a degree Celsius since 2001. Before that, in the midyears of the 20th century, it was actually falling -- providing grist for the media's hysterical predictions of a "new Ice Age" back in the 1970s.

Meanwhile, you can count on the liberals to demand savage cutbacks in the output of America's "greedy" corporations (never mind what that does to the economy) and on the opportunistic hacks in the science faculties of our universities to carve still bigger grants for themselves out of the federal and state budgets to finance more justifications for the panic.

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Catalytic converters...It's all fun and games...

I do rather enjoy the sound of my car without them. Sounds like a Mustang should sound. :big:

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Catalytic converters...It's all fun and games...

I do rather enjoy the sound of my car without them. Sounds like a Mustang should sound. :big:

Catalytic converters??? We don't need no stinkin' catalytic converters!

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Catalytic converters...It's all fun and games...

I do rather enjoy the sound of my car without them. Sounds like a Mustang should sound. :big:

Wanna buy some x-pipes?

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Here's a surefire test of whether or not a theory is correct or not: How vigorously its supporters attack its critics.

A few examples:

Oregon Governor considers firing State Climatologist for contrary opinion.

The Weather Channel’s climate expert, Heidi Cullen, recently said the American Meteorological Society should revoke its "seal of approval" from any television meteorologist who does not believe in manmade global warming.

Boston Globe columnist Ellen Goldman equated those who question the present dominant media hype on climate change with Holocaust deniers. :blink:

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Catalytic converters...It's all fun and games...

I do rather enjoy the sound of my car without them. Sounds like a Mustang should sound. :big:

Wanna buy some x-pipes?

Running a BBK X-pipe now. Sounds better than an H-pipe, IMHO.

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Hey, anyone need an B-303 Cam for a 5.0? I got one for sale cheap.



Adding up all anthropogenic greenhouse sources, the total human contribution to the greenhouse effect is around 0.28% (factoring in water vapor).
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Hey, anyone need an B-303 Cam for a 5.0? I got one for sale cheap.



Adding up all anthropogenic greenhouse sources, the total human contribution to the greenhouse effect is around 0.28% (factoring in water vapor).

No thanks. I swithced to diesel. Now if I can just get somebody to make cheaper filters. This thing has about 6 filters.

Global warming facts:

"According to a new U.N. report, the global warming outlook is much worse than originally predicted. Which is pretty bad when they originally predicted it would destroy the planet." --Jay Leno

"The report on climate change said that humans are very likely making the planet warmer. To which Hillary Clinton said, 'Hey, can't blame me for that one.'" --Jay Leno

"President Bush has a plan. He says that if we need to, we can lower the temperature dramatically just by switching from Fahrenheit to Celsius" --Jimmy Kimmel, on fighting global warming

"Scientists say because of global warming they expect the world's oceans to rise four and a half feet. The scientists say this can mean only one thing: Gary Coleman is going to drown." --Conan O'Brien

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National Geographic Link

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says

Kate Ravilious

for National Geographic News

February 28, 2007

Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural—and not a human-induced—cause, according to one scientist's controversial theory.

Earth is currently experiencing rapid warming, which the vast majority of climate scientists says is due to humans pumping huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. (Get an overview: "Global Warming Fast Facts".)

Mars, too, appears to be enjoying more mild and balmy temperatures.

In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row.

Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun.

"The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars," he said.

Solar Cycles

Abdussamatov believes that changes in the sun's heat output can account for almost all the climate changes we see on both planets.

Mars and Earth, for instance, have experienced periodic ice ages throughout their histories.

"Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance," Abdussamatov said.

By studying fluctuations in the warmth of the sun, Abdussamatov believes he can see a pattern that fits with the ups and downs in climate we see on Earth and Mars.

Abdussamatov's work, however, has not been well received by other climate scientists.

"His views are completely at odds with the mainstream scientific opinion," said Colin Wilson, a planetary physicist at England's Oxford University.

"And they contradict the extensive evidence presented in the most recent IPCC [intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] report." (Related: "Global Warming 'Very Likely' Caused by Humans, World Climate Experts Say" [February 2, 2007].)

Amato Evan, a climate scientist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, added that "the idea just isn't supported by the theory or by the observations."

Planets' Wobbles

The conventional theory is that climate changes on Mars can be explained primarily by small alterations in the planet's orbit and tilt, not by changes in the sun.

"Wobbles in the orbit of Mars are the main cause of its climate change in the current era," Oxford's Wilson explained. (Related: "Don't Blame Sun for Global Warming, Study Says" [september 13, 2006].)

All planets experience a few wobbles as they make their journey around the sun. Earth's wobbles are known as Milankovitch cycles and occur on time scales of between 20,000 and 100,000 years.

These fluctuations change the tilt of Earth's axis and its distance from the sun and are thought to be responsible for the waxing and waning of ice ages on Earth.

Mars and Earth wobble in different ways, and most scientists think it is pure coincidence that both planets are between ice ages right now.

"Mars has no moon, which makes its wobbles much larger, and hence the swings in climate are greater too," Wilson said.

No Greenhouse

Perhaps the biggest stumbling block in Abdussamatov's theory is his dismissal of the greenhouse effect, in which atmospheric gases such as carbon dioxide help keep heat trapped near the planet's surface.

He claims that carbon dioxide has only a small influence on Earth's climate and virtually no influence on Mars.

But "without the greenhouse effect there would be very little, if any, life on Earth, since our planet would pretty much be a big ball of ice," said Evan, of the University of Wisconsin.

Most scientists now fear that the massive amount of carbon dioxide humans are pumping into the air will lead to a catastrophic rise in Earth's temperatures, dramatically raising sea levels as glaciers melt and leading to extreme weather worldwide.

Abdussamatov remains contrarian, however, suggesting that the sun holds something quite different in store.

"The solar irradiance began to drop in the 1990s, and a minimum will be reached by approximately 2040," Abdussamatov said. "It will cause a steep cooling of the climate on Earth in 15 to 20 years."

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Silly you. Weebles wobble, not planets. If you do not worship the global warming gods, you will not be like a weeble. You will fall down. We must follow muslix customs and go back to the 7th century. Before man corrupted the earth's eco-system. Either that or use more batteries. They are green.....until you try to dispose of them.

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